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Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Vatican Terrorists Attack San Francisco

If you are the CEO of an organization full of child molesters, rapists and sexual deviates, the best way to take the spotlight off your organization is to attack somebody else.

Take the example of a conservative Christian public interest law firm is suing the City of San Francisco for what the law firm says is a "startling attack" on the Roman Catholic Church. The suit claims that the San Francisco Board of Supervisors condemned and attacked the Roman Catholic Church, which they claim, is the poor and innocent victim of the powerful and mighty San Francisco Board of Supervisors.

Despite the availability of a thesaurus the only word I can find to properly describe my response to the suit is: bullshit.

The non-binding resolution passed by the Board of Supervisors reads in part, "It is an insult to all San Franciscans when a foreign country, like the Vatican, meddles with and attempts to negatively influence this great city's existing and established customs and traditions, such as the right of same-sex couples to adopt and care for children in need."

I agree with the Board. The Roman Catholic Church and it's monarch, Joe Ratzinger, is the party guilty of a "startling attack" on the human rights of gay and lesbian San Franciscans.

The law suit, brought on behalf of the conservative right-wing anti-gay, anti-lesbian and anti-human-rights group with the misleading name of the "Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights" and two conservative San Francisco Catholic citizens, is more evidence that the Roman Catholic Church is aligning itself with the past and with the "Old World" ... a place where racism, homophobia and bigotry are seen as being "good, Catholic values".

The developing leaders of the movement to deny gay and lesbian Americans of their civil rights is Joe Ratzinger (who before his election to Pope was nicknamed "The Enforcer") and his Roman Catholic Church. Jerry Falwell has some competition!

The Roman Catholic Church, by the way, is the same bunch who brought us the Spanish Inquisition, burnings-at-the-stake, and the Crusades, which first demonstrated to Islamic people that we are a dangerous and hateful society.

The greatest enemy of the Vatican is progress. Progress threatens the archaic and monolithic structure of Rome. San Francisco is making progress. No wonder the Vatican hates us.

Ratzinger, who interestingly was a member of the Hitler Youth as a boy in Germany, needs to focus on his legions of pedophile priests who abuse, molest and even rape children in the care of his "Holy Mother Church". Listen, Ratzy .... pay attention to the perpetrators of sex crimes within your organization. Remove the plank from your own eye and stop trying to pull tiny specks out of our eyes!

Now ... for those of you who think I'm just an angry "anti-Catholic" I would like you to know that as a young man I attended a Catholic Seminary and was involved in a Catholic Religious Order as well. I know of what I speak. Today I am neither Catholic nor Protestant, Christian or Jew, Buddhist or Muslim. I simply am.
I would appreciate it if Ratzy let us all be who we are and stopped being such a damn control freak.


Anonymous said...

Thiose are pretty strong words, but very true. I am a Catholic and I don't think I would have enough guts to publicly say what you have said about Pope Benedict (Joseph Ratzinger), but I have to admit that pretty much everything you are saying is true. You may be a little harsh, but accurate.

Anonymous said...

You are a bigot yourself. How dare you portray the Holy Father as being guilty of a cover-up. You don't like the Catholic Church because it stands up for traditional families. Shame on you.

Anonymous said...

Wah, wah, wah. Boo, hoo, hoo.

I guess the truth hurts and that is why the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights has filed suit against the City of San Francisco.

They object that the people of San Francisco want to make up their own mind. I guess the Catholic League figures they should be the ones who determine what, when, how and where we conduct our lives.

Well, screw you, Cathloic League. You need to dry up and blow away.

Anonymous said...

In the picture you have it looks like the Pope is on drugs. look at those bags under his eyes. He looks shifty.

Anonymous said...

Sam Spade's San Francisco blog is arrogant and profane. The writer of the blog is in danger of losing his or her immortal soul. His or her blatanmt support for the homosexual lifestyle is at odds with all decent and true moral and ethical teachings of the Roman catholic Church, which is, the one true church!

We, the Catholic Church of San Francisco,
in a communion of faith and charity
with the successor of Peter,
reach out and receive with welcoming arms
all of God's People:

the saint and the sinner; the young and the elderly;
the poor and the rich; the immigrant and the native;
the lost sheep and those still searching.

At this unique moment,
as we stand at the crossroad leading to the Third Millenium,
we recognize ourselves as pilgrim people
called by God and empowered by the Spirit
to be disciples of Jesus Christ.

We pledge ourselves to be
a dynamic and collaborative community of faith
known for its quality of leadership

its celebration of the Eucharist
its proclamation of the Good News
its service to all in need
and its promotion of justice, life and peace.

Rich in diversity of cultures and peoples
and united in faith, hope and love,
we dedicate ourselves to the glory of God.

In this our mission,

we each day seek holiness
and one day heaven.

For more information on the Catholic Community in San Francisco please contact us at:

Anonymous said...

You're entitled to your opinion on the underlying issue, and on the League; I probably agree with you on both; you do your cause no good whatsoever, though, by descending to those bigotted vintage 19th century "Know-Nothing" type remarks dismissing Catholics as foreignors from some alien monarchy. If you can't stick to the facts and the issues and muster a real argument agains church policy, please step out of the way and let non-bigots do it for you.

Anonymous said...

The Catholic Church has consistently fought against recognizing the civil rights of gay and lesbian people. You have every right to speak your opinion on your own blog. A p[revious writer asks you to leave such matters to others, who he identifies as "non bigots" That's like leaving the wolves in charge of protecting the sheep. The way I see it, we don't have to play by that guys rules. We have freedom of speech in this country and particularly so on blogs. If that reader doesn't like it, let him go live in a really repressive dictatorship like the Vatican. Then maybe that poor fool will develop a better understanding of freedom of speech.

- Mark, a recovering ex-Catholic and Out Gay Man

Anonymous said...

The Catholic Church IS an alien monarchy and the monarch is a foreigner and yes, he should be dismissed!

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