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Showing newest 15 of 34 posts from March 2009. Show older posts
Showing newest 15 of 34 posts from March 2009. Show older posts

Monday, March 30, 2009

FBI Releases Annual Internet Crime Report for Year 2008

The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), a partnership between the FBI and the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C), today released the 2008 Annual Report on the number of Internet crime complaints received.

A total of 275,284 complaints were received in 2008—up from 206,884 (33 percent) over 2007. Total dollar loss reported in 2008 was $265 million—up from $239 million in 2007. The average individual loss was $931. The chart below shows the number of complaints received and dollar loss totals for the past five years:

2008 275,284 $265 million
2007 206,884 $239.09 million
2006 207,492 $198.44 million
2005 231,493 $183.12 million
2004 207,449 $68.14 million

The report details information related to the volume and scope of complaints, complainant and perpetrator characteristics, geographical data, most frequently reported scams, and results of IC3 referrals.

FBI Cyber Division Assistant Director Shawn Henry said, “This report illustrates that sophisticated computer fraud schemes continue to flourish as financial data migrates to the Internet. It also underscores the need for continued vigilance on the part of law enforcement, businesses, and the home computer user to be aware of these schemes and employ sound security procedures.”

The report is posted in its entirety at the National White Collar Crime Center (PDF)

About IC3

The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) is a partnership between the FBI and the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C). IC3's mission is to serve as a vehicle to receive, develop, and refer criminal complaints regarding the rapidly expanding arena of cybercrime. The IC3 gives the victims of cybercrime a convenient and easy-to-use reporting mechanism that alerts authorities of suspected criminal or civil violations. For law enforcement and regulatory agencies at the federal, state, local and international level, IC3 provides a central referral mechanism for complaints involving Internet related crimes.

For more information visit the FBI San Francisco Division Office or the FBI White Collar Crime webpage.

April Fresh Food, Farmers Market, Restaurant Events for SF Bay Area

San Francisco Bay Area Events:

From: Buy Fresh, Buy Local

Eat Your View (Locavore) Dinner
Good food, good company, great information. Join us this month for our monthly tribute to eating locally with Anya Fernald and event chef, Leif Hedendal.

Thurs., April 9

Cheese Tasting Intensive with the Cowgirls
Join Cavallo Point for a not-to-be-missed workshop with nationally celebrated cheese makers, Peggy Smith and Sue Conley of Cowgirl Creamery.

Tues., April 7

Moveable Feast, One Market
Part of the Moveable Feast Seasonal Supper series, the dinner will feature produce from County Line Harvest and benefit

Sat., April 11

Fran Gage on The New American Olive Oil
Check out San Francisco's Omnivore bookstore. Learn something new and maybe surprising about fine olive oils.

Thurs., April 23

A New National Food Policy
Panel discussion on the intersection of food & poverty. Panelists include A.G. Kawamura, Paul Ash, Paula Jones, and Michael Dimock. Sponsored by the Commonwealth Club & Bay Gourmet.

Sat., April 25

Full Circle Feast
Join Chef & Author Laura Stec and the Art Institute of California for a local food dinner to benefit CAFF and other local nonprofits working to build a sustainable food system.

Sun., June 7
Dirt to Dining
Join Chef Jesse Cool for a day of educational fun in her kitchen garden and an evening of delicious fun sampling its bounty. A benefit for the
Ecological Farming Association.

There has been a flurry of media activity around reclaiming food for the commons (ie the local food movement) in recent months, culminating last week in a 60 Minutes feature. Here are some of the highlights in case you've been snowed in:
  • Alice Waters suggests that people should put more thought, time, and money into their food choices, in a somewhat controversial
  • 60 minutes interview;
  • The New York Times asserted that a
  • food revolution is now in seasonand deconstructedthe meaning of "organic";
  • The blogosphere (and more than a couple of forwarded and frantic emails), claimed Congressional Bill HR875 would bring about an end to organic farming -- read the sober
  • Civil Eats take on the issue here;
  • Michelle Obama and a few dozen elementary school kids made us shout out loud by breaking ground on the
  • long-awaited White House garden.
Also Read:
San Franciscco Bay Area Farmers Markets: Eating Well on a Tight Budget
Weds., April 1

Saturday, March 28, 2009

DEA Makes Big Bust in South Bay - San Jose area

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Special Agent in Charge Anthony D. Williams and Santa Clara County District Attorney Dolores Carr, announced the conclusion of a two year investigation into a South Bay Area drug trafficking cell connected to an organization with ties to Mexico.

On March 18, 2009, at approximately 7:00 AM, in a coordinated effort, officers and agents from US Drug Enforcement Administration’s San Jose and San Francisco office, Monterey County Sheriff’s Office, Gilroy Police Department, Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office, Soledad Prison K-9 Unit, San Jose Police Department, California Bureau of Narcotics Enforcement (UNET), Mountain View Police Department, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement San Jose Office, executed search warrants for eight locations in Santa Clara and Alameda counties.

