Resources to Assist Homeless People:
Police (non-emergency)..................................................
Mental Health Crisis (24hrs).............................................
Drug/Alcohol Crisis (24hrs)...............................................
Battered Women's Hotline (24hrs)......................................
Rape Treatment Center (24hrs)..........................................
Family Shelter Services....................................................
City Clinic (sexually transmitted diseases).............................
Foot Clinic (St. Anthony's)................................................
Dental: South of Market Health Center................................
Eye Exams...............................................................
HIV/AIDS Testing and Counseling..........................
Needle Exchange: for locations call.....................................
Homeless Outreach Services
Centralized Referral for Shelters........................................
MOST (mental health outreach)........................................
MAP (First Response Teams)............................................
Marilyn Garrett :..........................................................
:Toll free............................................................
:Chinese line.......................................................
:Spanish line.......................................................
:TDD (tele-digital device) line....................................
:Homeless Advocacy Project (HAP) of the Bar Association......
Homeless Death Prevention Outreach Workers.......................
City Departments
Mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services.............................
Department of Human Services (DHS).................................
Joyce Crum, DHS,
Deputy Director of Housing & Homeless Services..........
Laura Gerard, DHS,
Homeless Single-Adult Programs Manager.....................
Cindy Ward, DHS,
Homeless Family Programs Manager..............................
Department of Public Health..............................................
Marian Pena, SFPH,
Director of Homeless Programs.....................................
Dept. of Public Works,
Street Environmental Services......................................
Mobile Assistance Program (MAP)
Open 24hrs/7days
Provides transportation for emergency service systems.
Municipal Railway (MUNI)
949 Presidio Ave., Rm. 110, 94115
Hours: Monday to Wednesday, 10:30pm-4pm
For additional information about services call 923-6070 or 923-6340.
544 Golden Gate Ave., 1st Floor, 94102
Phone (Taxi ): ;Phone (Applications) ; Phone (Complaints and general information)
Hours: 9am-5pm
Provides discounts for taxi services and individual and group lift-equipped van service.
Drop-In Centers
Bayview-HuntersPoint Hope Homeless Resource Center
2111 Jennings Street (@VanDyke)
Open 24 hours
Full Service Drop-in Center with Case Management, referrals, Laundry ($0.25 cent charge), Free Voicemail, Lockers, Mail service, restrooms, showers, TV, chairs, breakfast and dinner.
Multi-Service Center: South of Market
525 5th St. (at Bryant)
Open 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Showers, restrooms, referrals, and mail service
McMillian Drop-in Center
39 Fell Street (at Market)
Open 24-hours weekdays; Weekends closed between 9:30am & 12pm
6-8 hour beds for intoxicated individuals, drop-in with laundry, coffee/light snacks, restrooms, showers, referrals.
South Beach Homeless Resource Center
288 Harrison Street (at Fremont)
Open 24-hours
Full Service Drop-in Center with Case Management, referrals, Laundry ($0.25 cent charge), Free Voicemail, Lockers ($5.00 Monthly charge), Mail service, restrooms, showers, TV, chairs, snacks (when available)
Emergency Shelters
Men 18+ (without kids
A Man's Place
399 Fremont St. (at Harrison)
Open 24hrs
Show up by 2:30pm for lottery to win 1 night of shelter, 25 beds daily.
Central City Hospitality House for Men
146 Leavenworth St. (near Turk)
Open 24hrs
Monday or Wednesday between
9-11am gets on waiting list for a bed.
Dolores Street Community Services
Phone: &
Hours: Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm
For clean and sober men, especially those who recently came from Latin America, 90 beds available in summer, and 120 beds in winter.
Multi-Service Center: South of Market
525 5th St. (at Bryant)
Open 24hrs
Case management Monday through Friday 10 -11a.m, and 5:30 - 7pm. Sign-up for lottery is daily from 6:30 am -12 pm.146 spaces (beds and mats) available.
Providence Foundation Shelter Services
1601 McKinnon Avenue (@ 3rd Street)
Open 10:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m.
Intake for overnight shelter at the Bayview Hope Homeless Resource Center
Women 18+ (without kids)
A Woman's Place
1049 Howard St. (between 6th St. & Russ)
Open 24hrs
7:30 a.m. lottery for 1 night beds, 4:30 p.m. standby sign ups. 5 crisis beds and long-term housing for HIV or multi-diagnosed women. Transitional Housing services available.
Marian Residence
1171 Mission St. (between 7th & 8th Sts.)
Open 24hrs
30 beds for single alcohol and drug-free women, showers are required every night, unlimited stay. Drop-in not later than 7pm.
