In the photo: Petty Officer 1st Class Darril Kiest, an aviation survival technician stationed at Coast Guard Air Station Sacramento, lowers the station's national ensign to half mast during a morning color ceremony as others pay their respects Sunday Nov. 1, 2009.
The ceremony was held in honor of seven coastguardsmen who were lost at sea when a Coast Guard C-130 Hercules aircraft suffered a mid-air collision with a Marine Corps AH-1W helicopter, Oct. 29, 2009. (Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer 1st Class Alan Haraf.)
The missing crew members from the C-130 are: (click on the name link to see a photograph of the crew member)
Lt. Cmdr. Che J. Barnes, age 35, Capay, Calif., Aircraft Commander.
Job Description: Flight Safety Officer, C-130 Aircraft Commander, and Operations Duty Officer (ODO) Age: 35 Hometown: Capay, Calif. Gender: Male Relationship: Single Awards/Accolades include: 2009 CDR Elmer F. Stone Award Recipient, Coast Guard (CG) Commendation Medal, Global War on Terror Service Medal, three CG Achievement Medals, six Meritorious Unit Commendations, CG Meritorious Team Commendation, two Commandant’s Letter of Commendations, CG E Ribbon, National Defense Service Medal, two CG Special Operations Ribbons, CG Presidential Unit Citation, Dept. of Transportation (DOT) 9-11 Ribbon.
Lt. Adam W. Bryant, age 28, Crewe, Va., Co-Pilot.
Job Description: C-130 Pilot, Public Affairs Officer and ODO Age: 28 Hometown: Crewe, Va. Gender: Male Relationship: Single Awards/Accolades include: Armed Forces Service Medal, Global War on Terror Service Medal, CG Presidential Unit Citation, Commandant’s Letter of Commendation, CG E Ribbon, National Defense Service Medal, Humanitarian Service Medal, CG Special Operations Service Ribbon, CG Presidential Unit Citation, DOT 9-11 Ribbon.
Chief Petty Officer John F. Seidman, age 43, Stockton, Calif., Flight Engineer.
Job Description: Aviation Maintenance Technician, Shop Chief of Engine/Prop Shop, Qualified C-130 Flight Engineer, and ODO Age: 43 Hometown: Stockton, Calif. Gender: Male Relationship: Married, no children Awards/Accolades include: CG Commendation Medal, Global War On Terror Service Medal, Achievement Medal, six CG Unit Commendations, four CG Meritorious Unit Commendations, Bicentennial Unit Commendation, CG Rifle Marksman Ribbon, two CG Meritorious Team Commendations, Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, five CG Special Operations Service Ribbons, CG Presidential Unit Citation, Commandant’s Letter of Commendation, two National Defense Service Medals, Humanitarian Service Medal, CG Special Operations Service Ribbon, CG Presidential Unit Citation, DOT 9-11 Ribbon, seven Good Conduct Medals, and a DOT Outstanding Unit Award.
Petty Officer 2nd Class Carl P. Grigonis, age 35, Mayfield Heights, Ohio, Navigator.
Job Description: Aviation Electronics Technician, Qualified C-130 Flight Navigator Age: 35 Hometown: Mayfield Heights, Ohio Gender: Male Relationship: Married, with children Awards/Accolades include: Global War On Terror Service Medal, Achievement Medal, two CG Unit Commendations, two CG Meritorious Unit Commendations, CG Pistol Marksman Ribbon, CG Meritorious Team Commendations, Commandant’s Letter of Commendation, National Defense Service Medals, CG Special Operations Service Ribbon, CG Presidential Unit Citation, DOT 9-11 Ribbon, three Good Conduct Medals.
Petty Officer 2nd Class Monica L. Beacham, age 29, Decaturville, Tenn., Radio Operator.
Job Description: Aviation Electronics Technician, Qualified C-130 Radioman, Navigator Trainee Age: 29 Hometown: Decaturville, Tenn. Gender: Female Relationship: Married, with children Awards/Accolades include: Global War Terror Service Medal, two CG Unit Commendations, two CG Meritorious Unit Commendations, two CG Meritorious Team Commendations, National Defense Service Medal, two Humanitarian Service Medals, CG Presidential Unit Citation, two CG Good Conduct Medals, and DOT 9-11 Ribbon.
Petty Officer 2nd Class Jason S. Moletzsky, age 26, Norristown, Pa., Air Crew.
Job Description: Aviation Maintenance Technician, Basic C-130 Air Crew. Age: 26 Hometown: Norristown, Pa. Gender: Male Relationship: Single Awards/Accolades include: Global War on Terror Service Medal, CG Achievement Medal, CG Meritorious Unit Commendation, CG Rifle Marksman Ribbon, CG Pistol Marksman Ribbon, CG Meritorious Team Commendation, two Commandant’s Letter of Commendations, National Defense Service Medal, two CG Special Operations Service Ribbons, CG Presidential Unit Citation, two CG Good Conduct Medals.
Petty Officer 3rd Class Danny R. Kreder II, age 22, Elm Mott, Texas, Drop Master.
Job Description: Aviation Maintenance Technician, Dropmaster, Sensor System Operator. Age: 22. Hometown: Elm Mott, Texas. Gender: Male Relationship: Married, no children. Awards/Accolades include: Cutterman Insignia, CG Unit Commendation Award, Commandant’s Letter of Commendation, CG Presidential Unit Citation, CG Sea Service Ribbon, Good Conduct Medal.
All were stationed at Coast Guard Air Station Sacramento where their aircraft was based.
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