Drugs and Cash Seized
Drugs and Cash Seized

As a result of the execution of these search warrants, the following items were seized: 91 kilograms of cocaine, three firearms including a TEC-22 equipped with a silencer, approximately $1,000,000.00 in U.S. Currency, night vision goggles, and 10 automobiles (some equipped with hidden compartments designed to conceal narcotics). A total of 14 arrests were made in conjunction with this operation. Among those arrested were significant participants in a major narcotics distribution organization responsible for the distribution of cocaine across the U.S. border from Mexico and throughout the United States and Canada. This organization is believed to be responsible for an additional 100 kilograms of cocaine that was seized during January, 2009 as it was being transported to Atlanta, Georgia. The approximate wholesale value of the 191 kilograms of cocaine seized in this case exceeds $5,000,000.00. This investigation was the result of a cooperative effort between the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s office and the United States Drug Enforcement Administration.

DEA Special Agent in Charge, Anthony D. Williams states “The success of our coordinated effort in dismantling this violent criminal drug organization will impact both the Bay Area and the National drug market.”

The case will be prosecuted in Santa Clara County Superior Court. 12 of those arrested were arraigned on March 20, 2009 at the Hall of Justice in San Jose.

More information is available from the DEA San Francisco Division Office.

Also read: 

Sinaloa Drug Cartel Dismantled and Crushed by the DEA

Tom Ammiano Reads the Riot Act to the DEA - Leave Medical Marijuana Alone!

DOJ Will Spend $700-million to Fight Mexican Drug Cartels


Tom Ammiano Reads the Riot Act to the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) - Leave Medical Marijuana Alone!

Assemblymember (D-San Francisco) made the following statement regarding the federal raid of a medical marijuana dispensary in San Francisco this week:

"I am extremely disappointed with the Drug Enforcement Agency's decision to raid the medical marijuana dispensary in San Francisco earlier this week. The clinic is in compliance with all local laws and currently holds a permit from the Department of Public Health."

"Only one week ago, Attorney General Eric Holder announced that the Obama administration would not prosecute medicinal pot clubs and we welcomed this long overdue shift in policy. Unfortunately, Wednesday's DEA raid was a clear step backward.  With the increasing violence along the Mexican border, the DEA should be focusing their efforts on fighting these dangerous cartels rather than sick people seeking compassionate care."

To date, thirteen states across the country have passed medical marijuana laws and several more have laws under consideration. The medicinal value of marijuana has been proven without a doubt and public opinion polls show broad support. It is now time for the federal government to respect those states which support the use of medical marijuana.

I will be writing
President Obama outlining my concerns and I respectfully urge Attorney General Eric Holder to clarify his new policy with the DEA."


DOJ to Spend $700-million to Fight Mexican Drug Cartels

Sinaloa Drug Cartel Dismantled and Crushed by Obama's DEA

U. S. Coast Guard in San Francisco is Armed and Always Ready to Rock & Roll


Friday, March 27, 2009

Fallen Oakland Police Officers - Donation & Help Info Here

Trust Fund Donation Info and Funeral Information here.

The funeral for the fallen Oakland Police officers is scheduled for March 27, 2009, at 11:00 am. Parking lots will open 07:30 am and facility will open by 09:00 am.

The services will be held at the Oracle Arena, 7000 Coliseum Way, Oakland. The services are open to the public. We are asking officers from outside agencies and attendees to arrive early.

Local Bay Area TV Stations (KTVU Channel 2, KRON Channel 4, KPIX Channel 5, and KGO Channel 7) will be broadcasting the funeral services LIVE beginning at 11:00 am. Video cameras are not allowed inside the Oracle Arena. Arrangements are being made for a pool camera for a live feed to be shared by the media.

Law Enforcement and close friends only, click here.

For more information contact the O.P.O.A at .

Trust Fund Information for the Fallen Officers

Persons wishing to express contributions for the trust funds of fallen officers may do so by two methods: Note: Donations not designated specifically will be shared by all four families equally

1) Make checks out to the following:

a. “Dunakin Children’s Family Trust”

b. “Romans Children’s Family Trust”

c. “Sakai Family Trust”

d. For John Hege options,

click here

2) Wire transfers directly to Merrill Lynch Accounts Click here for Merrill Lynch Wire Transfer Instructions (pdf)

a) “Dunakin Children’s Family Trust”
a/c #204-04065

b) “Romans Children’s Family Trust”
a/c #204-04066

c) “Sakai Family Trust”
a/c #204-04064

d) "OPOA"
a/c #204-04067

OPOA Office:
555 5th St., Oakland, CA 94607
Ph. 510/834-9670
Fax 510/834-0462

Message from Oakland Police Officers Association President Dominique Arotzarena:

