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Monday, March 09, 2009

U. S. Asylum based on Gender Identity Persecution: Transgender Law Center

Gender Persecution

Gender identity persecution is when someone is harmed because they are transsexual, transgender or do not conform to gender stereotypes. Persecution can include threats, attacks, beatings, forced sex, mental abuse and severe economic harm.


Asylum is a U. S. legal mechanism for protecting immigrants who know, or believe, they will be harmed if they go back to their home countries. People who are granted asylum are allowed to stay in the U. S., get a work permit and limited public benefits and eventually get a green card.

Learn More and Get Help Now

To learn more or to speak to someone who can help you, contact:

- The Asylum Program in San Francisco: call

- The Transgender Law Center in San Francisco: call

- or send an email to:

- or go in person to: 870 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94102


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