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Sunday, June 28, 2009
Russia sends another warship to fight piracy in Gulf of Aden
Russia's Pacific Fleet will send a new task force led by a missile destroyer with two helicopters to the Gulf of Aden on June 29, a fleet spokesman said on Friday.
About the photo: The Russian Navy's Admiral Tributs, a Udaloy-class destroyer that is the counterpart to the U. S. Navy's Arleigh Burke class destroyer
"A task force, comprising theAdmiral Tributs destroyer, the Boris Butoma tanker and the MB-99 salvage tug, will head to the next Monday," the official said, adding that a naval infantry unit would also be dispatched to the region.
The Admiral Tributs is an Udaloy class missile destroyer armed with anti-ship missiles, 30-mm and 100-mm guns, and twoKa-27 Helix helicoptersdesigned for long-range reconnaissance and search missions.
TheRussian Navyjoined international anti-piracy efforts off the Somali coast in October 2008. Three warships have so far participated in the mission - the Baltic Fleet'sNeustrashimy (Fearless) frigate, and the Pacific Fleet's Admiral Vinogradov andAdmiral Panteleyev destroyers.
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