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Sunday, June 01, 2008

Golden Gate Park's California Academy of Sciences & Foucault's Pendulum


You have been directed to an out-dated post by your search engine. For current and up-to-date information go to: Parking and Inside Tips for the California Academy of Sciences at Golden Gate Park. (May 2009)

Here is the older, original 2008 story:

Golden Gate Park in San Francisco is the third most visited city park in the United States. New York's Central Park is first and Chicago's Lincoln Park is second. Golden Gate Park is more than 1,000 acres large and contains a number of attractions.

In the photo: an aerial view of San Francisco's Golden Gate Park. Ocean Beach is at the bottom of the photo and the Pacific Ocean is just below, but not shown in the photo. San Francisco Bay sweeps across the left and top of the photo. San Francisco is connected to the continent by a peninsula off-screen at the right. Photo by Frederic Larsen of the San Francisco Chronicle. Click on the photo to enlarge in a separate window.

One of the star attractions is the California Academy of Sciences which, although opened in 1853, is moving into a new facility at the Park which will make it one of the world's most advanced general science academies.

Since its opening day in 1853, the California Academy of Sciences has been dedicated to exploring, explaining, and protecting the natural world. The Academy houses the Steinhart Aquarium, Morrison Planetarium and Kimball Natural History Museum. Construction began in 2005 on the largest cultural renovation project in San Francisco's history. It will reopen on September 27, 2008.

During the renovation, eNews, the Academy's monthly email newsletter will continue to keep the public updated about events, building and exhibit status and fun science facts.

Foucault's Pendulum:

The following story about the Academy's famous Foucault Pendulum is courtesy of the latest issue of the Academy's eNews:

One of the most beloved attractions in the old Academy was the Foucault pendulum, whose everlasting swing entranced and educated visitors from 1951 to 2003. Now the pendulum is back in the swing of things - two weeks ago, exhibit designers suspended it from the ceiling next to the new Morrison Planetarium. After a few successful swings, it was covered with a tarp for protection until its next round of tweaks and tests.

Invented in the 19th century by a French physicist
Léon Foucault, the pendulums provide simple and elegant proof of the Earth's rotation. The Academy's version consists of a 235-pound brass ball attached to a 30-foot-long steel aircraft cable. At the latitude of San Francisco, the plane of the pendulum's swing appears to rotate 220 degrees every day.

One-Hundred Pendulums

Since no rotational forces act on the pendulum, it must be the Earth beneath that is actually rotating. Since the installation of its original pendulum in 1951, the Academy has built replicas for nearly 100 museums and universities worldwide.

About Foucault Pendulums
California Academy of Sciences
Detailed Map of Golden Gate Park (.pdf)
Golden Gate Park Telephone Numbers
Public Transit Trip Planner (info about SF buses, streetcars, lightrail & cable cars)
Conservatory of Flowers at Golden Gate Park
SF Chronicle story about the deYoung Museum at Golden Gate Park
deYoung Museum at Golden Gate Park - website
National AIDS Memorial Grove at Golden Gate Park
Sharon Art Studio at Golden Gate Park
Golden Gate Park Band
Japanese Tea Garden at Golden Gate Park
Golden Gate Park directory from (San Francisco Chronicle)
Japanese Tea Garden - Wikipedia
Golden Gate Park - Wikipedia
Golden Gate Park Carousel and Children's Playground
History of the Golden Gate Park carousel
The Beach Chalet Restaurant at Golden Gate Park and Ocean Beach
San Francisco Parks & Recreation Dept. - lots of helpful links
Photos of Golden Gate Park from (San Francisco Chronicle)
Strybing Arboretum at Golden Gate Park
Garden Court at the Palace Hotel - San Francisco's Most Elegant Brunch (lots of good links!)
San Francisco History Links and Resources (extensive links - lots of information here)
Stern Grove Music Festival, San Francisco, 2008



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