"I am still waiting for the alarm clock to go off in hopes this was a nightmare. I really do not comprehend what has just happen to my brothers. I am at a loss for words, as any word will not relieve the pain. I just know that my brothers died doing what they loved to do. They were the heart of this police department. They were always positive, eager, smiling, and helpful. They were go-to people. They were sons, fathers, husbands and friends… and they were Oakland Police Officers. This department will sorely miss its brothers, and will never forget them. In our time of need, please pray for us; please give us strength to continue to serve our community. There are so many people to thank. The Oakland police officers want to thank everyone for their support."

The Oakland Police Department
The Oakland Police Officers Association

- - - - - - - - - -
There is a line
the color of the sky
on a clear afternoon

There is a line
the hue of the ocean
on a bright sunny day

There is a line
the purest shade of a newborn's eyes
awakening for the first time

There is a line
that protects us from harm
in all we do
whether day or night

There is a line
no one can penetrate
no one can alleviate

There is a line
made of those who choose
to follow a calling many do not hear
and still more do not comprehend

They choose to walk
the path of fear, hate, and mistrust
taken by so few
but marked by so many

And when one leaves this line
they leave a legacy
but the line does not break
for the remaining must still protect

There may be emptiness
a loss, or sadness
but never a hole
not in this line

This line that holds
the ghosts of the souls who have gone
and the souls of the ghosts who will be
The Thin Blue Line

- Kimberly A. Erb
Police/Fire Fighter Dispatcher
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Thank you,
Officers Dunakin, Romans, Sakai and Hege.
Thank you,
To the families of our heroes.
Thank you also
To all the magnificent women and men of
The Oakland Police Department.
Keep it tight and keep it sharp.
- Tom Dunn and Brian Lum, Sam Spade's San Francisco
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Thursday, March 26, 2009

White House Easter Egg Roll 2009 - Free Tickets online

The annual White House Easter Egg Roll will be held on Monday, April 13, 2009, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the South Lawn of the White House.

For the first time, tickets for the Easter Egg Roll will be distributed online so that more children and families from across the United States have the opportunity to experience this event. Tickets will no longer be distributed on the Ellipse the weekend before the event. Tickets are available online from the White House. The link is below, under "Resources". (UPDATE: 30-March-09: The White House has closed the online ticket distribution. All the tickets have been distributed. There will be no ticket distribution on the Ellipse the weekend before the event.)

This year’s theme, ‘Let’s go play’, encourages America’s youth to lead healthy and active lives. The White House will open the South Lawn to children age ten and under, along with their families, to enjoy sports, cooking classes, live musical performances, storytelling and the traditional Easter egg roll.

All guests will enter the event from the Ellipse and will go through a security screening process.

For the most up-to-date information on the Easter Egg Roll and other public events at the White House, please call the Visitors Office 24-hour information line at . Media details will be released in the coming weeks.

White House Easter Egg Roll - sign-up for tickets here! - (Official White House website)
White House Easter Egg Gifts from the National Park Foundation (Buy one of the special wooden Easter Eggs given as gifts by the President and signed by both the President and the First Lady. Exact duplicates of the gift eggs are available from The National Park Foundation. This year there is even a choice of colors and the price is only $7. Such a deal!)
History of the White House Easter Egg Roll
Easter Eggs - a great article from Wikipedia

Donations Needed for CG-6505 Memorial at CGAS Barbers Point at Ewa Beach

A U.S. Coast Guard HH-65 Dolphin helicopter crashed at 8:15 p.m. Sept. 4, 2008 approximately five miles south of Honolulu International Airport. The four-man crew aboard the rescue helicopter were killed.

About the photo: The memorial for the four lost crewmen at USCG Air Station Barbers Point, Ewa Beach, Hawaii, September 2008.

I have just learned that CGAS Barbers Point is in need of donations to build a memorial to the crew of CG-6505. Here is the announcement:

On the night of 4 September 2008 Coast Guard helicopter 6505 was conducting an over-water training mission south of Honolulu, Hawaii. While delivering a rescue basket to a Coast Guard Motor Lifeboat something went terribly wrong and the aircraft descended to the water with two pilots, a flight mechanic and a rescue swimmer onboard.

On this fateful night the following men lost their lives: Commander Thomas Nelson, Lieutenant Commander Andrew Wischmeier, Aviation Survival Technician First Class David Skimin, Aviation Maintenance Technician Second Class Joshua Nichols.

