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Saturday, March 03, 2007

Cellphone Porn Wankers

It may not be long at all before we witness a driver speeding along the freeway who rams right into the back of a slower moving car in front ... or even worse ... drifts across the line and crashes head-on into an approaching driver.

When that happens today we suspect that the driver of the offending car is either under the influence of alcohol or drugs ... or ... talking on his or her cell phone. Yap, yap, yap.

Very soon things may take a dive for the worse.

As an article on today's CNET News describes, whether it's on a mobile phone or at a newsstand, sex sells--and as more people get access to high-speed wireless networks, cell phones could be a hot platform for porn. By 2011, adult content will account for $3.3 billion worth of mobile content sales out of a total of $77 billion in entertainment revenue, according to Juniper Research.

So, think you're running the gauntlet when you venture out onto the freeways with half-awake, under-educated, cigarette-smoking, yap-yap-talking, french-fry-stuffing, repulsive fatso ghetto mamas at the wheel? Well take a deep breath because things are about to get a lot worse. Now we're going to have bug-eyed, slobber-drooling, knuckle-dragging-dumb studs zipping along at dangerous speeds all the while stroking their gear shift knobs as they watch porn flicks on their itty-bitty, teeny-weeny cell phone screens.

They will be watching the movies, that is, until .... khaaawhommmppppf! The damn fools smash into cars and people and begin the journey that will take them to San Quentin for the rest of their worthless and miserable lives.

Now, I really don't care if all the half-wit drivers in California end up in San Quentin. My concern is not for them, but for the rest of us ... the potential victims.
If someone is so anti-social, unattractive, smelly, repulsive, ill-equipped and ugly that they can't get any from anybody even if they offer to pay ... then the last thing I want is for a damn-fool like that to be driving around watching porn movies on his cell-phone. A person like that is a useless slab of maggoty hamburger ... fit only for the garbage.

Putting porn on cell phones is the absolute best argument I have yet heard for staying off the freeways and using public transportation.
See you on BART and MUNI. I may get there late, but ...I'll get there!


Anonymous said...

AMEN! I'm glad somebody finally said what the rest of us have been secretly thinking anyway.

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