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Friday, June 26, 2009

CUESA’s Second Annual Iron Chef Grill-Off June 27, San Francisco

Four local chefs will be battling it out on the grills at the historic San Francisco Ferry Building Marketplace: Mark Sullivan of Spruce, Andrew Swallow of Mixt Greens, Taylor Boetticher of Fatted Calf, and Elizabeth Falkner of Orson.
Chefs will use grass-fed beef and other meats from Marin Sun Farms ( some of the finest beef you will ever have an opportunity to enjoy. See their butcher shop website) to concoct their best burgers, and each will create a surprise side dish with ingredients from the market.
A limited number of mini-burgers will be available for a $2 donation.

When: Saturday, June 27th, 2009
Where: Ferry Building
What Time: 11 AM to 12:30 PM

Directions, parking and a map
The judges will be H. Joseph Ehrmann of Elixir, Jessica Battilana of 7x7 Magazine, and market shopper/drawing winner Marjanne Pearson. Gabriel Cole and Nate Keller of Gastronaut will MC the event, which will take place in the south driveway, across from Roli Roti.

For more information please visit CUESA (Center for Urban Education about Sustainable Agriculture)


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