These men joined another Air Station Barbers Point crew, the Crew of Coast Guard helicopter 1420; Lieutenant Commander Horton Johnson, Lieutenant Colleen Cain and Aviation Machinist Mate Second Class David Thompson who also made the ultimate sacrifice in a HH-52 on 7 January 1982 while on a mission to save the lives of others. It is our duty to remember these crews and to preserve their legacy for generations to come. A memorial site will be constructed and dedicated on 4 September 2009 at Coast Guard Air Station Barbers Point Hawaii.

In order to fund the creation of this memorial you or your group may purchase and engrave a brick to be used in construction of the pathway leading to the memorial.

When considering your donation amount please remember that tens of thousands of dollars must be raised to ensure the success of this timeless remembrance.

Standard 4 inch by 8 inch bricks may be donated by individuals for a minimum donation of $60. Your text may be up to 3 lines with 16 characters available per line.

Larger 8 inch by 8 inch bricks may be donated by groups for a minimum donation of $250. Your text may be up to 5 lines with 16 characters available per line.

US Coast Guard Flight 6505 Memorial Fund Raiser Facebook Cause:

Help spread the word!

Memorial Fund Raiser webpage (this is where you can buy a brick)
U. S. Coast Guard HH-65 Crashes, Kills Crew (06 SEP 08)
U. S. Coast Guard: America's First Line Guardians! Tribute to CG-6505 (11 SEP 08)
Coast Guard in San Francisco is Armed and Always Ready to Rock & Roll (10 FEB 09)
Air Station Barbers Point, USCG (official USCG website)

If you would like to watch a short video of the USCG Band marching in review (and playing Semper Paratus, the CG anthem) before President Obama and Admiral Allen at the Inaugural Parade, please go to:
U. S. Coast Guard march in Review before President Obama


Medal of Honor Day 2009 at Arlington National Cemetery

Yesterday President Obama met with 30 of America's 98 living Congressional Medal of Honor recipients for a ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery where the President together with the Medal of Honor recipients laid a wreath at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
About the photo: Click to enlarge in a seperate window or tab. With the Tomb of the Unknowns, Arlington National Cemetery and the City of Washington in the background, President Barack Obama concludes ceremonies Wednesday, March 25, 2009, at the National Medal of Honor Day at the military cemetery. (The White House / Pete Souza)
The Medal of Honor is this nation's highest honor. No award or decoration in the United States hold higher status than the Congressional Medal of Honor. Congratulations and thank you to each and every American Hero who wears the Medal of Honor.

The President's remarks on the occasion of Medal of Honor Day 2009:

'We are grateful to all those who wear the uniform of our Armed Forces and serve and sacrifice on behalf of our great nation. Members of our Armed Forces hold themselves to the highest standards and set an example of responsibility to one another and to the country that should inspire all Americans to serve a purpose greater than themselves. Today we pay our respect to those who distinguished themselves conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty - the recipients of the Medal of Honor."

"Since it was first awarded during the Civil War to the current battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan, Medal of Honor recipients have displayed tremendous courage, an unfailing determination to succeed, and a humbling willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice. It is telling that so many Medal of Honor recipients received the award posthumously. These soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsman embody the best of American values and ideals."

"Medal of Honor recipients are the foremost example of greatness in service and sacrifice. Their bravery and humble strength continues to reassure our nation of the strength of its character and ideals even in these difficult times. We owe these heroes a debt of gratitude that our nation can never fully repay. So, it is on this day that we salute that fact and celebrate their lives and heroic actions that have placed them amongst the 'bravest of the brave.' We must never forget their sacrifice and will always keep the Fallen and their families in our thoughts and prayers."

The Congressional Medal of Honor - official website
National Medal of Honor Day - March 25
White House coverage of National Medal of Honor Day

Following are links to the complete list of Medal of Honor recipients by war in which they served:
The Civil War [A-Z]
World War I [A-L]
World War I [M-Z]
World War II [list of all]
World War II [A-C]
World War II [D-F]
World War II [G-L]
World War II [M-N]
World War II [O-R]
World War II [S]
World War II [T-U]
World War II [V-Z]
Korean War [A-D]
Korean War [E-K]
Korean War [L-P]
Korean War [R-Z]
Vietnam War [A-B]
Vietnam War [C-D]
Vietnam War [E-F]
Vietnam War [G-H]
Vietnam War [I-J]
Vietnam War [K-L]
Vietnam War [M-N]
Vietnam War [O-P]
Vietnam War [R-S]
Vietnam War [T-U]
Vietnam War [V-W]
Vietnam War [X-Z]
Iraqi War [A-Z]

The following list provides Medal of Honor recipients listed by branch of service:
Air Force
Coast Guard


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

DOJ will spend $700-million to fight Mexican Drug Cartels

Yesterday, the U. S. Department of Justice announced it will be investing $700 million this year in enhancing Mexican law enforcement and judicial capacity and working closely to coordinate efforts against the cartels. The Department of Justice—through the FBI; the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA); the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF); the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS); and the Criminal Division and the Office of Justice Programs—will work to investigate and prosecute cartel members for their illegal activities in the United States and with law enforcement colleagues to disrupt illegal flows of weapons and bulk cash to Mexico.

