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Friday, July 13, 2007

Oracle School Graduates Today

This week, Oracle welcomed 97 teachers to its Oracle Academy Institute, held in San Francisco from July 8th to 13th.

The Institute is an intensive professional development program that prepares faculty to teach advanced technology and business curriculum. This curriculum focuses on database design and programming skills, and is delivered over two semesters in high schools, colleges, and vocational schools globally.

To prepare for this week's live training event, teachers completed 40 hours of online coursework, quizzes, and weekly discussions with an Oracle Academy mentor. These teachers will now work face-to-face with their Oracle Academy instructors over the next six days. At the conclusion of the training, teachers will demonstrate their readiness to teach the Academy curriculum by completing a class project and passing an exam.

"The Oracle Academy's approach to training is 100% geared toward instructor and student success," said Robin Smith, Oracle Academy instructor and mentor from Arnold Burton Technology Center. "Teachers exit the Academy Institute with a level of understanding that is rarely acquired at teacher professional development events. They are confident and fully prepared to deliver the Academy curriculum in their schools. This is this a great feeling and, even more important, means that teachers can start helping their students acquire critical technology skills right away."

The 97 participating teachers represent 90 schools from 27 states.

For more information go to:
or contact Kimberly Pineda
at 1.650.506.8831
or by email at


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