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Thursday, June 07, 2007

Pussy Cats

June is Adopt-a-Shelter-Cat Month

June is Adopt-a-Shelter-Cat Month and there's a good reason why this special month is observed during the summer months: kitten season is in full swing and shelters are filled with cats of all ages, sizes and colors. Here are some current feline facts:

  • Cats have replaced dogs as the most popular family pet in the U.S.
  • It's estimated that there are approximately 90 million owned cats in this country.
  • The stray animal population in the U.S. is largely made up of cats.
  • The majority of the millions of cats in shelters are unowned.
  • More than 70% of the cats in shelters will be euthanized.
  • Euthanasia in shelters is now the number one cause of cat death in the U.S.
  • Cats as a group receive less veterinary care than dogs, and are abandoned more often.

With these sobering facts in mind, The SF/SPCA is celebrating Adopt-a-Shelter Cat Month, by instituting a new adoption policy for cats: adopt one cat (over 6 months of age) and get a second one free! In addition, there is no adoption fee for seniors (62 and over) who adopt an adult cat (3-years and older) from The SF/SPCA. They also receive a year of routine medical care through The SF/SPCA Community Veterinary Hospital.


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