The Mexican Cartel Strategy uses federal prosecutor-led task forces that bring together all law enforcement components to identify, disrupt and dismantle the Mexican drug cartels through investigation, prosecution, and extradition of their key leaders and facilitators and seizure and forfeiture of their assets. The Department is increasing its focus on investigations and prosecutions of the southbound smuggling of guns and cash that fuel the violence and corruption and attacking the cartels in Mexico itself, in partnership with the Mexican Attorney General’s Office (PGR) and the Secretariat of Public Security (SSP).

DEA, already the largest U.S. drug enforcement presence in Mexico with 11 offices in that country, is placing 16 new positions in its Southwest border field divisions. With this increase, 29 percent of DEA’s domestic agent positions (1,180 agents) are now allocated to its Southwest border field divisions. DEA is also forming four additional Mobile Enforcement Teams (METs) to specifically target Mexican methamphetamine trafficking operations and associated violence, both along the border and in U.S. cities impacted by the cartels.

ATF is increasing its efforts by relocating 100 personnel to the Houston Field Division in the next 45 days as part of a new ATF intelligence-driven effort known as Gunrunner Impact Teams (GRITs). The teams will focus ATF’s violent crime-fighting and firearms trafficking expertise, along with its regulatory authority and strategic partnerships, to combat violence along the U.S.-Mexico border.

As part of the Recovery Act funding, ATF received $10 million for Project Gunrunner efforts aimed at disrupting arms trafficking between the U.S. and Mexico, to include hiring 25 new special agents, six industry operations investigators, three intelligence research specialists, and three investigative analysts. The funding will establish three permanent field offices dedicated to firearms trafficking investigations in McAllen, Texas; El Centro, California; and Las Cruces, New Mexico (including a satellite office in Roswell, New Mexico). Project Gunrunner has resulted in ATF referring more than 1,500 defendants for prosecution involving more than 12,000 weapons.

ATF will also continue its eTrace initiative with Mexican officials, which allows law enforcement agencies to identify trafficking trends of drug trafficking organizations and other criminal organizations funneling guns into Mexico from the United States, as well as to develop investigative leads in order to stop firearms traffickers and straw purchasers (people who knowingly purchase guns for prohibited persons) before they cross the border. In FY08, Mexico submitted more than 7,500 recovered guns for tracing, showing that most originated in Texas, Arizona, and California.

The FBI is stepping up its efforts along the Southwest border by creating a Southwest Intelligence Group (SWIG) that will serve as a clearinghouse of all FBI activities involving Mexico. The FBI will also increase its focus on public corruption, kidnappings, and extortion relating to Southwest border issues.

Already, the FBI has undertaken successful initiatives in Mexico and Central America, including the Central American Fingerprint Exchange (CAFÉ) initiative. The FBI will continue this initiative, which was developed to collect, store, and integrate biometric data from El Salvador, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and the Mexican state of Chiapas into a central database accessible to U.S. law enforcement, as well as the Transnational Anti-Gang initiative, which coordinates the sharing of gang intelligence between the U.S. and El Salvador.

The USMS has stepped-up its efforts along the Southwest border, deploying 94 additional Deputy U.S. Marshals during the last eight months and sending four additional deputies to Mexico City to assist the Marshals Service Mexico City Foreign Field Office.

To learn more visit the FBI website.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The White House invites you to an online discussion with President Obama

Today, the President invited everyone to use a new feature on called "Open for Questions" to ask a question about the economy and rate other questions up or down. Then, on Thursday morning, the President will conduct a special online town hall on the economy and answer some of the most popular questions and the event will be streamed on

"Open for Questions" is a new experiment for, the President’s latest effort to open up the White House and give Americans who would not otherwise be heard from a direct line to the Administration.

This first round will deal with a chief concern for all of us: the economy. The White house created a few categories to better organize the questions, and encourage you to search for a specific question before you submit your own in case it already exists.

To get started, head over to and set up your account. Then follow the simple instructions to start voting on questions or submit your own (the White House encourages you to include a link to a published video of the question being asked, although this is not required. Who knows - you may end of on White House video!).

This experiment is about encouraging transparency and accountability, so ask the President exactly what it is you want to know – but let others do the same. It is a community-moderated system, but remember that even though you may not like the viewpoint behind someone’s question, everyone has a right to their opinion. Also remember that Americans of all ages will be participating in this event, so be thoughtful about the words you choose. Participants are asked to follow some
basic guidelines for submitting their own questions and flagging other questions as inappropriate.

