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Monday, June 09, 2008
Project Open Hand needs volunteers for Pride Parade Float
On Sunday June 29, Project Open Hand will march in the San Francisco Pride Parade and they want you to join the POH float and team!POH will also be staffing a beverage booth to raise funds for our food and nutrition programs while raising awareness of POH in the LGBT community. POH would love your support as they celebrate more than 23 years of "meals with love".
If you are planning to join POH during the San Francisco Pride Parade with your friends and family please sign up withat 415.447-2310 so they can be sure to provide enough t-shirts. Every volunteer who registers in advance, either to walk in the parade or work the POH beverage booth, will get a complimentary POH T-shirt.
If you are interested in volunteering to work the Project Open Hand beverage booth click here or email Angela at
You can also support Project Open Hand in the 2008 AIDS WALK San Francisco.Break out your sneakers and walk with the POH team to raise awareness and funds for POH and other AIDS service organizations in the Bay Area. Please register at and select "Project Open Hand-1341" as the team name. All those who register and walk for POH will get a free POH T-Shirt. You can also download a pledge form when you register. Please clickhereto get started.
Since 1985, Project Open Hand has been providing “meals with love” to people living with AIDS and other serious illnesses and to seniors in San Francisco and Alameda County. Project Open Hand has served as a model for over 100 organizations on nearly every continent on the planet.
To read or download the Summer 2008 POH newsletter, Mealtimes, please click here (.pdf fomat).
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