The following piece is courtesy of SFist, an excellent local blog with a focus on insider San Francisco stories. Here's one I found particularly interesting:
In case you aren't tuned into City Planning and Architectural Preservation news, the SFBG has a new piece about the battle surrounding the possible demolition of 113 Steuart Street, which once housed the Longshoremen's union during a historic labor strike in 1934. It seems the developer hired preservationist architects Page & Turnbull to write up an assessment of the property which failed to mention anything about the historic strike or the events that took place there, and it was only after Supervisor Aaron Peskin and preservation activists researched the building themselves that Page & Turnbull amended their report. The Guardian asserts that this was a primary reason why the Board of Supes voted to reject Newsom's nomination of one of P&T's principals, Ruth Todd, to the city's Historic Preservation Commission.
The new development proposed for the property, 110 The Embarcadero, would be a 10-12 story high-rise with the highest level (Platinum) of LEED certification for green building standards. (note: The California Academy of Sciences at Golden Gate Park is a Platinum LEED certified building. See story here).
There's always going to be someone who doesn't want to see an old building demolished, but reading the piece, we can't help but think neighborhood activists in this case seem to be rallying behind a historic connection because they don't want their views obstructed by a new high-rise. Decide for yourself, or if you have a personal interest, show up for the community-led meeting scheduled for June 24 at the current longshoremen's union headquarters at .
Published since 2005. San Francisco is a city that belongs to the people of the world. Hence this blog has a global focus. The name "Sam Spade's San Francisco" refers to an exciting era in the City's history, the time of Dashiell Hammett's fictional gumshoe and San Francisco character, Sam Spade. My name is Tom Dunn and I edit the blog. I'm not as exciting as Sam Spade, but I am definitely a San Francisco character.Contact or on Twitter -- Search blog below.
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Showing newest 18 of 46 posts from April 2009. Show older posts
Showing newest 18 of 46 posts from April 2009. Show older posts
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
James Linville, San Francisco man, sentenced to federal prison for ID Theft
James Linville of San Francisco was sentenced Friday to 45 months in prison for assuming the identity of another person and possessing more than 15 credit cards in that person’s name, United States Attorney Joseph P. Russoniello announced.
Linville pleaded guilty on Dec. 12, 2008 to one count of Possession of Fifteen or more Counterfeit Access Devices and one count of Aggravated Identity Theft. According to the plea agreement, Linville admitted to knowingly possessing more than 15 counterfeit credit cards with the intent to defraud and, in connection with that fraud, possessing the identification of another person.
Linville, 34, of San Francisco, and Jason Vassil, also of San Francisco, were indicted by a federal grand jury on July 29, 2008. Linville was charged with producing a false California driver’s license, fraudulently possessing a California driver’s license in the name of Philip W., and possessing more than 15 counterfeit credit cards in Philip W.’s name. Vassil pleaded guilty on Feb. 6, 2009 and is scheduled to be sentenced on June 5, 2009.
The sentence was handed down by U.S. District Court Judge Susan Illston following a guilty plea on one count of Possession of Fifteen or more Counterfeit Access Devices, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1029(a)(3) and one count of Aggravated Identity Theft, in violation of and 18 U.S.C. §1028A(a)(1). Judge Illston also sentenced the defendant to a three- year period of supervised release. The defendant began serving the sentence immediately.
Jeane Hamilton is the Special Assistant U.S. Attorney who is prosecuting the case with the assistance of Rosario Calderon. The prosecution is the result of a nine-month investigation by the United States Secret Service.
Further Information: (Case #: CR 08-0503 SI)
- Electronic court filings and further procedural and docket information are available at
- Judges’ calendars with schedules for upcoming court hearings can be viewed on the court’s Web site at
Obama's 100 Days - best same-day media coverage

After spending the first half of the day reviewing coverage of President Obama's first 100 days in office I found The Washington Post to have the best same-day coverage.
.(These suggestions assume you are a progressive Democrat. If you're right of this mark on the scale you may have a difference of opinion.) has an interesting story on ten decisions the President must make during the next 100 days.
In a week or so will publish a special news magazine commemorating President Obama's first 100 days in office. Learn more and order a copy here.
The Nation magazine has some of the best progressive democratic news coverage in the country and they have been publishing since 1865. Their First 100 Days coverage is intense, insightful and inside. Excellent journalism.
If you would like to see a slide-show of President Obama's first 100 days taken by the White House photographer (great "inside" photos) go to: Delivering on Change: an Inside Look. (a section of the official White House website).
.I haven't seen Chris Matthews' Hardball program on MSNBC or Keith Olbermann's Coundown program yet today (I watch the late night re-plays on MSNBC Channel 60 SF Comcast) but I fully expect to see some really good material.
San Francisco SPCA Dog & Cat Events May 2009

Dog Day on the Bay Set to Sail...Again
The 5th Annual Dog Day on the Bay Champagne Brunch Cruise, hosted by Hornblower Cruises & Events, will take place on Sunday, May 3, 2009. A portion of the proceeds will benefit The San Francisco SPCA. Join Hornblower and The SF/SPCA for a one-of-a-kind nautical day on the Bay! The two-hour cruise for dogs and their human companions casts off from Pier 3 on the Embarcadero at 12:00 p.m. (boarding begins at 11:00 a.m.). Tickets: adults - $140; children, ages 4 to12 - $65; dogs and children under 4 sail free (one dog per adult, please).
AAT Art Auction
The SF/SPCA is holding a spectacular art auction to support its Animal Assisted Therapy Programs. The second annual Art for AAT auction will be held at The SF/SPCA Leanne B. Roberts Animal Care Center, 201 Alabama Street, San Francisco, on Saturday, May 16, 2009. The Art for AAT auction will feature dozens of Bay Area artists and collectors who have donated their work in support of The SF/SPCA. Silent auction and art viewing will be available from 10:30 a.m. -2:30 p.m. The live art auction will begin at 3:00 p.m. All proceeds will benefit the AAT Programs.
Cat City by the BaySan
Cat City by the BaySan
Francisco was recently named one of the Top 10 Cat-Friendly Cities in the America by the newly-formed CATalyst Council! The Council, a coalition of the veterinary community, academia, non-profits, industry and animal welfare organizations, aims to call attention to the level of care cats receive in these 10 cities, and to set the bar for other cities to follow in the annual ranking. The overall goal is to improve the health of felines nationwide. Other cities making the cut include Tampa, Phoenix, and Portland. The list was compiled after reviewing the top 25 metropolitan areas for such data as cat ownership per capita, level of veterinary care, microchipping, and cat-friendly local ordinances.
Litter Did You Know...
Litter Did You Know...
Check out The SF/SPCA Cat Behavior Program’s new daily mews blog, Litter Did You Know... In its first month, Litter Did You Know… has become one of the top 10 readers’ blogs for the San Francisco Chronicle’s online edition, SFGate. That’s over 14,000 page views! Combining humor and serious information, the blog has something for all cat devotees. To view Litter Did You Know… go to The blog is also featured on Twitter at .
Food Drive for the Companion Animals of Homeless People
Food Drive for the Companion Animals of Homeless People
During April and early May, the SF/SPCA is holding its 6th annual Pet Food Drive for the companion animals of the homeless. The Drive began on April 1 and ends of May 10. The Drive also coincides with Be Kind to Animals Week, May 3 - 10, 2009. Pet food collections bins have been placed in three sites at The SF/SPCA: Maddie’s lobby, and the kiosk and atrium levels of the Leanne Roberts Center. Staff, volunteers and members of the public are invited to bring donations of new and unopened packets and cans of dog and cat food (no glass containers, please) to any of these sites. The food will be given to Vet-SOS, a volunteer-based project providing free veterinary care for the companion animals of homeless San Franciscans.
