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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sarah Palin is Knuckle-Dragging Stupid - Here's Proof

Not only is Sarah Palin woefully incapable of describing the duties of the vice-president, but she doesn't seem to have even the slightest clue as to the meaning of the word "socialist".

She has repeatedly accused Barack Obama of being a socialist because he wants to end tax breaks to the very wealthy in this country and redistribute some of that wealth back where it belongs - with the people of the United States. That doesn't make Barack Obama a socialist. That makes Barack Obama a patriot.

Just for the record: Sarah Palin is governor of the most socialist state in the union; Alaska.

Some time back Alaskans decided that the wealth being provided to them by the oil companies was the communal wealth of the people of the state and profits should be distributed directly to them. Actually, it's a pretty good idea. To this day Alaskans receive dividend checks from the State of Alaska. If that is not socialism, then I guess I just don't have the right hockey mom attitude. You betcha.

Sarah Palin, a major-party candidate for vice-president, has no idea what the job of the vice-president is. She said she thought the vice-president is "in charge of the senate". Is Palin really that stupid or does she have a few loose screws we don't know about?

Now Palin is going about the country accusing Barack Obama of being a socialist (which he is not) while she is governor of the most socialist state in the union (which she is).

I think this particular hockey puck mom is just plain knuckle-dragging stupid.

A good source for information not skewed and screwed (like the crap on Fox Noise Network) is Chris Matthews' Hardball program on MSNBC. Kieth Olbermann's Countdown show and Rachel Maddow's Show are also very good.

For some really great links where you can stay cutting-edge on election night, please see: Election Results Breaking News Sources - San Francisco and California

Finally, here is a short video of a stupified Sarah Palin stumbling and bumbling along in an embarrassing attempt to answer a simple question put to her by Katie Couric, 'What newspapers do you read? Can you name any?"

Now, take a look at the future here.


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