In recent years San Francisco has not been known as a military-friendly city. We have had some members of our Board of Supervisors who are loud-mouthed radical left extremists and they despise just about everything military. Imagine the difficulty you would have with these Supervisors if you were the Mayor of San Francisco.
Make no mistake about the truth: San Franciscans support our troops and we support our veterans. Fortunately the current memebrship of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors are more supportive of military families and veterans than some of recent memory.
San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom has some innovative, progressive and impressive ideas for veterans in California. Gavin Newsom's ideas are born of real, functional existing San Francisco programs that he put inrto action. They are thoughtful and workable solutions to the needs of California's veterans. They work in San Francisco. They will work throughout California.
Take a look at Gavin Newsom's plans for California's U. S. military veterans:
More than 2,000 military personnel return home to California each month. Many return home with symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, traumatic brain injuries or other serious injuries. And many find it almost impossible to find permanent housing, good jobs and the support services they require.
With so many service members returning to California, it is more important than ever to fulfill our fundamental commitment to provide California’s military personnel and veterans with the services they require and deserve. We as Californians must demand that our state provides the best health care, opportunities for good-paying jobs, quality education and affordable housing to our service veterans.
Local Hire Incentives: In 2008, Mayor Newsom introduced legislation to expand payroll tax credits to include benefits for San Francisco businesses that hire service veterans. The expansion of the local payroll tax credit was modeled after the expanded statewide program and has enlisted a variety of local businesses in the incentive program.
Local Funding for Homeless Veterans: According to San Francisco’s homeless count, an estimated 20% of the city’s homeless population are veterans. In 2008, Mayor Newsom secured federal funding to help homeless veterans in San Francisco find housing. The funding was directed toward housing assistance and support services with the goal of helping veterans find permanent housing.
Veterans Connect: In a public-nonprofit partnership with local organizations Swords to Ploughshares and Project Homeless Connect, as well as the San Francisco V. A. Medical Center, Mayor Newsom helped pioneer Veterans Connect, a daylong event to offer homeless veterans and their families access to medical treatment, dental care, housing information and food.
Learn more at:
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