Get started by watching the President's announcement. Just turn-up the sound and push the play button.

Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence San Francisco Hunky Jesus Easter Contest

The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence are the real San Francisco Treat.

This year the Sisters will celebrate their 30th Anniversary and everybody - yes, EVERYBODY - needs to go out to Dolores Park on Easter Sunday, April 12th, and celebrate!

Here are the details:

When: Easter Sunday, April 12, 2009. It all starts at 11 AM, but come earlier if you want a spot on the grass.

Where: Dolores Park ()

Transportation: your best bet is to take the SFMTA (Muni) lightrail line, the J-Church. You can board the J-Church underground all along Market Street. You will be delivered directly to Dolores Park. It's door-to-door service. Get the J-Church schedule here. Go to the main SFMTA (Muni) web site.

What: Events will include the famous Hunky Jesus Contest. Want to enter the contest? Strip-down, get into your loin cloth and contact the Sisters. They're ready for you!
Watch part of the . (YouTube)

Another popular event is the Easter Bonnet Contest. Queen Elizabeth would feel right at home with all the wild and wonderful chapeaux. There will also be a Children's Contest for the wee folks. Dolores Park is big and there will be appropriate activities for children in areas set apart from the parade of Jesuses.

Who: You will find pioneers and leaders of the LGBT community, members of the SF Board of Supervisors, SF city department heads, gay and lesbian SF police officers and sheriff's deputies, families with their children, defrocked priests, ripped-ab studs, hoards of hot boys and girls, lonely altarboys, a few old trolls and some tourists who come to enjoy Easter in the park with the good Sisters. Bring your cameras, people - YouTube is depending on you!

30th Anniversary: This year is the 30th Anniversary of the worldwide Order of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. The Motherhouse, where the order was born, is right here in San Francisco. More than 150 sisters will represent chapters from around the world.
Rules: No booze in the park and no drunks allowed. If you're going to smoke pot, please don't blow it in anybody's face unless they want you to. Religious fanatics, church maniacs, homophobes, hate-mongers and Republicans will be stuffed into trash barrels and rolled into the bay. Everybody else is very warmly invited.

Jackhammer Jesus Dildo. Be ready! - - - Get yours now!
If you want the perfect accessory for your Easter outfit, try the Jackhammer Jesus Dildo. If you're not a Jesus Freak, try the more ecumenical God's Immaculate Rod. Jews will likely prefer the Moses Dildo while Buddhists will almost surely want to meditate to the inner joy of Buddha's Delight. Learn more at: Want a Jackhammer Jesus Dildo?


Police Body Armor - protection levels available today

Defense Update is a poplar international online defense magazine in the law enforcement and military community. Defense Update has done extensive research into the body armor issue and much of the following is the result of their work, for which we are all appreciative.

Body armor has become a standard issue in all armies, and law enforcement agencies, and is commercially available to civilians operating in high threat situation. The efficiency of these vests varies, as protection, weigh and comfort levels are proportional to their cost. Designers of personal body armor are trying to balance between maximum protection and comfort. Such armor should defeat multiple hits of high level threats while maintaining the lowest possible weight, and provide the wearer with unrestricted movement, without degradation of his performance.

In the early days, typical body armor included a 'flack jacket' style vest, made of a soft fabric designed to protect the wearer from low-speed fragments, shrapnel and a harder 'trauma plate' placed over the chest, protecting the 'center of mass' – including the most sensitive organs, from injury by high speed bullets fired from firearms. Traditionally, 'combat assault' type vests were composed of soft fabric made of glass fibers. More advanced vests were produced from synthetic aramid fibers such as Kevlar or Twaron. Other materials now include the high performance polyethylene known ad Dyneema or Spectra. Vests produced from these advanced materials are providing superior protection (NIJ Level II, II+) usually stopping small-arms fire, particularly 9mm.

Most vests are designed with special 'pockets' located in the front, back and, sometime, at the sides, where protective panels called 'inserts' are placed. These panels are made of High Density Polyethylene (HD-PE) or ceramic materials, enabling units to tailor the level of protection to match anticipated threats. For example, equipping soldiers positioned at highly vulnerable sentry posts, or protecting the gunner, exposed in a gunner's position on mounted patrols, will be more protected than the rest of the patrol, located in relative safety inside the protected vehicle, but required to dismount from the armored vehicle when on 'foot patrols'.

A variety of composite materials offering different ballistic protection levels, costs and weights become available. Costs vary, depending on protection level and weight. Lighter materials are usually more expensive. Panels covering relatively large areas provide more protection for vital organs, but they tend to be heavier and limit the wearer's freedom of movement. To sustain the heavy weight, the carrier system (vest) must be well designed, utilizing weight distribution systems. Protection vests utilizing heavier armor tend to maintain reasonable weight by utilizing smaller panels, offering higher ballistic protection against armor-piercing projectiles, sized to protect the most vital organs, but leaving significant portions of the body exposed.

