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Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Project Open Hand expands grocery service
More Choice in the Project Open Hand Grocery Center
Beginning in July 2007, Project Open Hand will institute an exciting new grocery service that will give clients in the HIV/AIDS program more choice. Instead of receiving a pre-packed bag and then choosing additional items from a menu, clients will receive a larger menu of grocery items and be able to select all the foods for their weekly groceries themselves.
Project Open Hand clients in the breast cancer program will also be eligible for additional nutrition options.
Project Open Hand began serving meals to women living with breast cancer in 2005. In January 2007, we began a pilot grocery program for 30 women enrolled in the program. Beginning in July, all breast cancer clients in San Francisco will be able to access grocery services.
For more information about Project Open Hand's nutrition services, click here.
How will you cross home plate at AT&T Park? Register now for the first annual Project Open Hand/San Francisco Giants Plate to Plate, a 5K run/walk across home plate at AT&T Park on Sunday, August 12. In addition to the exciting opportunity to cross home plate, your registration also includes a ticket to the baseball game (vs. the Pirates) and admission to a pre-game festival with live music, food and giveaways. Raise pledges for Project Open and earn unique incentive awards!
For more information and to register, visitwww.platetoplate.orgor call .
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