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Friday, December 10, 2010

FAA lost a third of the owner names of 357,000 private and commercial aircraft -- It's Christmas for terrorists and drug traffickers

The United States government is every bit as much a danger to themselves as they are victims from WikiLeaks. According to NPR (National Public Radio) the Federal Aviation Administration is missing key information on who owns one-third of the 357,000 private and commercial aircraft in the U.S. — a gap the agency fears could be exploited by terrorists and drug traffickers.

Terrific. The skies can be full of cocaine traffickers, smugglers and terrorists and nobody in the federal government would know anythning about it - thanks to the incompetency of the FAA.

According to the NPR report: "The records are in such disarray that the FAA says it is worried that criminals could buy planes without the government's knowledge, or use the registration numbers of other aircraft to evade new computer systems designed to track suspicious flights. It has ordered all aircraft owners to re-register their planes in an effort to clean up its files."

"About 119,000 of the aircraft on the U.S. registry have 'questionable registration' because of missing forms, invalid addresses, unreported sales or other paperwork problems, according to the FAA. In many cases, the FAA cannot say who owns a plane or even whether it is still flying or has been junked."



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