Two types of materials are currently used for personal body armor - High-Performance Polyethylene (HPPE) fibers, known as Spectra or Dyneema, produced by Honeywell and the Dutch company DSM and several compositions of Aramid fibers – known as Kevlar or Twaron fibers, produced by DuPont and Teijin. While the bullet-proof vest or 'body armor' provides relatively effective protection from low-velocity fragments and some high velocity projectiles (up to 9mm and, in some levels 5.56 or 7.62mm bullets), effective protection against common battlefield threats, such as AK-47 Kalashnikov, M-16 rifles as well as sniper rifles, requires enhanced protection by special inserts, designed to stop these high velocity, high energy threats.

Advanced body armor and assault vests are designed as modular sets, capable of upgrading their protection against specific threats, at a reasonable weight and cost. The concept calls for the use of high protection 'inserts', formed to fit into special pouches integrated into the vest, to protect vital organs.

In the USA, funding for body armor procurement is currently increasing to protect the surge in forces deployed in Iraq. Replacement of older equipment and battle-damaged gear, introduction of enhancements for the Interceptor Body Armor (IBA) and additional protective items are underway. Current body armor systems are procured in 'suites', comprising the Outer Tactical Vest (OTV) textile based bullet-proof 'soft armor', ceramic based Enhanced Small Arms Protective Inserts (ESAPI) and ESAPI Side Plates, and the Deltoid Auxiliary Protectors (DAP) made of composites. The total unit cost for each suit is approximately $3,500, depending on the specific configuration. The latest, most advanced version of the personal body armor suit, used by the British Army is the Osprey Advanced Combat Armor (ECA). This new protective gear was recently demonstrated by the Irish Guards prior to their deployment to Iraq in May 2007. Combat tested Osprey body armor provides enhanced coverage with full front and back of protection of the torso.

For more information from Defense Update, click on any of the following:
Infantry Survival Gear
Ballistic Composites for Soft Armor
Ergonomic Body Armor Designs
Ballistic Helmets
Physiological and Physical Challenge of Body Armor
Cooling with Phase Change Materials (PCM)
Improving the Combat Survival Rate Among the Wounded
Load Carrying Systems for the Infantry
Eyewear Protection for the Warfighter
Tactical Benefits of Laser Eye Surgery (LASIK / PRK)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Tanker Truck Explosion Set for Saturday, March 28th in San Francisco

On Saturday, March 28th a tanker truck filled with gasoline will slam into two other cars on I-280 near the King Street onramp. (see map below)

The truck will erupt in a fireball and send thick clouds of smoke billowing into the air. Multiple helicopters will be buzzing about overhead.

NBC Universal will be in town shooting the pilot for a television drama to be named "Trauma". In the pilot the medical trauma team will be responding to a simulated tanker truck crash.

Throughout filming, there will also be intermittent traffic stoppages at the entrance to I-280 S/B at both 6th Street and King Street whenever there is a stunt being filmed or a helicopter landing or taking off. These brief intermittent stoppages will take place randomly during filming on the weekend and on the weekdays between 10 AM and 3 PM.

The California Highway Patrol, the San Francisco Police and Fire Departments and other emergency service departments for the City of San Francisco and the State of California have been notified in advance of this permitted filming. The closures, staged fireball and filming have all been approved by the Mayor's office and the production company has all the required permits and licenses.

NBC will be in San Francisco shooting fiery disaster scenes for "Trauma" (the temporary working title). The production team has the full cooperation of the San Francisco Film Commission, the California State Film Commission, CALTRANS, the CHP and the SFPD.

Dario Scardapane is writer and executive producer of the project, which will be directed by executive producer Jeffrey Reiner (NBC's "Friday Night Lights"). Peter Berg ("Hancock", "Friday Night Lights") and Sarah Aubrey ("Friday Night Lights") are also executive producers of the pilot from Universal Media Studios in association with Film 44. The stars include Derek Luke ("Notorious"), Cliff Curtis ("10,000 B.C"), Anastasia Griffith ("Damages"), Aimee Garcia ("George Lopez"), Kevin Rankin ("Friday Night Lights") with Jamey Sheridan ("Law & Order: Criminal Intent").

- Jessica Nevarez, Universal Media Studios,
- Melissa Armstrong, NBC Entertainment,
- Joe Arellano, Deputy Director, Mayor's Communications Office,
- Stefanie Coyote, Executive Director, San Francisco Film Commission,

Thank you to Captain Denis O'Leary, commander of the SFPD Ingleside Station, who thoughtfully provided the details. I'm the one solely responsible for blabbing it to everybody through the blog.

