Published since 2005. San Francisco is a city that belongs to the people of the world. Hence this blog has a global focus. The name "Sam Spade's San Francisco" refers to an exciting era in the City's history, the time of Dashiell Hammett's fictional gumshoe and San Francisco character, Sam Spade. My name is Tom Dunn and I edit the blog. I'm not as exciting as Sam Spade, but I am definitely a San Francisco character.Contact or on Twitter -- Search blog below.
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Saturday, August 30, 2008
Pickens Plan - Good for San Francisco, Good for California
The Pickens Plan makes sense - lots of sense.Watch this video and see what you think.
T. Boone Pickens knows what he is talking about. He's an American with an American answer and I like it.
Here's T. Boone Pickens explaining his plan. In the 4 minutes and 49 seconds it takes to watch this video you may discover that you too think the Pickens Plan may very likely be America's best immediate response to the oil crisis.
As Pickens says, "We can't drill our way out of this problem!"
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