Tours of New Animal Hospital
Tours of New Animal Hospital
The San Francisco SPCA is offering docent-led tours of its new Leanne B. Roberts Animal Care Center. The Center, which opened in January, houses a state-of-the-art, not-for-profit Veterinary Hospital, Spay/Neuter Clinic and Shelter Medicine Program. Tours are available on Wednesday and Saturday at 2:00 p.m. To make an appointment, contact , or call .
Monday, April 27, 2009
10-million Californians e-filed and saved 18,000 trees!
The California Franchise Tax Board (FTB) congratulates more than 10 million California individual and corporate taxpayers for filing their state income tax returns electronically this year – saving more than 18,000 trees in the process.
“Filing electronically saves materials and resources,” said State Controller and FTB Chair John Chiang. “It is an excellent way to reduce the carbon footprint of State government.”
This tax filing season, more than 77 percent of all returns were filed electronically, a 2.5 percent increase over last year and a savings of nearly 130 million sheets of paper.
More than 4.4 million refunds were issued using the direct deposit option, up approximately 7.5 percent from last year. The use of the electronic payment options, such as Web Pay, were also up by approximately 36 percent.
About 1.5 million personal income tax returns are expected to be filed on extension by October 15. Extension filers can e-file using commercial software or one of FTB’s free online filing programs. ReadyReturn completes basic returns for qualified taxpayers using existing information. CalFile is available to more than six million California taxpayers.
Taxpayers can check the status of their refund, make payments, and request installment-payment plans through the FTB website.
“Filing electronically saves materials and resources,” said State Controller and FTB Chair John Chiang. “It is an excellent way to reduce the carbon footprint of State government.”
This tax filing season, more than 77 percent of all returns were filed electronically, a 2.5 percent increase over last year and a savings of nearly 130 million sheets of paper.
More than 4.4 million refunds were issued using the direct deposit option, up approximately 7.5 percent from last year. The use of the electronic payment options, such as Web Pay, were also up by approximately 36 percent.
About 1.5 million personal income tax returns are expected to be filed on extension by October 15. Extension filers can e-file using commercial software or one of FTB’s free online filing programs. ReadyReturn completes basic returns for qualified taxpayers using existing information. CalFile is available to more than six million California taxpayers.
Taxpayers can check the status of their refund, make payments, and request installment-payment plans through the FTB website.
on Monday, April 27, 2009 0 comments
Swine Flu (H1N1) Information and Alerts for San Francisco
San Francisco and San Franciscans are fine. Sure, some people have the flu and it is nothing unusual. H1N1 flu is pretty much no diferent than any other seasonal flu. It has an exotic origin, but it behaves no differently than the seaonsal flu.
Everything is business-as-usual. The cable cars are filled with visitors, The Ferry Building Marketplace is bustling. Every day thousands of people make the trip out to Golden Gate Park to see the new California Academy of Sciences or visit the deYoung Museum. People are gearing-up for Bay to Breakers and plans are being made to open the stunning Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs at the deYoung Museum in June.
Reservations are going fast for the famous elegant Mother's Day Sunday Brunch at the ornate Garden Court Restaurant at the historic Palace Hotel and work is moving foward in preparation for San Francisco's Pride 2009 celebration and parade.
All the hype about "swine flu" (which is properly and correctly referred to as H1N1 influenza) is overblown because of its exotic origin, not because of its danger to the community.
Reservations are going fast for the famous elegant Mother's Day Sunday Brunch at the ornate Garden Court Restaurant at the historic Palace Hotel and work is moving foward in preparation for San Francisco's Pride 2009 celebration and parade.
All the hype about "swine flu" (which is properly and correctly referred to as H1N1 influenza) is overblown because of its exotic origin, not because of its danger to the community.
But if you must track the H1N1 virus, here are all the tools you will need:
San Francisco Department of Public Health
April 27, 2009 (check for updates here)
As of April 27, 2009, 40 laboratory-confirmed cases of swine influenza A (H1N1) have been detected in California (7), Kansas (2), New York City (28), Ohio (1), and Texas (2). Other probable cases of swine flu are being tested.
Many of the newly reported cases recently traveled to Mexico, where 18 lab confirmed cases of swine flu and over 880 cases of Influenza-Like Illness (ILI) have been reported to the World Health Organization (WHO). Confirmed cases have also been reported from Canada. No confirmed cases have yet been detected in Northern California. Because of the expanding outbreak, San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH) is requesting additional clinician assistance to identify suspect cases of swine flu and test patients with ILI.
This Health Alert updates requested actions of clinicians in the April 24, 2009 Health Alert (
ILI: fever (>37.8°C or 100°F), plus cough or sore throat.
Acute respiratory illness: Recent onset of at least two of the following: nasal congestion, sore throat, cough, fever or feverishness.
Close contact: within 6 feet of an ill person who is a confirmed or suspected case of swine flu
Confirmed case of swine flu: acute respiratory illness with lab-confirmed swine influenza A (H1N1) infection by one or more of the following tests: real-time PCR, viral culture, or 4-fold rise in swine influenza A (H1N1) virus specific neutralizing antibodies.
Suspected case of swine flu:
1. A person with an acute respiratory illness who was a close contact to a confirmed case of swine
influenza A (H1N1) virus infection while the case was ill OR
2. A person with an acute respiratory illness with a recent history of contact with an animal with
confirmed or suspected swine influenza A (H1N1) virus infection OR
3. A person with an acute respiratory illness who has traveled to an area where there are confirmed cases of swine influenza A (H1N1) within 7 days of suspect case’s illness onset.
Actions requested of all clinicians:
1. LOOK for suspected H1N1 cases: ask all patients with acute respiratory illness if they had close contact to a confirmed human case of swine flu, contact with an animal with confirmed or suspected swine flu, or a history of travel to a swine flu-affected area within the 7 days preceding their illness onset.
2. Collect respiratory specimens from patients who
♦ Meet the definition of a suspected case of swine flu, in all clinical settings OR
♦ Have an ILI and are hospitalized with an undiagnosed acute respiratory illness or suspected or
confirmed seasonal influenza OR
♦ Have an ILI and are presenting to emergency rooms.
3. Report the following cases to SFDPH Disease Control ():
♦ Suspected cases of swine flu
♦ Fatal or severe (requiring ICU) cases of suspected or confirmed seasonal flu in adults and children
Additional Resources:
Respiratory specimen collection and submission instructions are posted at:
Interim Guidance on Infection Control for care of patients with confirmed or suspected H1N1 virus infection in a health care setting is posted at:
Updates on the ongoing investigations and new guidelines are frequently posted on at the CDC H1N1 webpage: (
San Francisco-specific information will be posted to:
For continuously updated information about the H1N1 influenza outbreak please use the following resources:
1) For updated statements from the San Francisco Department of Public Health go to:
(Also read the official notice, below)
2) The U. S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Internet information center for the H1N1 outbreak:
3) World Health Organization (WHO) Epidemic and Pandemic Alerts and Responses:
4) California Department of Health H1N1 Outbreak Information:
1) For updated statements from the San Francisco Department of Public Health go to:
(Also read the official notice, below)
2) The U. S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Internet information center for the H1N1 outbreak:
3) World Health Organization (WHO) Epidemic and Pandemic Alerts and Responses:
4) California Department of Health H1N1 Outbreak Information:
San Francisco Department of Public Health
HEALTH ALERT – H1N1 "Swine Flu"
April 27, 2009 (check for updates here)
As of April 27, 2009, 40 laboratory-confirmed cases of swine influenza A (H1N1) have been detected in California (7), Kansas (2), New York City (28), Ohio (1), and Texas (2). Other probable cases of swine flu are being tested.
Many of the newly reported cases recently traveled to Mexico, where 18 lab confirmed cases of swine flu and over 880 cases of Influenza-Like Illness (ILI) have been reported to the World Health Organization (WHO). Confirmed cases have also been reported from Canada. No confirmed cases have yet been detected in Northern California. Because of the expanding outbreak, San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH) is requesting additional clinician assistance to identify suspect cases of swine flu and test patients with ILI.