Battered Women (with/without kids)
Asian Women's Shelter
3543 18th St. #19, 94110 (mailing address only)
Hours: Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm
Stay up to 9-12 weeks. Priority goes to Asian mothers with limited resources who don't speak English.
La Casa de Las Madres
1850 Mission St. Suite B (between 14th & 15th) office address only
Phone: 415.503.0500
Open 24hrs
Stay up to 8 weeks but you must be alcohol and drug free..
Riley Emergency Shelter
3543 18th St. #4 (near Valencia St.) office address only
Hours: Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm
Adults may pay between $0-6 a day, and kids are free, stay is up to 8 weeks. Provides counseling, peer group and parenting support - services rendered are confidential. Also helps those with substance abuse problems.
Both Sexes 18+ (without kids)
Emergency Housing Program
1235 Mission St. (near 8th St.)
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm
For people with medical emergencies. Note: not a drop-in facility.
Next Door (formally Multi-Service Center North of Market
1001 Polk St. (at Geary)
Open 24hrs
A Transitional shelter designed to provide a safe and supportive living environment. No overnight accommodations or lottery. Clients must be referred. Call Next Door for information.
Episcopal Sanctuary
201 8th St. (at Howard).
Open 24hrs
Intake 4-6 p.m.
Stay 1 night on a cot or up to 30 days if a bed is available.
United States Mission
1338 Sanchez St. (at Cesar Chavez)
Hours: Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm
Have a social worker call Monday to Friday 9am-5pm to ask for a bed for 1 night (for up to 30 days if beds available) -120 beds in the Bay Area. Also helps with job searches, personal counseling, medical, legal or any other required assistance.
Families & Pregnant Women
Connecting Point
Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9am-12pm, Tuesday & Thursdays 2-4pm
Centralized intake shelter for parents, pregnant women, and their partners. Note: if there is a problem reaching them at this number try Hamilton Family Center at .
Same sex couples accepted
Hamilton Family Center (transitional)
260 Golden Gate Avenue
Open 24 hours
Centralized intake for this facility is handled by Connecting Point
Hamilton Family Emergency Shelter
1535 Waller Street
Open: 24 hours
Centralized intake for this facility is handled by Connecting Point
30 day emergency beds and 20 overnight beds
St. Joseph's Village
220 10th Street (@ Howard)
Centralized intake for this facility is handled by Connecting Point
Missionaries of Charity
55 Sadowa St. (between San Jose & Plymouth).
Hours: 9am-noon, 3:30pm-6pm
Call for an appointment or personal interview; substance abusers must be in or waiting for treatment.
Raphael House
1065 Sutter St. (between Hyde & Lark)
Hours: Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm
Parents or pregnant women in their 9th month, call Connecting Point. Adults must pay $0-3 a day and children $0-2 a day.
Bay Area Family Center
627 Turk Street
Diamond Youth Shelter
536 Central Ave. (near Grove).
Phone: or
Hours: Open 24 hours, Intake from 9:30pm to 9am. Guardians will be contacted. Ages up to 19.
Huckleberry House
1292 Page St. (at Lyon).
Open 24hrs
Guardians will be contacted. Ages 11-17.
Lark-Inn Youth Shelter
869 Ellis Street
Open 24hrs
40-bed facility provides emergency and interim housing while offering residents direct access to Larkin Street's comprehensive continuum of employment, education and health services.
Jeopardized Youth Now Secure (JYNS)
1270 Marshall Street (at Beach) in Redwood City
Hours: Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm
Male and female youth 18-23 years. To make appointment for an interview to get into Clara-Mateo Alliance Shelter in Palo Alto, and Maples Street Shelter in Redwood City.
Free Food
All Saints' Episcopal Church
1350 Waller St. (near Masonic)
Hours: Saturdays 10:30am
1050 Van Ness Avenue (21st -22nd Street)
Dinner service
Hours: Fridays 6:30pm
City Team Ministries
164 Sixth Street
Hours: Breakfast : Tue-Fri 8:45-10am, Ticket for Dinner: 4pm
Saturdays 1-4pm Drop-in Center for food and medical care
Dinner's Redi
2520 Bush St. (between Divisadero and Scott)
Phone: or
Hours: Mon-Tue, 12-1pm
First AME Zion Church
2159 Golden Gate Avenue (at Masonic)
Hours: Mondays 11am-12:30pm
Friendship Banquet
930 Gough Street (between Eddy & Turk)
Open every Wednesday except the 1st Wednesday of the month. Only for people with HIV/AIDS, proof required
Glide Memorial Church
330 Ellis St. (at Taylor)
Su-Sat 8-9am, 12-1:30pm; Mon-Fri 8-9am, 12-1:30pm, 4-5:30pm
Haight-Ashbury Food Program
1525 Waller St. (near Belvadere)
Hours: Tue-Fri, 12-1pm, Everyday 11:30am for families with children and people with disabilities
