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Thursday, July 31, 2008
Project Open Hand's Daily Meal Fund
At Project Open Hand (POH), there’s always enough food and love to go around. Every day POH provides 2,600 meals and 300 bags of groceries using the freshest, most nutritious ingredients for the people that depend on people like us. However, with the rising food costs POH needs your help more than ever.
In the photo: "When I started Project Open Hand, my friends thought everyone had relatives who could help them. But the people I was serving were pretty much alone. I did what I did because it needed to be done", Ruth Brinker, founder of Project Open Hand
Your support today helps ensure that people with symptomatic HIV/AIDS, breast cancer and the homebound critically ill and seniors –many who live in the barest of resources – won’t need to make a choice between buying food or paying for rent or essential medicine.
If you haven’t yet done so, please help POH provide more meals to seriously ill people and seniors by joining the Daily Meal Fund. Each $5 funds a meal for someone in need. A small monthly gift on your part translates into generous support to people who depend on Project Open Hand for nutrition.
A special thank you to POH monthly Daily Meal Fund donors who are continuing the great work we do at Project Open Hand in nourishing the bodies and spirits of our neighbors struggling with serious illness and old age. Your generosity enables POH to cook and deliver a nourishing meal, every day. Click here to learn more about becoming a part of the Daily Meal Fund.
Thank you for being generous with an ‘open heart’ today and giving the people served by POH so much to be grateful for.
Daily Meal Fund
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