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Thursday, June 07, 2007

Shooting at City College

If you read an earlier story in this blog, Waiting for Death at City College (CCSF), then you know there is a very serious life-or-death problem at San Francisco's 2-year community college.

CCSF is the scene of a future murder. It is almost inevitable that a college with approximately 100,000 students where the police are not permitted to carry guns (but some of the students do) will experience at least one murder in the foreseeable future. To deny this reality requires about the same level of intelligence demonstrated by a rock - zero.

If you have not read Waiting for Death at City College, you may do so now by clicking on the above link.

Today CCSF Police Chief Carl Koehler resigned under protest because the Board of Trustees continue to stubbornly refuse to allow the CCSF Police Department to equip themselves to protect students' lives and their own lives. Chief Koehler said, "In this day and age, there are guns on campus, but the police don't have them."

The Board of Trustees of City College have, by their lack of action, demonstrated to the voting public of San Francisco that they are not doing their jobs, not addressing the most serious issues at City College, not living up to their obligation to protect the student body, and steadfastly refusing to listen to or respond to the demands of the public.
They are an arrogant bunch of self-absorbed Paris Hiltons - unintelligent, untalented and self-centered.

The entire Board of Trustees should resign, not the people who put their lives on the line to protect the students and faculty.
Get rid of the elected baggage, but - for God's sake - keep the professional police officers who are sworn to protect lives.

None -
repeat: NONE of these Board Members should ever again be elected to public office. They have failed miserably and they are a disgrace to City College of San Francisco, a disgrace to higher education, an embarrassment to the community and an affront to San Francisco voters. The members of the CCSF Board of Trustees are inept, arrogant and shallow in their thinking. They are an absolute failure.

Note: If I am wrong about the entirety of the Board of Trustees - if there is at least one sane voice on the Board, I would very much like to know who that person may be and I would like to hear from that person directly. I will gladly give credit where it is due, but up to this point it appears there is not a single member of the CCSF Board of Trustees who has earned any credit at all. It appears that the entire Board has flunked out.

If you want to voice your opinion to the members of the CCSF Board of Trustees, or ask them to take a position, here are their email addresses:

Dr. Anita Grier, president -
Julio J. Ramos, vice-president -
Natalie Berg -
Milton Marks - (and)
John Rizzo -
Rodel E. Rodis -
Lawrence Wong -
Derick Brown -

You may also email a copy of this story to the Board members (or anyone else of your choosing) by using the envelope icon directly below.


Anonymous said...

Ha! If you or anybody is able to get any member of the CCSF Board of Trustees to go on record with any kind of clear commitment, you will have accomplished something that nobody else is able to do.

College district boards, school boards and planning commissions are the traditional incubators to develop future Board of Supervisors candidates.

Taking a good look at the CCSF Board of Trustees, it is pretty clear that none of them have yet demonstrated even a semblance of willingness to take a position on anything. Most of them are afraid to say or do something that might come back to bite them. It doesn't look like any of them have much of a political career.

Milton Marks, of course, should know better. If any of them has potential for rising above the silliness, it should be Marks, but so far, he's been a mouse.

And what about Anita Grier? She is capable, but silent. Anita Grier cannot continue to protect her reputation by doing nothing. Sooner or later a do-nothing trustee is going to lose re-election to somebody who comes along and promises to do something - anything.

The current trustees are gutless wonders.

Take their meetings for example. The trustees can spend a good hour or more arguing about the minutes from the last meeting. They are worse than a bunch of old grannies at a knitting club.

Unfortunately it will almost surely take someone's death before our current trustees ever seriously address the issue. They are cowardly lions.

As for Phil Day ... well ... will somebody please find him a job out of state? Anywhere will do, just as long as he gets the hell away from City College.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Anita Grier is a fine lady. If she has not taken a position on the police issue, it must mean that she is really studying it from every angle. She will speak her mind very soon. Dr. Grier is not going to play political games when lives are at stake. She is very highly respected. We can count on her.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding? The CCSF Board of Trustees?


That's a good joke. What makes you or anybody else think we're ever going to get any kind of maturity and relevance from that bunch of bananas. They are clueless beyond hope and there is not a single one of them who has any guts at all.

The best thing for any City College student to do is get the hell out of there and go over to SF State. What's taking you so long? make the switch!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Sam. You should be glad the City College Board don't carry guns. They'd come looking for you at high noon!

Anonymous said...

What's ironic about the Board of Trustees, is when it's time for re-election who do you think they go to for political support, The SFPD POA, and the SF Sheriff's DSA.

Yet the Board of trustees do nothing to support CCSF Police.


In 1983, Dr. Dudley Yasuda, a City College of San Francisco psychiatry instructor, was shot on campus on the 3rd floor of the Batmale Hall building.

He was holding office hours w/several students when an upset student of his barged in and SHOT him.

Dr. Yasuda DIED of his wounds and left his wife and 3 kids to mourn his death.

WHAT would his FAMILY SAY TODAY, 23+ years later, about the College's continued refusal to arm the Police officers???

Think they'd be PROUD of the College administration's decisions...OR DISGUSTED??