This Health Alert updates requested actions of clinicians in the April 24, 2009 Health Alert (
ILI: fever (>37.8°C or 100°F), plus cough or sore throat.
Acute respiratory illness: Recent onset of at least two of the following: nasal congestion, sore throat, cough, fever or feverishness.
Close contact: within 6 feet of an ill person who is a confirmed or suspected case of swine flu
Confirmed case of swine flu: acute respiratory illness with lab-confirmed swine influenza A (H1N1) infection by one or more of the following tests: real-time PCR, viral culture, or 4-fold rise in swine influenza A (H1N1) virus specific neutralizing antibodies.
Suspected case of swine flu:
1. A person with an acute respiratory illness who was a close contact to a confirmed case of swine
influenza A (H1N1) virus infection while the case was ill OR
2. A person with an acute respiratory illness with a recent history of contact with an animal with
confirmed or suspected swine influenza A (H1N1) virus infection OR
3. A person with an acute respiratory illness who has traveled to an area where there are confirmed cases of swine influenza A (H1N1) within 7 days of suspect case’s illness onset.
Actions requested of all clinicians:
1. LOOK for suspected H1N1 cases: ask all patients with acute respiratory illness if they had close contact to a confirmed human case of swine flu, contact with an animal with confirmed or suspected swine flu, or a history of travel to a swine flu-affected area within the 7 days preceding their illness onset.
2. Collect respiratory specimens from patients who
♦ Meet the definition of a suspected case of swine flu, in all clinical settings OR
♦ Have an ILI and are hospitalized with an undiagnosed acute respiratory illness or suspected or
confirmed seasonal influenza OR
♦ Have an ILI and are presenting to emergency rooms.
3. Report the following cases to SFDPH Disease Control ():
♦ Suspected cases of swine flu
♦ Fatal or severe (requiring ICU) cases of suspected or confirmed seasonal flu in adults and children
Additional Resources:
Respiratory specimen collection and submission instructions are posted at:
Interim Guidance on Infection Control for care of patients with confirmed or suspected H1N1 virus infection in a health care setting is posted at:
Updates on the ongoing investigations and new guidelines are frequently posted on at the CDC H1N1 webpage: (
San Francisco-specific information will be posted to:
Friday, April 24, 2009
San Francisco Sunday Streets Fair - Ferry Building, Embarcadero, Parking, Event Details

Sunday Streets brings San Francisco's streets to life! The next Sunday Streets day is scheduled for this coming Sunday, April 26, 2009 all along the Embarcadero from the Giants ballpark to Aquatic Park.
This area includes the historic Ferry Building, all along the popular Embarcadero stroll, in front of Pier 39, along Fisherman's Wharf and all the way to Aquatic Park next to the historic Hyde Street Pier where the historic ships are docked.
Here are the event details:
2009 Kick-Off Event on April 26, 2009
Ferry Building
- Sunday Streets main information table
- Free Bike Rental station by Bike & Roll and Bay City Bike Rentals and Tours
- Sports Basement bike maintenance booth: free basic bike maintenance by the “Lube Fairies”
- Volunteer check-in
- Event partner booths
AT &T Park
• Run the bases like your favorite San Francisco Giant
• (10-12 noon, enter from Right Field Entrance)
Fisherman’s Wharf Fitness, Health & Safety Fair: Aquatic Park, 10AM-4PM
• Climbing Wall• Kids slides
• Face painting and balloon sculptures
• Health and community information booths
• Disaster Safety information
Live Music and Street Performances: Pier 39
• Free concert by the ‘Unauthorized Rolling Stones’: 12-3PM
• Spin-to-win wheel for cool prizes for the whole family
• Salty the Sea Lion and street performances all day
• Be the first to ride the NEW RocketBoat- the ultimate thrill ride on the Bay
Children’s Events: South Beach Park
• Hula hoops
• Jump rope
• Wee Scotty
• Fun games
Running/Walking/Dog Walking:
• Guided Walks
• City Guides
Dance Classes: Next to Pier 39/ East Park
• Swing: 9-9:30
• Salsa: 9:45-10:15
• Dance Workout: 10:30-11
• Family Dance: 11:15-11:45
• Dance Workout: 12-23:30
• Samba: 12:30-1
Bike Activities:
• Bike rentals along the route- Bike & Roll, Bay City Bikes (total 150 bikes)
• Bike repair- Bike Hut (South Beach Park area)
• Children’s bike safety fair
• Rides along route, for kids, families, adults, etc.
• Electric Bike Outlet demonstration
Roller Skating: Justin Herman Plaza, at foot of Market Street
• Roller rink (over 100 rollerskates available for free use)
• Soccer Skate- International Rollerskating Federation
• ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ skate dance demonstration
Yoga and Martial Arts Classes: Bow and Arrow Sculpture (Folsom and Embarcadero)
• Yoga Force afternoon class (Annie Appleby)
• It’s Yoga Kids: Rebecca Durlin Smith/Michelle Wing
• Yoga for kids• Bay Area Parkour demonstration
• Kokikai Aikido
• Krav Maga Self Defense & Fitness
• Heroix 4 Kids
Senior Activities
• Senior movement classes
• Senior Yoga with Anna (at Bow and Arrow)
• Fitness demonstration.
More Events throughout the event, including…
• Sports Demonstrations in small field by JHP Plaza (LaCross for Life)
• City Kayak (South Beach Marina)
• Kids be Free Bike event at Pier 45
Sunday Streets creates a safe, fun, car-free place for people to get out and get active in San Francisco neighborhoods on Sunday mornings. It is modeled on Ciclovia in Colombia, where they open 70 miles of roadway every Sunday for people to play, bike, dance and more.
Last year two Sunday Streets events engaged over 15,000 people each weekend creating huge demand for more. This year on six Sundays, the car-free streets will beckon San Franciscans, and beyond, to the streets for activities like dancing, yoga, skating, biking, walking, hula hooping and just people watching.
The benefits of these new open spaces go beyond simple enjoyment. Sunday Streets connects residents to San Francisco’s neighborhoods and support local businesses along and even off the routes. Sunday Streets brings open space to communities, filling local corridors with healthy free activities, and demonstrates the benefits of increasing open space and recreational opportunities within our City. Sunday Streets helps toward healthier, more connected communities.
Program Guide:
This area includes the historic Ferry Building, all along the popular Embarcadero stroll, in front of Pier 39, along Fisherman's Wharf and all the way to Aquatic Park next to the historic Hyde Street Pier where the historic ships are docked.
Here are the event details:
2009 Kick-Off Event on April 26, 2009
Ferry Building
- Sunday Streets main information table
- Free Bike Rental station by Bike & Roll and Bay City Bike Rentals and Tours
- Sports Basement bike maintenance booth: free basic bike maintenance by the “Lube Fairies”
- Volunteer check-in
- Event partner booths
AT &T Park
• Run the bases like your favorite San Francisco Giant
• (10-12 noon, enter from Right Field Entrance)
Fisherman’s Wharf Fitness, Health & Safety Fair: Aquatic Park, 10AM-4PM
• Climbing Wall• Kids slides
• Face painting and balloon sculptures
• Health and community information booths
• Disaster Safety information
Live Music and Street Performances: Pier 39
• Free concert by the ‘Unauthorized Rolling Stones’: 12-3PM
• Spin-to-win wheel for cool prizes for the whole family
• Salty the Sea Lion and street performances all day
• Be the first to ride the NEW RocketBoat- the ultimate thrill ride on the Bay
Children’s Events: South Beach Park
• Hula hoops
• Jump rope
• Wee Scotty
• Fun games
Running/Walking/Dog Walking:
• Guided Walks
• City Guides
Dance Classes: Next to Pier 39/ East Park
• Swing: 9-9:30
• Salsa: 9:45-10:15
• Dance Workout: 10:30-11
• Family Dance: 11:15-11:45
• Dance Workout: 12-23:30
• Samba: 12:30-1
Bike Activities:
• Bike rentals along the route- Bike & Roll, Bay City Bikes (total 150 bikes)
• Bike repair- Bike Hut (South Beach Park area)
• Children’s bike safety fair
• Rides along route, for kids, families, adults, etc.