Hospitality House Youth Program
288 Turk St. (near Leavenworth)
Phone: or
Hours: Mon-Fri 9-10am, 12-1:30pm
Martin de Porres
225 Potrero St. (near 16th St.)
Sunday 9-10:30am; Mo,Tu,Th,Fr Breakfast 6-7:30am; Mo,Tu,Wed,Th,Fr,Sat. Lunch 12-3pm
Missionaries of Charity
1330 4th St. (at 3rd St.)
Fri-Wed. 4-5:30pm
No Penny Opera
601 Dolores Street (at 19th Street)
Grocery bags
Hours: Fridays 11:15am
North of Market Senior Services
333 Turk St. (between Hyde & Leavenworth)
Hours: Lunch 11:30am (weekdays sign up 8am, weekends and holidays 9am)
Providence Baptist Church
1601 McKinnon Avenue (at 3rd Street)
Hours: Wednesdays 12:45-2pm
St Anthony's Dining Room
45 Jones Street (at Golden Gate)
Hours: Su-Sat. 11am-12pm families and seniors; 12 -1:30pm everybody
St Johns African Orthodox Church
351 Divisadero Street (at Oak)
Hours: Sun,Mon 3:30-4:30pm, Wed. 12-1pm
St Peter and Paul Catholic Church
666 Fibert Street (near Washington Square)
Hours: Sun-Sat 4-5pm, sandwiches
S.F. Central Baptist Church
1 Market (at Embarcadero Plaza)
Sundays 5-6pm
S.F. Rescue Mission
230 Jones Street (at Turk)
Hours: Monday to Friday mandatory Bible studies and lunches 1-2:30pm, and 4-5:30pm. Saturdays 11am. Gives groceries where possible.
Golden Gate Metropolitan Community Church
Simply Supper
1508 Church Street
Hours: Wed & Friday 4-5pm
Third Baptist Church
1399 McAllister Street (at Pierce)
Hours: Thursdays 12:30-1:30pm
Bayview-HuntersPoint Hope Homeless Resource Center
2111 Jennings Street (@VanDyke)
Open 24 hours
Full Service Drop-in Center with Case Management, referrals, Laundry ($0.25 cent charge), Free Voicemail, Lockers, Mail service, restrooms, showers, TV, chairs, breakfast and dinner.
Women's Community Clinic
2166 Hayes Street, Suite 104
Hours: Mon-Fri 10am-8pm, Saturdays 10am-1pm
Medical Services
Buena Vista Women's Consultation Center
3000 California Street, STE 200 (at Octavia)
Free to women 2 weeks late with their Period
Phone: or
Hours: Monday to Friday 9am-5pm
City Clinic
356-7th Street (at Harrison)
$10 service charge, but no one turned away for lack of funds.
Hours: Mon,Wed, Fr 8am-4pm, Tu 1-6pm, Th 1-4pm
Drop-In Services
Urgent Care Clinic
Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00am-7:30pm; Sat, Sun, 9am-4:30pm; Holidays 9am-4:30pm (closed Tues. 12:30-2pm)
Glide-Goodlett HIV/AIDS Project
330 Ellis Street, STE 518 (at Taylor)
Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
Cole Street Youth Clinic
555 Cole Street (at Haight)
Hours: Mon,Tue,Thu,Fri 9:30am-5:30pm; W 9:30am-1pm
Glide Health Clinic
330 Ellis Street, STE 418 (at Taylor)
Phone: 673-1500
Hours: Mon,Tue,Thu 1pm-5pm; Wednesday 9am -1pm
Haight-Ashbury Free Medical Clinic
555 Clayton Street (at Haight)
Mon 1pm-9pm; Tu &Wed -9am-9pm; Th, Fri 1-5pm
Jelani House Inc.
1522 Quesada Avenue (Bayview)
Hours: Treatment for AIDS and HIV victims, 2-3pm
Larkin Street Youth Clinic
1050 Larkin Street (at Sutter)
Hours: Mon-Thu 11am-6pm; Friday 1:30-6pm. Closed on weekends.
