Reverend Jeremiah Wright is actively doing everything within his power to assure that Barack Obama does not get the Democratic Party nomination and is not elected President of the United States.
In the photo: Jeremiah Wright during one of his violent, intemperate, vituperative and harshly censorious attacks on his former friend, Barack Obama.
First the shoot-from-the-hip minister shouted out to his congregation, "God Damn America". Then he spoke before the National Press Club in Washington, DC. The comments he made there and his other recent remarks make it very clear that he is no friend of the Barack Obama campaign. If anything, he is Hillary's Holy Helper or McCain's Maniac McWeapon.
It's time for ministerial professionals in this country to remind Jeremiah Wright that he is a minister, not a drug-crazed ego-centric rock star. Wright's brand of Christianity is the loud-mouth in-your-face, arrogant, shouting, vein-popping insanity that some people seem to enjoy. They love their ministers to shout and scream at them. They like their ministers to tell them that while the congregation is innocent, the rest of the country is guilty, guilty, guilty.
Ministers cut from that ugly cloth speak to dysfunctional and angry people with very low self-esteem. They use public unrest as a wedge to build power and influence for themselves. They are cheap snake-oil salesmen. Jeremiah Wright panders to those kind of weak-minded people.
This isn't a "black church" thing, like Jeremiah Wright likes to claim in his defense. Many African-American churches are very animated. The choirs are massive, powerful and dynamic. The gospel music is moving. The sermons are encouraging, challenging and uplifting. That's the kind of experience many African-Americans enjoy on Sunday. Many African-American ministers preach hope and preach love and preach acceptance and preach encouragement.
Jeremiah Wright may have been that kind of preacher at one time, say twenty-years ago, but something happened to Wright. Something in his life went terribly wrong. He became an angry, bitter, mean-spirited man. He preys on weak people and he makes them the victims of his misguided, hateful oratory.
The preponderance of American voters, however, are not weak-minded dysfunctional masochists. They don't like being shouted at and they don't like people who insult the United States of America. They don't like angry misfits telling them how to think. I am one of those Americans.
Jeremiah Wright once hinted that if Barack Obama ever occupies the Oval Office, he will go knocking on President Obama's door. Great. Just what we need: a nut-case as adviser to the President.
Hillary Clinton seemed unable to knock-off Barack Obama. What the Clintons could not do, Obama's own paster is doing. Jeremiah Wright is single-handedly destroying Obama's presidential hope.
I'm reminded of the old saying: "with friends like that, who needs enemies?" Jeremiah Wright is an arrogant self-seeking power-hungry jackass. With credentials like that he may be a closet Republican. That would explain everything.
Barack Obama, the Democratic Party and the people of the United States deserve more respect than Jeremiah Wright is willing to give. Jeremiah Wright is a loser and he wants to drag everyone down with him into the pit of his own personal inner Hell.
Wright is an opportunist who has fallen in love with the hollow sounds of his own words. He loves the lights, the cameras, the TV news coverage and all the attention. He's nothing more than an old bag of hot gas who has an overly inflated opinion of himself. He's a cheap spotlight chaser.
Let's not let this self-centered hate-monger, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Jr., have an impact on our presidential election. Listen and watch for yourself what Barack Obama now says about Wright.
Here's Barack Obama's response to Jeremiah Wright on video courtesy of YouTube:
Pod Story: Jeremiah Wright on the Defensive (from NPR)
Obama Strikes Back: Denouncing Wright (Washington Post)
Obama Denounces Wright (the Atlantic)
Did Jeremiah Wright Blow It? (Chicago Tribune)
Senator Obama Not Black Enough for Jeremiah Wright (Asian Tribune)
Fact Checking Rev. Jeremiah Wright (Fox News)
Wright, Front and Center (MSNBC)
It annoys me that the Republicans making Rev. Wright into the Willy Horton of '08, while blissfully ignoring the rantings of Rev. John Hagee.
How sad this is! I do believe in the spirit of determination. Dr. Wright is completely wrong and he should apologize for his conduct of behavior of being a Pastor of a local church.
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