Every time there's a lethal force threat on campus, the CCSF police department can only CALL SFPD to respond ('cuz THEY HAVE GUNS) instead of responding immediately themselves. SECONDS DO COUNT IN LETHAL FORCE THREAT SITUATIONS!!! (Despite what the non-law enforcement college officials tell you. But then they're more qualified and experienced than the police, RIGHT??)

Standard police procedures DOES NOT SEND UNARMED police or personnel into LETHAL FORCE THREAT situations. That's stupid and irresponsible. It threatens everyone (attacker, victims, and officers) in the situation if the responding officer(s) have no lethal force to respond in kind to lethal force to stop it.

Let's face it, the administration of CCSF is gutless and is more concerned about POTENTIAL lawsuits involving armed officers THAN PROTECTING THEIR CHARGES: the students, faculty, employees, and public visitors on campus!

All the facts, reports, statistics, and studies that support and justify arming the college police dept apparently WILL NOT change their minds.

Apparently the College administrators and Board of Trustees have more police training, courses, and law enforcement experience than the police professionals they've hired to do the job...NOT!!!

Isn't it ludicrous that NON-law enforcement amateurs DICTATE police dept procedures, policies, and how the college police execute their duties!!???? When was the last time you hired someone and hovered over them TELLING THEM HOW TO DO THE JOB you hired them for; or refused to listen to their expert and experienced advice!??

Is it any wonder CCSF Public Safety Police Chief Carl Koehler QUIT?? He probably said: "...if you're going to totally ignore my advice and recommendations for an emergency action plan (after Virginia Tech), they why'd you bother hiring me!?"

God hopes we won't have to have a Virginia Tech type tragedy occur to finally wake them up!

Last word, if government won't give the citizens the tools to protect themselves or put the measures and procedures in place to do so, aren't THEY ASSUMING TOTAL RESPONSIBILITY for the safety and well-being of said charges? (Editorial Comment: Isn't that what Socialism and Communism are all about...THE STATE TAKING CARE OF YOU?)

If I have NO SAY in my personal protection or the security action plan, and GOVERNMENT (CCSF Administration) assumes upfront that responsiblity, shouldn't I be able to SUE YOU and hold you accountable when you DELIBERATELY NEGLECT to take REASONABLE MEASURES to protect me!?? Especially when I get injured, crippled, maimed, or die due to YOUR CONSCIOUS AND DELIBERATE NEGLIGENCE!??

Doesn't the LINGERING fear that a looming undeterred lethal force attack and the knowledge that ARMED CCSF police officers CANNOT RESPOND IMMEDIATELY (REMEMBER, I'll have to wait for CCSF Police to CALL SFPD, THEN WAIT FOR ARMED SFPD!) constitute a persistent hostile educational environment that continually threatens my physical, emotional, and mental health with additional stress!!??

CCSF's (and many companies) workplace rules dictate that NO employee can create a hostile work environment for others to work in. I think there's a hostile work environment WHEN the students and employees ARE DENIED IMMEDIATE RESPONSE and protection if a lethal force threat situation occurs!!!

Maybe I can SUE OVER THIS?

Anyone know any good class action suit lawyers?? I smell a $$profitable$$ case for some greedy lawyer and some $easy money$!

Knowing the REACTIVE CCSF administration's past history, they'd rather PAY OFF a nuisance lawsuit THAN take PRO-ACTIVE and responsible measures to prevent REAL TRAGEDIES and legitimate lawsuits. It's so SAD these UNQUALIFIED administrators hide behind the potential threat of lawsuits as their main reason for not arming the college police.

Like the exiting Chief Koehler said, people (BAD) have guns and lethal weapons ON CAMPUS. The Good Guys DON'T!!!

At least he has the guts to abide by his convictions and values; something the current College Administration wouldn't understand!

By the way, why are City College students, employees, and public visitors SECOND CLASS citizens when it comes to being protected??

CCSF is only 1 of 2 or 3 California colleges where the college police depts aren't armed. Does that mean CCSF folks aren't as good or deserve the same protections that other students, employees, and public get when they visit the other colleges w/armed police departments? Are they less deserving of the same protection as people at UC campuses, California State colleges, University of San Francisco (armed security, no police), College of San Mateo, Foothill Community College, DeAnza Community College, and other community colleges?? All the forementioned have ARMED COLLEGE POLICE DEPTs or security!

Maybe we, the public, CCSF students, and CCSF employees ARE 2ND CLASS CITIZENS...WE JUST DIDN'T KNOW IT!!!

Aren't YOU, the CCSF Administration, DISCRIMINATING against said groups by DENYING them the SAME PROTECTIONS they'd get at the other colleges!????! (Do I smell ANOTHER LAWSUIT? California State Constitution says the denial of EQUAL PROTECTION is forbidden!)

I'm BETTER protected at Costco or the SF AMC 100 Van Ness Theaters THAN CCSF. The NON-POLICE 20-something security guards THERE ARE ARMED!! I wonder why Costco and the theater chain AREN'T AFRAID of potential lawsuits involving armed SECURITY guards!??

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