Finally, please remember: Traffic is going to be an absolute mess in that area on Saturday, March 28th. IIf you want to be a bystander your best bet is to arrive in the area on Muni's T-Third lightrail line. The problem with that plan is that we don't know precisely when the scenes will be shot. There will likely be a lot of standing-around to do. A single scene on TV or film often consists of several separate shots.


Wake-up, people! Arm our police - don't let the Lovelle Mixons kill again

The four murdered Oakland police officers are our local heroes. They will always be remembered by the San Francisco Bay Area community and will never be forgotten by the law enforcement community nationwide.

Police officers form the razor-thin line that defend and protect all of us from the refuse of human society. We owe them everything we enjoy, just as we owe a similar debt to the women and men of our military who put their lives on the line to assure us of freedom on a daily basis.

The shooter in Oakland was Lovelle Mixon, a two-bit punk who should have been stuffed away in prison a long time ago. Instead, he was free to roam the streets. Mixon shot and killed the officers using a semi-automatic pistol and an AK-47 assault weapon.

Mixon's sister said her brother was not a monster, despite the fact that the killer barricaded himself in his 4-year-old niece's bedroom where he fired through the wall at police officers, who then stormed the room, returned fire and were finally able to kill him.

Unfortunately there are other Lovelle Mixons in Oakland and in every major U. S. city. They collectively form a cancer that is eating at the heart of this nation. These scum bags are the enemies of society and they must be dealt with as enemy combatants, because that is exactly what they are.

Criminals who use assault weapons and who demonstrate a reckless disregard for the law and public safety, must be hunted down, captured and thrown into prison - and the courts need to keep them in prison.
It's time we authorize our police officers to carry and use the kind of weaponry they need and authorize them to use the kind of techniques necessary to sweep our communities of assault-weapon-carrying felons. We need to give our police officers the weaponry and equipment they need to maintain firepower dominance.

Instead of complaining about our police from a distance, we must begin standing along side them in the work they do - and that work is the job of protecting us all. We are all involved in this together. It is the job of the entire community to get rid of these threats to our life and liberty. We all need to join forces and make this a community-wide and citizen-strong effort.

It's a sad commentary for America when we lose four of our heroes to a bag of garbage like Lovelle Mixon.

Give our police the weaponry and equipment they need. Let this terrible event be the start of a movement across this great nation to give law enforcement the authorization they need to sweep our streets clean and return America to its citizens.
Update: As fate would have it, the day after the incident, forensic test results came back from the lab that linked Lovelle Mixon's DNA to a felony rape that occured some months ago. The evidence would have been sufficient to convict Mixon of rape and send the despicable bastard back to prison.
Also Read:

Friday, March 20, 2009

Albert Ke-Jeng Hu, Sunnyvale hedge fund manager, arrested for wire fraud

A Silicon Valley Hedge Fund manager was arrested yesterday in Hong Kong on a provisional arrest warrant requested by the United States government that related to six counts of wire fraud, United States Attorney Joseph P. Russoniello announced.

According to the criminal complaint filed in San Jose federal district court on January 26 and unsealed this morning, the defendant, Albert Ke-Jeng Hu, 47, carried out an investment fraud scheme involving hedge funds that he administered from 2002 to 2008. Hu and others told potential investors that they were operating hedge funds under the names Asenqua Beta Fund and Fireside LS Fund out of locations in Sunnyvale, San Francisco and elsewhere in the Northern District of California.

The complaint alleges that Hu caused victims to invest by promising them rates of returns as high as 20 to 30 percent a year. Additionally, Hu and others made several false representations regarding entities that were supposedly affiliated with those hedge funds, such as a prominent law firm, a fund administrator, an independent auditing firm, and a chief financial officer. The complaint alleges that neither the law firm, the fund administrator, nor the CFO ever had any connection with Hu’s hedge funds. As a result of Hu’s fraud, victim-investors sent at least $3 million to accounts in the United States and overseas, which Hu controlled.

Hu appeared in a Hong Kong court yesterday. He is next scheduled to appear in Hong Kong court on March 25 when his potential extradition to the United States will be addressed.
The maximum statutory penalty for wire fraud in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1343 is twenty years in prison and a fine of $250,000, plus restitution. Any sentence following conviction would, however, be determined by the court after considering the Federal Sentencing Guidelines, which take into account a number of factors, and would be imposed in the discretion of the Court.

Joseph Fazioli is the Assistant United States Attorney who is prosecuting the case with the assistance of Legal Assistant Jeanne Carstensen. The prosecution is the result of an investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Please note, a criminal complaint contains only allegations against an individual and, as with all defendants, Mr. Hu must be presumed innocent unless and until convicted.
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