Lyon-Martin Women's Health Services
1748 Market Street, STE 201
Hours: Mon,Tu, Thu, Fri 8:30am-5pm; Wed 11am -7:30pm
New Generation Health Center
625 Potrero Avenue (at 18th Street)
Receive people up to the age 24 only.
Hours: Mon 10am-3pm, Tu 11am-6pm, Thu 9am-4pm. Drop-ins on Wednesdays and Fridays 10am-4pm.
Regular Medical Care
Primary Care Clinics
By Appointment Only. First come first served.
Hours: Monday to Friday 8am-7:30pm; Sat, Sun 9am-4:30pm (closed Tues. 12-2pm)
Tom Waddell Health Centre
50 Ivy Street
Pyscho-social and Medical Services
By Appointment Only
Hours: (Medical) Mon-Fri and Weekends (for urgent care) 8am-8pm; Psycho-social Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
San Francisco Free Clinic
4900 California Street (at 11th Avenue)
By Appointments Only, only people without medical insurance.
Hours: Mon,Tue1-4:30pm; Wed 1:30-4:15pm; Thu, Fri 10am-12:15pm
Social Services
Hours: Monday to Friday 8am-6pm; Saturdays 9am-3:30pm
St Anthony's Free Medical Clinic
105-107 Golden Gate Avenue (at Jones)
Mon, Tu, Thu,Fri 8:15am-6pm. Wednesday afternoon closed.
Podiatry clinic Tu,Th 1:15-til full
Adolescent Family-Walden House
214 Haight St.
Residential and out-patient behavior modification services
Open 24hrs,
Free Clothing
Bay Area Women and Children Center (BAWRC)
318 Leavenworth St./627 Turk Street
Phone: /1
Hours: Tue, Thu: 8:30am-1:30pm drop-in; Call Mon-Fri 8:30am-4pm for job listings
United Council of Human Services
Bayview Hunters Point Multi-Service Drop-in Center
2111 Jennings Street
Hours: Thursdays 10am-1pm
S.F. Rescue Mission
230 Jones Street (near Turk)
Hours: Monday to Friday 1-2:30pm, 4-5:30pm
64 Main St., San Quentin, 94964
Hours: Thursdays through Sundays
Chinese Newcomers Service Center
777 Stockton, Rm. 104
Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
Hospitality House Drop-In Center
146 Leavenworth
Hours: Mon-Fri, 11am-1pm
St. Anthony Foundation
Distribution Center
Clothing Distribution (lottery)
1185 Mission Street
Warehouse: 211 12th St. (nearest cross street Howard)
Hours: Women Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri, 2pm; Families with Children Mon, Fri 10:30 am; Men Mon, Fri 7:30am. Also provides furniture, dishes, and linen for those moving into apartments
St. Vincent de Paul
Ozanam Center
1175 Howard St. (near 7th)
Phone: , (anytime)
Hours: Mon-Fri, 8:00am-12pm, 1pm-3pm
Women's Community Clinic
2166 Hayes Street, Suite 104
Hours: Mon-Fri 10am-8pm, Saturday 10am-1pm
Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Walden House Inc.
Intake multi-services
Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm
Walden House Inc.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Treatment Center
520 Townsend Street
Hours: 24 hours for residential services; Mon-Fri 8am-9pm for day outpatient services.
Adolescent Family - Walden House
214 Haight St.
Open 24hrs, behavior modification services for adolescents of 14-18 years
Jelani House Inc.
1522 Quesada Avenue (Bayview)
Phone: (general line)/ (for intakes)
Hours: 24 hours, 7 day a week for residential substance abuse treatment services for men, women with children. Day treatment services 9am-7:30pm
Phone: (to speak with a volunteer), (to leave a message), (meetings outside of San Francisco)
Hours: Message phones available 24hrs a day
(No dues or fees)
Alcoholics Anonymous
Central Office-1540 Market St. #150
Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:30pm. Phone staffed 24hrs a day
(No dues or fees)
Spanish speaking program
24hr Hotline,
383 Valencia,
Adult Children of Alcoholics,
(Recorded message on times of meetings.)
Alcoholics Rehabilitation Association
1035 Haight St.
Hours: 10am-4pm
($100 per week to start)
American Indian Family Healing Center
1815-39th Ave., Oakland 94601
Hours: Open 24 hours, for women and their children only
Asian American Recovery Services (main office)
965 Mission Street ,Suite 325
Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
Asian American Recovery Services
Residential program
2024 Hayes Street
Hours: Open 24 hours
Asian American Recovery Services
Day Treatment program
2020 Hayes Street
Hours: Mon-Fri 10am-5pm