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Monday, June 22, 2009

June 22 - Live-blogging news just in from Tehran - video

This just in from Nico Pitney, live-blogging about Iran for The Huffington Post:

Some newsworthy recent tweets from one of Iran's most reliable users. Of course, they are all unconfirmed. But it is very impressive how a key group of Iranians on Twitter have filled the media vacuum not just by tweeting, but by noting when their information is unverified, or when it comes from sources whose reliability they cannot know for certain.
Clashes today confirmed in Jaam Jam and Mellat Park - militia used tear gas - shooting heard

Kalame Newspaper attacked by militia and several journalists arrested - #Iranelection2 minutes ago from web

Hospital sources - at least 1000 people injured so far by Gov in the streets against Sea of Green

Hospital sources - as many as 47 killed so far by Gov in the streets

Tehran is now alive again with the sound of the people - Allah Akbar - Death to the Dictator

The Combatant Clerics Group has strongly supported Mir Hossein Mousavi - Qom - Today

Mousavi has today had a meeting with several high rank clerics from Qom

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Watch this video just in from Tehran:

Also see this very interesting social media timeline done put together by Mashable. Good work.



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