• Electric Bike Outlet demonstration
Roller Skating: Justin Herman Plaza, at foot of Market Street
• Roller rink (over 100 rollerskates available for free use)
• Soccer Skate- International Rollerskating Federation
• ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ skate dance demonstration
Yoga and Martial Arts Classes: Bow and Arrow Sculpture (Folsom and Embarcadero)
• Yoga Force afternoon class (Annie Appleby)
• It’s Yoga Kids: Rebecca Durlin Smith/Michelle Wing
• Yoga for kids• Bay Area Parkour demonstration
• Kokikai Aikido
• Krav Maga Self Defense & Fitness
• Heroix 4 Kids
Senior Activities
• Senior movement classes
• Senior Yoga with Anna (at Bow and Arrow)
• Fitness demonstration.
More Events throughout the event, including…
• Sports Demonstrations in small field by JHP Plaza (LaCross for Life)
• City Kayak (South Beach Marina)
• Kids be Free Bike event at Pier 45
Sunday Streets creates a safe, fun, car-free place for people to get out and get active in San Francisco neighborhoods on Sunday mornings. It is modeled on Ciclovia in Colombia, where they open 70 miles of roadway every Sunday for people to play, bike, dance and more.
Last year two Sunday Streets events engaged over 15,000 people each weekend creating huge demand for more. This year on six Sundays, the car-free streets will beckon San Franciscans, and beyond, to the streets for activities like dancing, yoga, skating, biking, walking, hula hooping and just people watching.
The benefits of these new open spaces go beyond simple enjoyment. Sunday Streets connects residents to San Francisco’s neighborhoods and support local businesses along and even off the routes. Sunday Streets brings open space to communities, filling local corridors with healthy free activities, and demonstrates the benefits of increasing open space and recreational opportunities within our City. Sunday Streets helps toward healthier, more connected communities.
2009 Sunday Streets Schedule:
- Sunday, April 26: Waterfront Route running along the Embarcadero–from AT&T Park to Aquatic Park.
- Sunday, May 10: Waterfront Route in the Southeast Sector, highlighting the San Francisco Bay Trail, which is celebrating its 20th Anniversary in May. From AT&T Park to the Bayview Opera House, along the Bay.
- Sunday, June 7: New route for 2009 through the Mission, engaging new neighborhoods in the Sunday Streets movement.
- Sunday, July 19: New route for 2009 through the Mission, engaging new neighborhoods in the Sunday Streets movement.
- Sunday, August 9: Great Highway Route. Connecting Golden Gate Park to the San Francisco Zoo, along Ocean Beach.
- Sunday, Sept 6: Great Highway Route. Connecting Golden Gate Park to the San Francisco Zoo, along Ocean Beach.
Program Guide:
Volunteers Needed:
Come on out and participate in Sunday Streets and show your City pride as a Sunday Streets volunteer. Volunteer shifts are about three hours, so you will have plenty of time to play at Sunday Streets AND volunteer! A free lunch and t-shirts are provided to all volunteers. Sign up here to volunteer!
Ferry Building Resources:
Ferry Building Marketplace
Days and Hours of Operation
Ferry Building Parking Map
Other related posts from Sam Spade's San Francisco:
S. F. Giants Law Enforcement Appreciation Night: July 30, 2009
Dining Out for Life: April 30, 2009
Parking at the California Academy of Sciences at Golden Gate Park
Visiting San Francisco the Green Way: Muni's Culture Bus
San Francisco Symphony 2009-2010 Season Announced
Coast Guard Station Golden Gate on L.A. TV News
Project Open Hand: Cabaret at the Razz, Fun at the W and the SF Giants. Wanna Go?
Volunteer and Service Work in San Francisco 2009
Garden Court at the Palace Hotel: SF's Most Elegant Sunday Brunch
Ferry Service to and from San Francisco Ferry Building:
Oakland & Alameda
The Oakland-Alameda Ferry provides service from the Oakland Ferry Terminal in Oakland's Jack London Square and the Alameda Ferry Terminal in the North Shore neighborhood of the island city of Alameda to the Ferry Building and Fisherman's Wharf.
Larkspur & Sausalito
Golden Gate Ferry operates service from Larkspur Landing in Larkspur and the Sausalito Ferry Terminal in Sausalito both in the North Bay's Marin County.
Service to the Vallejo Ferry Terminal in Vallejo in Solano County is provided by the "Baylink" service of Vallejo Transit.
Bay Farm Island
Alameda Harbor Bay Ferry has a service running from Alameda's Bay Farm Island.
Tiburon & Angel Island
Tiburon Ferry runs between Tiburon Ferry Terminal in Tiburon with an overlay on Angel Island and the ferry building.
Forthcoming service
There is planned ferry service from Hercules, Redwood City, South San Francisco, Martinez, Antioch, Treasure Island ,Berkeley, and Richmond[2]
Other Resources:
Hornblower Dinner Cruises
Pier 39
Fisherman's Wharf
U.S.S. Pampanito - WWII USN submarine
S. S. Jeremiah O' Brien - WWII Liberty Ship
Hyde Street Historical Ship Pier (San Francisco Maritime National Park)
San Francisco Cable Cars
Transit Information for SF Bay Area - Transit 511
San Francisco Information Service - just call and ask - Call 311
San Francisco History Links
Giants Ballpark (AT&T Park)
Port of San Francisco (S.F. Gov website)
City-owned Public Parking Garages
Ellis-O'Farrell Garage, 123 O'Farrell St.
Union Square Garage, 333 Post/Geary
Sutter-Stockton330 Stockton/Sutter
Fifth & Mission Garage, 833 Mission/5th St. 415-82-8522
Four-Fifty Sutter Garage, 450 Sutter Street
Chinatown Portsmouth Square Garage, 733 Avenue
St. Mary's Square Garage, 433 Kearny Street, SF
Vallejo Street Garage, Vallejo At Powell Street
Embarcadero Center Garages,
Moscone Center Garage, 255 3rd St./Howard St.
Museum Parc, Third & Folsom St.
For more information go to: Sunday Streets website at:
Come on out and participate in Sunday Streets and show your City pride as a Sunday Streets volunteer. Volunteer shifts are about three hours, so you will have plenty of time to play at Sunday Streets AND volunteer! A free lunch and t-shirts are provided to all volunteers. Sign up here to volunteer!
Ferry Building Resources:
Ferry Building Marketplace
Days and Hours of Operation
Ferry Building Parking Map
Other related posts from Sam Spade's San Francisco:
S. F. Giants Law Enforcement Appreciation Night: July 30, 2009
Dining Out for Life: April 30, 2009
Parking at the California Academy of Sciences at Golden Gate Park
Visiting San Francisco the Green Way: Muni's Culture Bus
San Francisco Symphony 2009-2010 Season Announced
Coast Guard Station Golden Gate on L.A. TV News
Project Open Hand: Cabaret at the Razz, Fun at the W and the SF Giants. Wanna Go?
Volunteer and Service Work in San Francisco 2009
Garden Court at the Palace Hotel: SF's Most Elegant Sunday Brunch
Ferry Service to and from San Francisco Ferry Building:
Oakland & Alameda
The Oakland-Alameda Ferry provides service from the Oakland Ferry Terminal in Oakland's Jack London Square and the Alameda Ferry Terminal in the North Shore neighborhood of the island city of Alameda to the Ferry Building and Fisherman's Wharf.
