Dog Day on the Bay Set to Sail...Again
The 5th Annual Dog Day on the Bay Champagne Brunch Cruise, hosted by Hornblower Cruises & Events, will take place on Sunday, May 3, 2009. A portion of the proceeds will benefit The San Francisco SPCA. Join Hornblower and The SF/SPCA for a one-of-a-kind nautical day on the Bay! The two-hour cruise for dogs and their human companions casts off from Pier 3 on the Embarcadero at 12:00 p.m. (boarding begins at 11:00 a.m.). Tickets: adults - $140; children, ages 4 to12 - $65; dogs and children under 4 sail free (one dog per adult, please).
AAT Art Auction
The SF/SPCA is holding a spectacular art auction to support its Animal Assisted Therapy Programs. The second annual Art for AAT auction will be held at The SF/SPCA Leanne B. Roberts Animal Care Center, 201 Alabama Street, San Francisco, on Saturday, May 16, 2009. The Art for AAT auction will feature dozens of Bay Area artists and collectors who have donated their work in support of The SF/SPCA. Silent auction and art viewing will be available from 10:30 a.m. -2:30 p.m. The live art auction will begin at 3:00 p.m. All proceeds will benefit the AAT Programs.
Cat City by the BaySan
Cat City by the BaySan
Francisco was recently named one of the Top 10 Cat-Friendly Cities in the America by the newly-formed CATalyst Council! The Council, a coalition of the veterinary community, academia, non-profits, industry and animal welfare organizations, aims to call attention to the level of care cats receive in these 10 cities, and to set the bar for other cities to follow in the annual ranking. The overall goal is to improve the health of felines nationwide. Other cities making the cut include Tampa, Phoenix, and Portland. The list was compiled after reviewing the top 25 metropolitan areas for such data as cat ownership per capita, level of veterinary care, microchipping, and cat-friendly local ordinances.
Litter Did You Know...
Litter Did You Know...
Check out The SF/SPCA Cat Behavior Program’s new daily mews blog, Litter Did You Know... In its first month, Litter Did You Know… has become one of the top 10 readers’ blogs for the San Francisco Chronicle’s online edition, SFGate. That’s over 14,000 page views! Combining humor and serious information, the blog has something for all cat devotees. To view Litter Did You Know… go to http://sfspcacat.blogspot.com/. The blog is also featured on Twitter at .
Food Drive for the Companion Animals of Homeless People
Food Drive for the Companion Animals of Homeless People
During April and early May, the SF/SPCA is holding its 6th annual Pet Food Drive for the companion animals of the homeless. The Drive began on April 1 and ends of May 10. The Drive also coincides with Be Kind to Animals Week, May 3 - 10, 2009. Pet food collections bins have been placed in three sites at The SF/SPCA: Maddie’s lobby, and the kiosk and atrium levels of the Leanne Roberts Center. Staff, volunteers and members of the public are invited to bring donations of new and unopened packets and cans of dog and cat food (no glass containers, please) to any of these sites. The food will be given to Vet-SOS, a volunteer-based project providing free veterinary care for the companion animals of homeless San Franciscans.
Tours of New Animal Hospital
Tours of New Animal Hospital
The San Francisco SPCA is offering docent-led tours of its new Leanne B. Roberts Animal Care Center. The Center, which opened in January, houses a state-of-the-art, not-for-profit Veterinary Hospital, Spay/Neuter Clinic and Shelter Medicine Program. Tours are available on Wednesday and Saturday at 2:00 p.m. To make an appointment, contact , or call .
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