Here's a call to all America's Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan Vets.
Jim Martin is a Veitnam Vet and he's fighting a runoff race in georgia for the U. S. Senate. His opposition is an ultra-conservative Republican who has a solid record of voting AGAINST VETERANS.
Jim needs our help now. The election is not over!
It's true: The 2008 elections aren't over yet! Though enthusiastic voters across the nation sent Barack Obama to the White House on November 4th and elected dozens more Democrats to Congress, our work isn't quite finished yet.
In just a few days, on December 2nd, voters in Georgia will have a run-off election to decide whether to elect Democrat Jim Martin and give Barack Obama another vote in the U.S. Senate or to send incumbent Republican Senator Saxby Chambliss back to Washington where he'll continue the right-wing's obstructionism.
(note: Sarah Palin is going into Georgia to stump for Republican Saxby Chambliss)
This is a critical race – electing Jim Martin could move us one step closer to a 60 vote, filibuster-proof majority in the U.S. Senate – and you can make a huge difference, right now. The online phone banking tool used all over the country to "get out the vote" for Barack Obama on November 4th is now being used to "get out the vote" for Jim Martin, and I hope you'll use it to help Jim win on December 2nd.
Will you make just 10 phone calls to Democratic voters and remind them to vote for Jim Martin next week?
Click here to phone Democratic voters in Georgia from the comfort of your own home right now – and help Democrat Jim Martin win a Senate seat on December 2nd!
Jim Martin is a Vietnam veteran and served for 18 years as a member of the Georgia House of Representatives. As a state legislator, he was a leader on health care issues and helped provide quality and affordable health care to thousands of Georgia's children. Jim continued his work for children at the Georgia Department of Human Resources which he led under two Governors, working hard to protect foster children and put them in loving homes.
On the other hand, if there's anyone who's made Swiftboating an art form, it's Saxby Chambliss. 6 years ago, he defeated Democratic Senator Max Cleland, a Vietnam veteran and triple-amputee, by questioning his patriotism and running ads comparing him to Osama Bin Laden. Right after 9-11, these types of despicable tactics may have worked. But it's time to move beyond Swiftboaters to people like Jim Martin.
Watch this short video about Jim Martin and veterans issues. just turn-up the sound and push the play button
Click here to phone Democratic voters in Georgia from the comfort of your own home right now – and help Democrat Jim Martin win a Senate seat on December 2nd!
The Martin campaign's goal is to have as many out-of-state activists as possible call Democratic voters in Georgia so that their 150+ volunteer Field Organizers and thousands of volunteers on the ground can focus on knocking on doors and having face-to-face conversations with voters.
They just need our help to remind Georgia Democrats to get out and vote for Jim Martin on December 2nd. Only a few minutes of your time – and 10 phone calls – will make a huge difference. Will you help?
Click here to phone Democratic voters in Georgia from the comfort of your own home right now – and help Democrat Jim Martin win a Senate seat on December 2nd!
This is a can-do mission. Please make a few phone calls for Jim. We can win this election and send a strong voice for vets to Washington.
Democrat Jim Martin is in a runoff against Bush Republican Saxby Chambliss for the Senate seat from Georgia. Bush's Saxby Chambliss voted against spending a few measly dollars to provide health care coverage for Georgia, and Americas needy children. But he supported wasting hundreds of billions of your dollars, and the life BLOOD of Americas finest on an unnecessary war in Iraq.
At a time when 47 million of you have no health insurance coverage, and over 100 million of you with insurance are just one major illness away from complete financial destruction. Bush and Saxby Chambliss voted to make the heart break of bankruptcy relief even harder for all of you to use.
You see, Bush and Saxby Chambliss, and his family don't have to worry about their health care coverage. They have the finest health care coverage your tax money can buy for them. Courtesy of you. The American Tax payer. In fact, no one but the super rich can afford the health care coverage you the tax payer provide for Saxby Chambliss, and his family for FREE! with your tax dollars.
He supposedly works for you. But he doesn't think you and your family should have access to the type of taxpayer supported FREE health care that you provide for him, and his loved ones for FREE!. Doesn't that just make you BURRING MAD!
Vote for JIM MARTIN for US senator from Georgia. Vote for JIM Martin who will be on your side. Vote for JIM MARTIN who will work with President Obama and a majority congress for you. Vote for JIM MARTIN most of all for your-self, your family's, friends, and loved ones. Vote for JIM MARTIN for a better America, and a better World.
Don't let Saxby Chambliss make a chump out of you by tricking you into voting against your own best interest. Saxby chambliss is NOT! on your side. He's not one of you. He is on George Bush's side. And we all know what a catastrophe the Bush Chambliss administration has been the past 8 years.
Contact all your family and friends and do every thing you can to see to it that JIM MARTIN and GEORGIANS! take that senate seat back for Georgia, and America. No matter where you live in America. This is important to you. President Obama will need all the help, and power you can give him to try and fix this catastrophic mess that the Corrupt Bush Chambliss administration has created.
As I said before you will have to vote in overwhelming numbers to overcome the Bush Chambliss "Let Them Eat Cake" vote fraud machine. Vote early if you can. Then help everyone you can get to the polls and vote for JIM MARTIN. You and your loved ones don't have to be Saxby Chambliss's victims anymore.
I know you will get it done. Just like you did for President Obama.
God bless all of you
jacksmith - WORKING CLASS... :-)
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