Larkspur & Sausalito
Golden Gate Ferry operates service from Larkspur Landing in Larkspur and the Sausalito Ferry Terminal in Sausalito both in the North Bay's Marin County.
Service to the Vallejo Ferry Terminal in Vallejo in Solano County is provided by the "Baylink" service of Vallejo Transit.
Bay Farm Island
Alameda Harbor Bay Ferry has a service running from Alameda's Bay Farm Island.
Tiburon & Angel Island
Tiburon Ferry runs between Tiburon Ferry Terminal in Tiburon with an overlay on Angel Island and the ferry building.
Forthcoming service
There is planned ferry service from Hercules, Redwood City, South San Francisco, Martinez, Antioch, Treasure Island ,Berkeley, and Richmond[2]
Other Resources:
Hornblower Dinner Cruises
Pier 39
Fisherman's Wharf
U.S.S. Pampanito - WWII USN submarine
S. S. Jeremiah O' Brien - WWII Liberty Ship
Hyde Street Historical Ship Pier (San Francisco Maritime National Park)
San Francisco Cable Cars
Transit Information for SF Bay Area - Transit 511
San Francisco Information Service - just call and ask - Call 311
San Francisco History Links
Giants Ballpark (AT&T Park)
Port of San Francisco (S.F. Gov website)
City-owned Public Parking Garages
Ellis-O'Farrell Garage, 123 O'Farrell St.
Union Square Garage, 333 Post/Geary
Sutter-Stockton330 Stockton/Sutter
Fifth & Mission Garage, 833 Mission/5th St. 415-82-8522
Four-Fifty Sutter Garage, 450 Sutter Street
Chinatown Portsmouth Square Garage, 733 Avenue
St. Mary's Square Garage, 433 Kearny Street, SF
Vallejo Street Garage, Vallejo At Powell Street
Embarcadero Center Garages,
Moscone Center Garage, 255 3rd St./Howard St.
Museum Parc, Third & Folsom St.
For more information go to: Sunday Streets website at:
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Veterans in California: Gavin Newsom's Plan

In recent years San Francisco has not been known as a military-friendly city. We have had some members of our Board of Supervisors who are loud-mouthed radical left extremists and they despise just about everything military. Imagine the difficulty you would have with these Supervisors if you were the Mayor of San Francisco.
Make no mistake about the truth: San Franciscans support our troops and we support our veterans. Fortunately the current memebrship of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors are more supportive of military families and veterans than some of recent memory.
San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom has some innovative, progressive and impressive ideas for veterans in California. Gavin Newsom's ideas are born of real, functional existing San Francisco programs that he put inrto action. They are thoughtful and workable solutions to the needs of California's veterans. They work in San Francisco. They will work throughout California.
Take a look at Gavin Newsom's plans for California's U. S. military veterans:
More than 2,000 military personnel return home to California each month. Many return home with symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, traumatic brain injuries or other serious injuries. And many find it almost impossible to find permanent housing, good jobs and the support services they require.
With so many service members returning to California, it is more important than ever to fulfill our fundamental commitment to provide California’s military personnel and veterans with the services they require and deserve. We as Californians must demand that our state provides the best health care, opportunities for good-paying jobs, quality education and affordable housing to our service veterans.
Local Hire Incentives: In 2008, Mayor Newsom introduced legislation to expand payroll tax credits to include benefits for San Francisco businesses that hire service veterans. The expansion of the local payroll tax credit was modeled after the expanded statewide program and has enlisted a variety of local businesses in the incentive program.
Local Funding for Homeless Veterans: According to San Francisco’s homeless count, an estimated 20% of the city’s homeless population are veterans. In 2008, Mayor Newsom secured federal funding to help homeless veterans in San Francisco find housing. The funding was directed toward housing assistance and support services with the goal of helping veterans find permanent housing.
Veterans Connect: In a public-nonprofit partnership with local organizations Swords to Ploughshares and Project Homeless Connect, as well as the San Francisco V. A. Medical Center, Mayor Newsom helped pioneer Veterans Connect, a daylong event to offer homeless veterans and their families access to medical treatment, dental care, housing information and food.
Learn more at:
Other Related Posts from Sam Spade's San Francisco:
Year of the Military Family 2009: links and resources
Donations Needed for CG-6505 CGAS Barbers Point at Ewa Beach
In San Francisco for Fleet Week 2008: U. S. Air Force Viper West F-16 Demo Team
Blue Angels Fleet Week San Francisco 2008
USS Sockeye: Flying the Stars and Stripes over San Francisco Bay
Dining Out for Life - San Francisco
Dining Out for Life is a meaningful way to make a contribution to fight HIV / AIDS without spending more than a meal. For your reservation for April 30th at a participating restaurant and help in the fight against HIV / AIDS.
Dining Out For Life® is an annual fundraising event involving the generous participation of volunteers, corporate sponsors and restaurants. In exchange for their financial support, restaurants are listed in a city wide marketing campaign in an effort to increase customer traffic.
In 1991 Dining Out For Life® was created by an ActionAIDS volunteer in Philadelphia. Dining Out is now produced in over 55 cities throughout the United States and Canada. An average five to six cities are added each year.
More than 3,500 restaurants donate a portion of their proceeds from this one special night of dining to the licensed agency in their city. Nearly $4 million dollars a year is raised to support the missions of agencies throughout North America. With the exception of the annual licensing fee of $600, all money raised in these cities stays there.
In San Francisco:
- Particpating Restaurants
- Make your reservation online here
- Beneficiary: Stop AIDS Project, San Francisco
In other Cities:
- Locator map: find a city and participating restaurant near you (in 55 U. S. cities)
Dining Out For Life® is an annual fundraising event involving the generous participation of volunteers, corporate sponsors and restaurants. In exchange for their financial support, restaurants are listed in a city wide marketing campaign in an effort to increase customer traffic.
In 1991 Dining Out For Life® was created by an ActionAIDS volunteer in Philadelphia. Dining Out is now produced in over 55 cities throughout the United States and Canada. An average five to six cities are added each year.
More than 3,500 restaurants donate a portion of their proceeds from this one special night of dining to the licensed agency in their city. Nearly $4 million dollars a year is raised to support the missions of agencies throughout North America. With the exception of the annual licensing fee of $600, all money raised in these cities stays there.
In San Francisco:
- Particpating Restaurants
- Make your reservation online here
- Beneficiary: Stop AIDS Project, San Francisco
In other Cities:
- Locator map: find a city and participating restaurant near you (in 55 U. S. cities)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Free Low Income Taxpayer Clinics in San Francisco

National Taxpayer Advocate Nina E. Olson announced this week that the Internal Revenue Service has awarded almost $9.5 million in matching grants to Low Income Taxpayer Clinics (LITCs) for the 2009 grant cycle.
Low Income Taxpayer Clinic (LITCs) represent low income taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service in audit, appeals, and collection issues, for free or for a nominal charge, provide tax education and outreach for taxpayers who speak English as a second language.
Through the LITC program, the IRS awards matching grants of up to $100,000 a year to qualifying organizations. For the 2009 grant cycle –– Jan. 1, 2009, through Dec. 31, 2009 –– the IRS awarded grants to 162 organizations. LITCs, their employees and volunteers are independent of the federal government.
Need help?
If you are a low income taxpayer who cannot afford professional tax assistance during audits of your federal income tax return, you may qualify for help from Low Income Taxpayer Clinics or other organizations that provide free assistance in tax disputes.
In San Francisco individuals who are ESL (English as Second Language) and whose annual income is under $27,000 may contact:
(find out what the income level is for families with children by following this link)
(English and Cantonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese, Japanese, Tagalog, Korean)
Chinese Newcomers Service Center
(English and Cantonese, Mandarin)
, extension 691
Homeless Prenatal Program LITC
(English and Spanish)
, extension 363
VSLP Low Income Taxpayer Clinic
(English and Spanish)
Other cities in California: click here
For cities in other states: click here
A special message for tax professionals: Questions about participating in the LITC Program can be addressed to the LITC Program Office at (not a toll-free call) or by e-mail at .
