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Sunday, April 12, 2009

SF Junk Mail Registry Passed Board of Supervisors

On March 31st, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors became the first city in the nation to pass a resolution, authored by Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi, calling for the creation of a Do Not Junk Mail registry to give citizens the choice to stop receiving unwanted junk mail.

Although the resolution is non-binding, the fact that San Francisco is the first city to go on record supporting the registry is a milestone we can be proud of.

We'd like to thank all of you who testified at the hearing or wrote emails of support. Supervisor Mirkarimi said of the effort, "reducing junk mail is in keeping with our nation's efforts to reduce our carbon footprint and lead more sustainable lifestyles. Just as Do Not Call overcame industry opposition to become the most popular consumer rights bill in history, I hope that this resolution will empower our representatives on the state and federal level to represent their constituents on this issue."

More info:
- Chronicle editorial
- Chronicle article
- Fox Business News
- Ross Mirkarimi's official city government webpage
- Ross Mirkarimi's personal website


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