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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Neighborhood Emergency Response Team

I received an anonymous comment relative to San Francisco's Neighborhood Emergency Response Team. The comment is succinct and describes the NERT program so well, I decided to reprint it here. The original story, for which this comment was intended, follows immediately after. Scroll down to read it.

As always, I encourage comments from anyone and they may be posted anonymously if you wish. To leave a comment, click on the comments link at the bottom of any story.

Here is the anonymous NERT comment:

"Thank you for your story about the Neighborhood Emergency Response Team (NERT) which is sponsored and supervised by the San Francisco Fire Department. When a disaster strikes San Francisco (whether it is earthquake, tsunami, terrorist attack or other disaster), NERT will act as a ready-reserve trained citizen guard for the SFFD. NERT members are part of the City of San Francisco's emergency services force. NERT training is completely free and is provided by the SFFD. Thank you again for your kind mention of NERT and the SFFD." - Anonymous


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