The Future of Food in a Poisoned World
The Future Of Food offers an in-depth investigation into the disturbing truth behind engineered foods that have quietly filled U.S. grocery store shelves for the past decade. It is the perfect documentary to watch this Earth Day.
Keep in mind that this documentary was made during the previous administration. You will learn some very disturbing facts and you will learn how corrupt some federal agencies have become. The good news is that the Obama Administration is taking steps to try and repair some of the damage already done.
Still, the grave issues with genetic engineering combined with patent codes that permit chemical corporations to gain control of the food we eat are extremely serious issues. It is time to start ringing the alarm bells!
Turn-up the sound and push the play button:
If you cannot see the video, you can use this link to Hulu where you can watch the video.
Also read:
- April fresh food, farmers market and restaurant events in SF Bay Area
- San Francisco Bay Area Farmers Markets: Eating Well on a Tight Budget
Other Resources:
- Global Issues: Genetically Engineered Foods
- Genetically Modified Food - Wikipedia
- Genetically Engineered Food - MedLine (NIH)
- - Google Book Reader
- The Campaign to Require Food Labeling
- Ferry Building Farmers Market
- CUESA: Center for Urban Education about Sustainable Agriculture
- Buy Fresh, Buy Local
- Basic Eating: A Foodie's Manifesto
- Slow Food Nation
Keep in mind that this documentary was made during the previous administration. You will learn some very disturbing facts and you will learn how corrupt some federal agencies have become. The good news is that the Obama Administration is taking steps to try and repair some of the damage already done.
Still, the grave issues with genetic engineering combined with patent codes that permit chemical corporations to gain control of the food we eat are extremely serious issues. It is time to start ringing the alarm bells!
Turn-up the sound and push the play button:
If you cannot see the video, you can use this link to Hulu where you can watch the video.
Also read:
- April fresh food, farmers market and restaurant events in SF Bay Area
- San Francisco Bay Area Farmers Markets: Eating Well on a Tight Budget
Other Resources:
- Global Issues: Genetically Engineered Foods
- Genetically Modified Food - Wikipedia
- Genetically Engineered Food - MedLine (NIH)
- - Google Book Reader
- The Campaign to Require Food Labeling
- Ferry Building Farmers Market
- CUESA: Center for Urban Education about Sustainable Agriculture
- Buy Fresh, Buy Local
- Basic Eating: A Foodie's Manifesto
- Slow Food Nation
FBI Urgent Wanted Reward Notice: Daniel San Diego

The FBI San Francisco Division Office released this urgent Wanted Notice:
..- Andreas San Diego, D. Andreas San Diego, "Andreas"
..- Andreas San Diego, D. Andreas San Diego, "Andreas"
-Date of Birth Used: February 9, 1978..-Hair: Brown
..-Place of Birth: Berkeley, California
..-Eyes: Brown
..-Height: 6'0"
..-Sex: Male
..-Weight: 160 pounds
..-Complexion: Light
..-Race: White
..-Citizenship: United States
..-Scars and Marks: San Diego has the following tattoos: a round image of burning hillsides in the center of his chest with the words "It only takes a spark" printed in a semicircle below; burning and collapsing buildings on the sides of his abdomen and back; and a single leafless tree rising from a road in the center of his lower back. These tattoos may have been significantly altered or covered with new tattoos.
San Diego has ties to animal rights extremist groups. He is known to follow a vegan diet, eating no meat or food containing animal products. In the past, he has worked as a computer network specialist and with the operating system LINUX. San Diego wears eyeglasses, is skilled at sailing, and has traveled internationally. He is known to possess a handgun.
San Diego has ties to animal rights extremist groups. He is known to follow a vegan diet, eating no meat or food containing animal products. In the past, he has worked as a computer network specialist and with the operating system LINUX. San Diego wears eyeglasses, is skilled at sailing, and has traveled internationally. He is known to possess a handgun.
Daniel Andreas San Diego is wanted for his alleged involvement in the bombing of two office buildings in the San Francisco, California, area. On August 28, 2003, two bombs exploded approximately one hour apart at the Chiron Corporation in Emeryville. Then, on September 26, 2003, one bomb strapped with nails exploded at the Shaklee Corporation in Pleasanton. San Diego was indicted in the United States District Court, Northern District of California, in July of 2004.
The FBI is offering a reward of up to $250,000 for information leading directly to the arrest of Daniel Andreas San Diego.
Contact the FBI San Francisco Division office:
- by Internet: by telephone (24 hours a day):
..- in person: 450 Golden Gate Ave, 13th Floor, San Francisco ()
The San Francisco Division of the FBI serves the Northern and Central Coast regions of California. The FBI is the principal investigative arm of the United States Department of Justice, with over 11,000 Special Agents and over 16,000 Support Personnel in 56 Divisions.
The San Francisco Division operates from its headquarters office in downtown San Francisco as well as from its Resident Agencies in Concord, Eureka, Hayward, Monterey, Oakland, Palo Alto, San Jose, San Rafael, and Santa Rosa.
Executive Management of the San Francisco Field Office: Special Agent in Charge Charlene B. Thornton
Gavin Newsom for California Governor: the historical perspective

It's official: Gavin Newsom is a candidate for Governor of California and Sam Spade's San Francisco is solidly in Gavin's corner.
My family first set foot on San Francisco soil in the 1800's. In my own life (I'm in my 60's) I've seen San Francisco move from the conservative and destructive administration of Mayor George Christopher in the 1950's and the horribly destructive policies of Christopher's Redevelopment Agency director, Justin Herman.
I remember Mayor Shelly, who was followed as mayor by Joe Alioto and then by George Moscone. I remember the murder of Mayor Moscone along with Supervisor Milk and I recall the focused strength and amazing leadership brought to the office by Mayor Diane Feinstein.
Mayor Art Agnos was a temporary caretaker of the City who was followed by former SFPD Chief Frank Jordan who brought a more conservative and orderly rule to City Hall.
Things changed a lot when Willie Brown was elected Mayor of San Francisco. Willie had been Speaker of the California State Assembly for years and before that he had been our member of the State Assembly for even more years. Willie Brown brought a classy and traditional big political machine style to City Hall and proved himself to be a consummate deal maker who gave us a lot of San Francisco's recent growth.
It is our current mayor, however, who has been the star.
It is Gavin Newsom who brought a new definition of human rights to the center stage of American politics.
It is Gavin Newsom who gave birth to the great civil rights movement of the 21st century on the day he ordered San Francisco to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.
It is Gavin Newsom who addressed sustainable energy issues before it was en vogue to do so.
It is Gavin Newsom who tackled homelessness and made more progress than any other mayor of San Francisco - or for that matter - more progress than any other mayor of any other major city in the United States.
It is my opinion, having known San Francisco mayors dating back to the 1950's, that the most effective, the best and the most successful mayor I have known is Gavin Newsom.
I want Gavin Newsom making decisions for me in Sacramento. I believe in Gavin Newsom.
It is my distinct honor to endorse and support the candidacy of Gavin Newsom for Governor of California.
My family first set foot on San Francisco soil in the 1800's. In my own life (I'm in my 60's) I've seen San Francisco move from the conservative and destructive administration of Mayor George Christopher in the 1950's and the horribly destructive policies of Christopher's Redevelopment Agency director, Justin Herman.
I remember Mayor Shelly, who was followed as mayor by Joe Alioto and then by George Moscone. I remember the murder of Mayor Moscone along with Supervisor Milk and I recall the focused strength and amazing leadership brought to the office by Mayor Diane Feinstein.
Mayor Art Agnos was a temporary caretaker of the City who was followed by former SFPD Chief Frank Jordan who brought a more conservative and orderly rule to City Hall.
