Comments to Al Gore's speech today:
Sen. Barack Obama, likely Democratic presidential nominee:
"For decades, Al Gore has challenged the skeptics in Washington on climate change and awakened the conscience of a nation to the urgency of this threat. I strongly agree with Vice President Gore that we cannot drill our way to energy independence, but must fast-track investments in renewable sources of energy like solar power, wind power and advanced biofuels, and those are the investments I will make as President. It's a strategy that will create millions of new jobs that pay well and cannot be outsourced, and one that will leave our children a world that is cleaner and safer."
Dr. James Hansen, Director, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies:
"This is just what the doctor ordered -- to cure our carbon addiction and stimulate the economy. It would be the turning point that is needed to lead the world to a stable climate."
Dan Kammen, Energy and Resources Group, UC Berkeley:
"Vice President Gore's speech today sets the tone for a new American Century: one that is based around an economics and a technological capacity to value the planet, not to degrade it. The call for a clean energy future -- one where jobs are gained, not lost -- through the secure resources of energy efficiency and renewable energy, is one that we can achieve, but it will take leadership. We are already seeing nations around the planet discover that a future where wind, solar, geothermal, clean hydropower, and other clean energy sources can play major roles in their economic rebirth. The challenge is to expand greatly the research base and deployment capacity of these industries, and to construct new markets that select climate-friendly energy supplies first. The United States, under committed visionary leadership can become the engine of a global economic revitalization around clean power, and Vice President Gore has outlined a plan and take a major step to begin the greening of the 21st Century. "
Rep. Edward Markey, Chairman of the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming:
"Vice President Gore's call today reflects not just the urgency of global warming, but the pent up renewable energy revolution that is waiting in the wings, ready to be unleashed. At a time when fossil fuels are dragging down our economy, we should be looking to free fuels like the wind and the sun to power our economy, and we should be moving swiftly to bring these promising energy sources to the entire world.
"Congress must take this clarion call from our nation's climate sage and act, swiftly and fairly. Climate legislation can grow our economy, assist low and middle income families and workers, and transition us to a stable, clean energy future, but we are running out of time.
"It has been more than two years since the release of ‘An Inconvenient Truth', and we have still not answered the call to save our planet and save our economy. We cannot go another two years, or even one year, without passing legislation to significantly cut global warming emissions and unleash a renewable energy future."
David Yarnold, Executive Director, Environmental Defense Fund
"Al Gore is exactly right about our economic, environmental, and national security challenges. We need bold leadership if we're going to build a secure and prosperous future for the United States. Together we can find the most efficient and effective path forward."
Alden Meyer, Director of Strategy and Policy, Union of Concerned Scientists:
"Vice President Gore has laid down a bold challenge to America, and we applaud his leadership. The science is clear and compelling -- we face truly serious consequences from human-induced climate change that require an urgent response. We must transform our economy by using energy much more efficiently, and by tapping our huge domestic reservoir of clean, renewable resources.
Once again, Al Gore has underscored that incremental solutions are not sufficient, and that we must mobilize for the rapid transformation of our energy economy. We have the technologies needed to slash our emissions of heat-trapping gases in every sector of the economy; what's needed is the political will to move them into the marketplace much more quickly."
"We must all take Al Gore's call for action seriously. Responding to climate change requires the full engagement of national, state and local public officials, business executives, religious and community leaders, and every citizen. By uniting in this common purpose and mobilizing America's ingenuity and can-do spirit, we can rise to this challenge. We can revitalize our economy, increase our energy security, and do our part to cut global warming pollution, all at the same time."
"Vice President Gore deserves our deep thanks for highlighting the need for action in such a clear and compelling way. Now it's up to all of us to respond with the same level of courage and conviction he has shown in working together to get the job done."
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ENN (Environmental News Network) (Al Gore's official website)
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Velibs in San Francisco & the Bike Plan Injunction
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