Published since 2005. San Francisco is a city that belongs to the people of the world. Hence this blog has a global focus. The name "Sam Spade's San Francisco" refers to an exciting era in the City's history, the time of Dashiell Hammett's fictional gumshoe and San Francisco character, Sam Spade. My name is Tom Dunn and I edit the blog. I'm not as exciting as Sam Spade, but I am definitely a San Francisco character.Contact or on Twitter -- Search blog below.
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Friday, December 07, 2007
Reprogrammed Skin Cells Come Alive with Promise!
Skin cells reprogrammed to act like embryonic stem cells--a breakthrough first reported in human cells 2 weeks ago--are already showing promise as a therapeutic agent. In today's online edition ofScience, researchers describe using induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells to alleviate symptoms of sickle cell anemia in mice. The technique is not yet safe to try in people, but scientists say it is proof of principle that iPS cells could someday treat human disease.
In the photo:Blood from mice treated with iPS cells (above) does not show the sickle-shaped cells present in untreated mice (top)
For more information read the original story at the journal,Science.
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