Things changed a lot when Willie Brown was elected Mayor of San Francisco. Willie had been Speaker of the California State Assembly for years and before that he had been our member of the State Assembly for even more years. Willie Brown brought a classy and traditional big political machine style to City Hall and proved himself to be a consummate deal maker who gave us a lot of San Francisco's recent growth.
It is our current mayor, however, who has been the star.
It is Gavin Newsom who brought a new definition of human rights to the center stage of American politics.
It is Gavin Newsom who gave birth to the great civil rights movement of the 21st century on the day he ordered San Francisco to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.
It is Gavin Newsom who addressed sustainable energy issues before it was en vogue to do so.
It is Gavin Newsom who tackled homelessness and made more progress than any other mayor of San Francisco - or for that matter - more progress than any other mayor of any other major city in the United States.
It is my opinion, having known San Francisco mayors dating back to the 1950's, that the most effective, the best and the most successful mayor I have known is Gavin Newsom.
I want Gavin Newsom making decisions for me in Sacramento. I believe in Gavin Newsom.
It is my distinct honor to endorse and support the candidacy of Gavin Newsom for Governor of California.
- Tom Dunn, Sam Spade's San Francisco editor
Things to Do:
..1.) Learn more at
2.) Read: Veterans in California: Gavin Newsom's Plan
3.) Turn-up the sound and push the play button and check out Gavin Newsom for yourself:.
President Obama Scolds CIA Spies
In April 1951 President Harry Truman flew from Washington to Wake Island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean where he personally fired General Douglas MacArthur. The actual dismissal came a bit later, but Harry Truman gave hell to Douglas MacArthur and suggested he start packing. With that act President Truman gave birth to a new presidential reality: If you work for the President of the United States and the President makes a special trip just to come see you - chances are - you are in BIG trouble.
That's what happened to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) on Monday, 58-years after Truman's trip to Wake Island. The President went to CIA headquarters at Langely, Virginia, where everyone was called into an auditorium. It was a brief and pointed message.
In the wake of recent grumbling and complaints from CIA staffers that the President released too much information to the public about CIA torture practices under the criminal Bush - Cheney administration, the President decided to look the staffers in the eye and set things straight.
President Obama stated his case clearly: "Now, I have put an end to the interrogation techniques described in those OLC memos, and I want to be very clear and very blunt. I've done so for a simple reason: because I believe that our nation is stronger and more secure when we deploy the full measure of both our power and the power of our values – including the rule of law. I know I can count on you to do exactly that."
The President's visit to Langley was both a pep talk and a warning. It was a pep talk in that the President encouraged the CIA staffers to work within the Constitution, within the law and within his directives. The warning was unspoken, but it is reasonable to assume that White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, who is widely regarded to be as tough as a pit bull if crossed, will be the enforcer. Some of the colorful terms used to describe Emanuel when he was in the Congress are "attack dog", "warrior" and "political gangster".
While those terms are exaggerated, they do represent a basic truth: Rahm Emanuel can function very effectively as the President's hatchet man if needed.
The clock is now ticking. The CIA has been warned by a personal visit from the President. It was cordial and included a brief pep talk, but despite the frill, the visit was a disciplinary address from the boss. If anyone at Langely failed to get the message, Rahm Emanuel is waiting in the wings to decapitate the offenders.
And yes, make absolutely no mistake about it, if staffers continue to disregard, oppose and resist the directives of the President, Rahm Emnauel will make sure the offending CIA heads roll.
Over the past 8 years years the CIA has been given a free hand by a lawless administration to disregard both international law and disregard the Constitution of the United States. Those days are over and if CIA employees don't get the message, their careers may be over as well.
Also read: The U. S. Constitution, not the U. S. Bible
Watch the President's address at Langely. Just turn-up the sound and push the play button:
For more information go to the White House website. Remember, the White House website is It does not end with .org, .com or dot anything else. It is a .gov website.
That's what happened to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) on Monday, 58-years after Truman's trip to Wake Island. The President went to CIA headquarters at Langely, Virginia, where everyone was called into an auditorium. It was a brief and pointed message.
In the wake of recent grumbling and complaints from CIA staffers that the President released too much information to the public about CIA torture practices under the criminal Bush - Cheney administration, the President decided to look the staffers in the eye and set things straight.
President Obama stated his case clearly: "Now, I have put an end to the interrogation techniques described in those OLC memos, and I want to be very clear and very blunt. I've done so for a simple reason: because I believe that our nation is stronger and more secure when we deploy the full measure of both our power and the power of our values – including the rule of law. I know I can count on you to do exactly that."
The President's visit to Langley was both a pep talk and a warning. It was a pep talk in that the President encouraged the CIA staffers to work within the Constitution, within the law and within his directives. The warning was unspoken, but it is reasonable to assume that White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, who is widely regarded to be as tough as a pit bull if crossed, will be the enforcer. Some of the colorful terms used to describe Emanuel when he was in the Congress are "attack dog", "warrior" and "political gangster".
While those terms are exaggerated, they do represent a basic truth: Rahm Emanuel can function very effectively as the President's hatchet man if needed.
The clock is now ticking. The CIA has been warned by a personal visit from the President. It was cordial and included a brief pep talk, but despite the frill, the visit was a disciplinary address from the boss. If anyone at Langely failed to get the message, Rahm Emanuel is waiting in the wings to decapitate the offenders.
And yes, make absolutely no mistake about it, if staffers continue to disregard, oppose and resist the directives of the President, Rahm Emnauel will make sure the offending CIA heads roll.
Over the past 8 years years the CIA has been given a free hand by a lawless administration to disregard both international law and disregard the Constitution of the United States. Those days are over and if CIA employees don't get the message, their careers may be over as well.
Also read: The U. S. Constitution, not the U. S. Bible
Watch the President's address at Langely. Just turn-up the sound and push the play button:
For more information go to the White House website. Remember, the White House website is It does not end with .org, .com or dot anything else. It is a .gov website.
Monday, April 20, 2009
SF Transbay Transit Center Terminal and Rincon Hill
Discovered on the Rincon Hill Neighborhood Association website:
While it is interesting to observe the progress at the Transbay Temporary Bus Terminal while walking by the site while going to and from work, the Temporary Terminal’s web site has a construction webcam that allows you to get a birds-eye view of the progress over the past day or so … or the past week. Try it out!
Transbay Transit Center website
Transbay Terminal - Wikipedia
Transbay Joint Powers Authority
Rincon Hill - Wikipedia
SF New Developments - Rincon Hill
While it is interesting to observe the progress at the Transbay Temporary Bus Terminal while walking by the site while going to and from work, the Temporary Terminal’s web site has a construction webcam that allows you to get a birds-eye view of the progress over the past day or so … or the past week. Try it out!
Transbay Transit Center website
Transbay Terminal - Wikipedia
Transbay Joint Powers Authority
Rincon Hill - Wikipedia
SF New Developments - Rincon Hill
Work at Home Scams - Beware!

A warning from the FBI:
Everyone’s seen them—seductive work-at-home opportunities hyped in flyers tacked to telephone poles, in newspaper classifieds, in your e-mail, and all over the web, promising you hundreds or thousands of dollars a week for typing, stuffing envelopes, processing medical billing, etc. And it’s just a phone call or mouse click away…
Might be tempting during these uncertain economic times, but beware of any offers that promise easy money for minimum effort—many are scams that fill the coffers of criminals.
Here are a few of the most common work-at-home scams:
..-Advance-fee: Starting a home-based business is easy! Just invest a few hundred dollars in inventory, set-up, and training materials, they say. Of course, if and when the materials do come, they are totally worthless…and you’re stuck with the bill.
