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Friday, April 11, 2008

Sign the Petition: No Torch in Tibet!

Right now, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Executive Members are meeting in Beijing. They have the power to stop China from running the Olympic Torch through Tibet.

to see a video (WARNING: very graphic content) with photos of the IOC Executive Members who will have blood on their hands if the Olympic torch is allowed to go through Tibet.

Allowing the Chinese authorities to take the Olympic torch to Tibet while Tibetans are living under martial law and being shot in the streets for peaceful protest is unconscionable. This is not about sport. This is about human lives and a nation's struggle to survive.

Despite many attempts to communicate this to IOC leaders, they refuse to acknowledge their responsibility in this matter. Help Students for a Free Tibet show them that they ARE responsible and the international community will hold each member personally accountable for the actions of the Chinese authorities inside Tibet.

Click here now to send an email to IOC Executive Members.

To learn more, please visit:



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