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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Nihonmachi Street Fair, Japantown, San Francisco

35th Annual Nihonmachi Street Fair
San Francisco's Japan Town

35 years ago three young San Francisco community activitists, Steve Nakajo, Ron and Kenny Kanzaki saw the changes taking place in Japantown, or "Jtown" as it is affectionately known. A new trade center was being built and families and businesses were being displaced. The Jtown they knew was being demolished. They knew something needed to be done...

The first Nihonmachi Street Fair on May 19, 1973, was a meeting ground for Asian American youths. The anti-establishment movement, Malcom X's birthday celebration, and the sprouting seeds of a revolution filled the air. Asian activists along with their community minded family and friends took to the streets of Jtown, bringing purpose to the first Nihonmachi Street Fair. A Fair unlike any other...organized and run by Asian Pacific American youths.

On Saturday and Sunday, August 9th and 10th (11am - 6pm) in San Francisco's Japantown (Post Street between Webster & Laguna), the 35th Nihonmachi Street Fair will take to the streets again for another exciting weekend.

Celebrating the diverse Asian and Pacific American communities in the Bay Area.

The Street Fair is about the diversity in our communities and the common bonds we share. Come and learn about the issues facing Asian/Pacific Americans today and meet the people behind the nonprofit organizations that provide vital services to our communities.

It's a community grassroots event where you'll find young and old volunteering side by side in hopes to inspire others to give back to their communities. Encouraging the young, appreciating the elders, and acknowledging those who continue to support this vital event.

Here's the entertainment lineup:

11:00am West Coast Lion Dance
11:45am Pulse
2:00pm RYZE the Band
3:45pm Mara Reggae
4:15pm Colette Ikemi & Friends
5:00pm San Francisco Taiko Dojo

11:45am &
12:30pm Manuia Polynesia
1:15pm Rendevous
2:45pm TBA
3:30pm Carlos Reyes
4:15pm Greater St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church of Oakland Gospel Choir
5:00pm Calisus

For more information please visit


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