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Friday, July 06, 2007

Healthy San Francisco

Unlike past City and County efforts to serve the uninsured, Healthy San Francisco is not health insurance. It will instead provide a primary medical home to participants, allowing a greater focus on preventive care, as well as a specialty care, urgent and emergency care, mental health care, substance abuse services, laboratory, inpatient hospitalization, radiology, and pharmaceuticals. Healthy San Francisco will be administered by San Francisco Health Plan (SFHP) in partnership with the San Francisco Department of Public Health (DPH).

Ultimately, the vision is that all San Francisco residents will be eligible to apply for the program regardless of employment, immigration status, or pre-existing medical condition. It is likely that enrollment will initially occur in phases. Phasing will be important to:

  • test and refine the program as necessary;
  • protect the City's legal and moral obligation to provide the lowest income residence access to care; and
  • accommodate the absorption of participants into Healthy San Francisco efficiently, with as little friction as possible.

To be eligible for Healthy San Francisco, an individual must be uninsured, live in San Francisco, and be ineligible for other government-subsidized health benefits programs such as Medi-Cal, the Health Families Program, or Health Kids & Young Adults.

To learn more about the program:

  1. Inquiries regarding Healthy San Francisco should be emailed to .

  2. Inquiries regarding the employer Health Care Expenditures (HCE) required under the Health Care Security Ordinance (HCSO) should be emailed to .
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