-Counterfeit check-facilitated "mystery shopper: " You’re sent a hefty check and asked to deposit it into your bank account, then withdraw funds to shop and check out the service of local stores and wire transfer companies. You keep a small amount of the money for your “work,” but then, as instructed, mail or wire the rest to your “employer.” Sound good? One problem: the initial check was phony, and by the time your bank notifies you, your money is long gone and you’re on the hook for the counterfeit check.
..-Pyramid schemes: You’re hired as a “distributor” and shell out big bucks for promotional materials and product inventories with little value (like get-rich quick pamphlets). You’re promised money for recruiting more distributors, so you talk friends and family into participating. The scheme grows exponentially but then falls apart—the only ones who make a profit are the criminals who started it.
..-Unknowing involvement in criminal activity: Criminals—often located overseas—sometimes use unwitting victims to advance their operations, steal and launder money, and maintain anonymity. For example, they may “hire" you as a U.S.-based agent to receive and re-ship checks, merchandise, and solicitations to other potential victims…without you realizing it’s all a ruse that leaves no trail back to the crooks.
-Add identity theft to the mix. As if these schemes aren’t bad enough, many also lead to identity theft. During the application process, you’re often asked to provide personal information that can be used to steal from your bank account or establish new credit cards in your name.
..-On the job. A host of law enforcement and regulatory agencies, including the FBI, investigate these schemes and track down those responsible. But the most effective weapon against these fraudsters is you not falling for the scams in the first place.
-Get Help! If you think you’ve been the victim of a work-at-home scam, file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission’s Consumer Sentinel or the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center.
Contact the FBI San Francisco Division office:
..- by Internet: by telephone (24 hours a day):
..- in person: 450 Golden Gate Ave, 13th Floor, San Francisco ()
California Tells Interior Secretary: NO OFFSHORE DRLLING!

Last week, Ken Salazar, Secretary of the Interior, hosted the last of 4 public forums around the country to gather input on offshore drilling and offshore renewable energy development. Choosing to end in San Francisco means he is going back to Washington with a resounding "No" in his ears.
"No" to offshore drilling and "Yes" to investing in renewable energy, and any other new green technology San Francisco start-ups can figure out.
All the California elected officials on the dais (Boxer, Lee, Speire, Napolitano, Woolsey, Lt Governor Garamendi) and Oregon governor Kulongoski made very clear, and sometimes even passionate, statements to the effect that CA needs and values its coastline the way it is, and the potential output of oil (estimated 1% of US daily consumption by 2030) comes no where near to justifying the risk posed to its economy and ecosystem.
Read the rest of the story from Environmental News Network (ENN).
"No" to offshore drilling and "Yes" to investing in renewable energy, and any other new green technology San Francisco start-ups can figure out.
All the California elected officials on the dais (Boxer, Lee, Speire, Napolitano, Woolsey, Lt Governor Garamendi) and Oregon governor Kulongoski made very clear, and sometimes even passionate, statements to the effect that CA needs and values its coastline the way it is, and the potential output of oil (estimated 1% of US daily consumption by 2030) comes no where near to justifying the risk posed to its economy and ecosystem.
Read the rest of the story from Environmental News Network (ENN).
FBI National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS)

The National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS, is all about saving lives and protecting people from harm—by not letting guns and explosives fall into the wrong hands. It also ensures the timely transfer of firearms to eligible gun buyers.
Mandated by the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993 and launched by the FBI on November 30, 1998, NICS is used by Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) to instantly determine whether a prospective buyer is eligible to buy firearms or explosives. Before ringing up the sale, cashiers call in a check to the FBI or to other designated agencies to ensure that each customer does not have a criminal record or isn't otherwise ineligible to make a purchase.
More than 100 million such checks have been made in the last decade, leading to more than 700,000 denials.
NICS is located at the FBI's Criminal Justice Information Services Division in Clarksburg, West Virginia. It provides full service to FFLs in 30 states, five U.S. territories, and the District of Columbia. Upon completion of the required Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Form 4473, FFLs contact the NICS Section via a toll-free telephone number or electronically on the Internet through the NICS E-Check System to request a background check with the descriptive information provided on the ATF Form 4473. NICS is customarily available 17 hours a day, seven days a week, including holidays (except for Christmas).
General Information
NICS Fact Sheet
NICS Index Brochure
NICS Overview (html) (pdf)
NICS Participation Map
Misdemeanor Crime of Domestic Violence Brochure (html) (pdf)
Guide for Obtaining your FBI Identification Record (html) (pdf)
NICS Appeals Brochure - in English (html) (pdf) (download Word file)
NICS Appeals Brochure - en Espanol (html) (pdf) (download Word file)
NICS Voluntary Appeal File Brochure -in English (html) (pdf)
NICS Voluntary Appeal File Brochure -en Espanol (html) (pdf)
For Federal Firearms Licensees
NICS E-Check (html) (pdf)
List of states where the FBI is doing some or all of the checks
NICS Enrollment Packet
Federal Firearms Regulation Reference Guide Index
Definitions of Prohibited Persons
National Instant Criminal Background Check System Regulations (pdf)
Brady Implementation (pdf)
Privacy Act of 1974; Notice of New System of Records (Proposed Rule)
Exemption of System of Records Under the Privacy Act
Temporary Rule -- Misdemeanor Crimesof Domestic Violence (ATF) (Proposed Rule)
Proposed rulemaking cross-referenced to Temporary Rule
Federal Firearms Regulation Reference Guide Index
Definitions of Prohibited Persons
National Instant Criminal Background Check System Regulations (pdf)
Brady Implementation (pdf)
Privacy Act of 1974; Notice of New System of Records (Proposed Rule)
Exemption of System of Records Under the Privacy Act
Temporary Rule -- Misdemeanor Crimesof Domestic Violence (ATF) (Proposed Rule)
Proposed rulemaking cross-referenced to Temporary Rule
News and Stories from the FBI
2009 10th Anniversary Story Speech Photo
2008 Radio Program
2007 Press Release
2006 Press Release
2005 Story
2009 10th Anniversary Story Speech Photo
2008 Radio Program
2007 Press Release
2006 Press Release
2005 Story
Reports and Statistics
2006 Operations Report (html) (pdf)
2005 Operations Report (html) (pdf)
2003/2004 Operations Report (html) (pdf)
2001/2002 Operations Report (html) (pdf)
2000 Operations Report (pdf)
1998/1999 Operations Report (pdf)
Total NICS Checks November 1998 –March 31, 2009 (html) (pdf)
Total NICS Firearm Background Checks November 1998 – March 31, 2009 (html) (pdf)
Total NICS Firearm Background Checks by state January 1, 2009 – March 31, 2009 (html) (pdf)
Federal Denials (html) (pdf)
2006 Operations Report (html) (pdf)
2005 Operations Report (html) (pdf)
2003/2004 Operations Report (html) (pdf)
2001/2002 Operations Report (html) (pdf)
2000 Operations Report (pdf)
1998/1999 Operations Report (pdf)
Total NICS Checks November 1998 –March 31, 2009 (html) (pdf)
Total NICS Firearm Background Checks November 1998 – March 31, 2009 (html) (pdf)
Total NICS Firearm Background Checks by state January 1, 2009 – March 31, 2009 (html) (pdf)
Federal Denials (html) (pdf)
Statutes and Legislation
Brady Law (P.L. 103-159, Title I; 107 Stat. 1536)
1968 Gun Control Act, as amended by Brady Law (18 U.S.C. Chapter 44)
Prohibited categories (18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(1)-(9) and (n))
Lautenberg Amendment (18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(9))
Brady Law (P.L. 103-159, Title I; 107 Stat. 1536)
1968 Gun Control Act, as amended by Brady Law (18 U.S.C. Chapter 44)
Prohibited categories (18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(1)-(9) and (n))
Lautenberg Amendment (18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(9))
Related Sites
..Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearmsand Explosives (ATF)
..State Laws and Published Ordinances
..Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearmsand Explosives (ATF)
..State Laws and Published Ordinances
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