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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Google Keeps Georgian Government Working

Very soon Google may offer a new service to those of its customers who have "larger" needs: Google Government.

With one portal,
iGoogleGov, it will be easy for prime ministers, presidents, kings and sultans to rule their nations. GoogleGov will make small and medium-size democracies more user-friendly to the masses. GoogleGov is the perfect add-on for any growing democracy.

None of that exists, of course, but who knows what may happen tomorrow - because today Google has saved its first sovereign government - sort of.

Ethan Zuckerman is a fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society and a co-founder of Global Voices Online. He wrote the following commentary for

". . . In the past week, in-depth articles on cyberwar have graced the pages of the Washington Post, the New York Times, Christian Science Monitor, and Salon. The best of these articles have a common conclusion: it's very hard to know what's actually gone on."

"Call it "the fog of cyberwar". Better yet, please don't."

"As the dust settles, it's unclear whether "cyberwar" is even an appropriate term for what's taken place online as an actual war - the kind with guns and dead people - has transpired in Georgia."

". . . Here's what's known: many Georgian websites have been difficult or impossible to access for several days. In response, the Georgian government has moved some vital email addresses and websites to Google . . ."

Google appears able to simply rise above the chaos of mere international strife.

Way to Go Googlers!




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