Test Press was founded in 2005 by the Electronic and Dance Music Committee of the San Francisco Chapter of the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences (NARAS), with the desire to bring DJs, musicians, performers, producers, and fans together in a networking mixer to introduce new music and talent.
In the photo: Rashida Clendening (aka: Audio Angel) performs at Text Press.
Artists and producers alike get immediate access to the ears and feedback of Dance and Electronic music industry veterans and their peers, which results in an unrivaled opportunity to showcase their newest tracks and network with labels, press and distribution representatives. During the event, fans, attendees and industry professionals vote to determine the best tracks. Five finalists are selected from each event and will have their tracks voted on by the Test Press committee to determine the artists and tracks to be included on the next Test Press release on Epiphyte Records, scheduled for release in early 2009. (www.epiphyterecords.com)
The 2006/2007 Test Press events received over 200 song entries and resulted in the 15 tracks that were selected for the Test Press SF 2007 compilation CD/DVD release, sponsored by Ableton (makers of Ableton Live - www.ableton.com) and Pyramind Production and Training (www.pyramind.com). All attendees will have the opportunity to participate in a raffle where one lucky winner will be selected to receive a copy Ableton Live 7 Suite, valued at $800.00!
The artists/producers submitting a track for evaluation must be present at the event for the track to be critiqued by the panelists and considered for inclusion on the compilation CD/DVD release. All attendees participate by voting (via Applause-Meter) for each track to determine the finalists. The finalists are selected by a combination of panelist votes and the attendee Applause-Meter response.
Submissions for the Test Press review panel can be uploaded to www.epiphyterecords.com/TestPressuploader - Additional details regarding Test Press can be found at www.epiphyterecords.com
Track review panelists/judges for the July 17 th event will include: DJ/Producer Forest Green of Cute Fang Records (), DJ/Producer Homero Espinosa of Yerba Buena Discos (), and Mike Addicott, aka: ADD1, dance collection manager for Pandora.com, as well as resident DJ for Remedy, The SF Giants, and The Oakland Warriors.
Guest DJ's for the evening will feature past Test Press finalists: Professor Bang from The Body Mechanics (), and Playdoughboy ().
Guest Presenter: Yukio King from Ableton (Makers of Ableton Live)
Test Press committee members include Pyramind founder and San Francisco NARAS Chapter Governor Gregory J. Gordon, recording artist Rashida Clendening (aka Audio Angel - www.rashida.net), Scott Quick (formerly of Thump Radio), Jeff Straw (INgrooves/Breakshop Studios), Patrick Hinds and Tyler Stone of Sutro (), and new committee members Darcy Kearney (DJ DRC/Destra Music) and Chris Horgan (Pandora.com/Beatropolis).
Event schedule:
When: Thursday, July 17, 2008
Mixer & Guest DJ: 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Track Review Panel I: 8:00 - 8:45 PM
Guest Sponsor Presentation: 8:45 - 9:00 PM
Mixer & Guest DJ: 9:00 - 9:30 PM
Track Review Panel II: 9:30 - 10:30 PM
Where: Pyramind Production and Training, 832 Folsom Street, San Francisco. www.pyramind.com
Cost: FREE (no charge, zippo, nada, nothing, gratis)
For more info and to learn how to submit music visit www.epiphyterecords.com or contact Michael Roache at x 200 or e-mail
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