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Monday, June 16, 2008

SF Redevelopment Agency Gets Fired

The San Francisco Redevelopment Agency's reign of 45 years is coming to an official end on January 1, 2009. Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi has assembled an interagency task force to prepare legislation that examines, anticipates, and obligates a smooth and thorough transition plan from Redevelopment's jurisdisction back to the City and County of San Francisco. Hearings concerning the draft Transition Plan are expected to begin in August.

Residents, former residents, and activists are hopeful that the process of the Western Addition leaving the jurisdiction of the Redevelopment agency and the post-redevelopment future will be a chance for healing and for residents to thrive in one of the City's historical centers of diversity. The process will be complicated, with the Redevelopment Agency turning over authority and jurisdiction to the myriad City agencies that oversee development and infrastructure. Many unresolved issues remain, including the promotion of the use of Certificates of Preference that entitled displaced residents to preference in redeveloped areas. Recent legislation introduced by Supervisor Mirkarimi expanded this program to include all low/moderate income housing in the City.

On Thursday July 10, the Redevelopment Agency will be holding a special meeting focusing on the Western Addition transition and planning efforts.

What: Special Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency
When: Thursday, July 10 at 4 PM
Where: City Hall, Room 250

Shuttle services will be provided. For more information, please call

Redevelopment Agency meetings are generally broadcast on KPOO-FM 89.5

Thanks to Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi's
District Five Report for this reminder. If you would like to receive a free subscription to the email District Five Report please call Supervisor Mirkarimi's office at or send an email to: .



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