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Saturday, June 16, 2007
Why Ed Jew Should be Forced from Office
Ed Jew's attorneys are doing what defense attorneys are supposed to do in such situations: grab at straws and attack anything that moves. Jew's attorneys are trying their best to make their client look like a victim.
In the photo:Ed Jew attends his first City Hall meeting after being charged. Chronicle photo by Kurt Rogers
They can't, of course, because between the District Attorney, the City Attorney, the FBI and the U.S. Attorney, they have more evidence against Ed Jew that George Bush ever had against Saddam Hussein.
Ed Jew is through.
Matt Dorsey of the City Attorney's office explained it politely:"We certainly understand that Supervisor Jew's attorneys have a duty to defend their client in a criminal matter," said Dorsey. "But the city attorney has no less of a duty to San Franciscans to defend the legitimacy of their local government."
The rights of San Franciscans don't stop there. We have a right to expect our Board of Supervisors to be able to function normally. The Board is, after all, our city's highest legislative body and we need full functionality.
Additionally, the citizens living in the Sunset, where Ed Jew's district is located, are entitled by City Charter to full and equal representation. There is little doubt in anyone's mind that those people today have zero effective representation on the Board of Supervisors. They have no effective voice in their government. Their federally-assured civil rights are being violated.
Under the charter, the mayor has the power to suspend Jew and then press for his removal through the city Ethics Commission and full Board of Supervisors. To do so, the mayor would have to present written charges to the commission. If, after a hearing, the commission recommended removal, the case would move to the supervisors. Eight of the 11 members of the board would need to vote in favor of removal to oust the supervisor.
That's where it stands today.In order for the City to fulfill it's mandate to assure San Franciscans of fair, equal and effective representation, Ed Jew must be removed from office.
I can well understand why Mayor Newsom wants to remain in a neutral corner, but when the rights of the citizens of San Francisco are being denied, then it is incumbent upon the mayor to act. It is his sworn responsibility under the City Charter.
It is also, of course, prudent to be sure one is absolutely right before taking such serious and drastic measures. I am sure this is also weighing heavily the Mayor's mind. Perhaps the best course of action is to wait just a little to be absolutely certain these accusations against Jew are not going away. Then, at that time, it would be right and proper for the Mayor to intervene on behalf of the people of San Francisco.
So, how long will the Mayor wait? Well, I guess that will be determined by just how large and how bold the handwriting on the wall really is. From my point of view it already looks like a full-scale billboard.
You can read all the details in a well-written story by Robert Selna and Wyatt Buchanan that appears in today's San FranciscoChroncile.
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