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Monday, April 17, 2006

True San Franciscans - Meet at 5:12 AM

If you missed the 1906 Earthquake and Fire Expo 2006 you missed a terrific event! Vintage fire fighting equipment from throughout California crowded the huge parking area in front of Pier 48. Fire Departments from as far away as Los Angeles brought their best and finest and proudest restored fire trucks, pumpers, hook-and-ladder trucks and 19th Century horse-drawn steam pumpers.

The San Francisco Fire Department offered tours aboard the Phoenix, the fireboat made famous during the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake. The Phoenix was dispatched to the Marina cove where it pumped water to SFFD firefighters battling blazes in the hard-hit Marina district of the City.

The Golden Gate Park Brass Band played songs that were popular in 1906 and dozens of local, state and federal emergency service agencies were on hand with information, educational programs and displays. All-in-all it was a polished, entertaining, informative and thoroughly enjoyable event.

Lotta's Fountain - Tomorrow Morning!

BART will begin running trains tomorrow at 4 AM to bring San Franciscans downtown to Lotta's Fountain for the official 1906 Earthquake and Fire Commemoration. This is an event that weeds out the johnny-come-lately people who live in San Francisco from long-time San Franciscans and native San Franciscans. My own family, by the way, first came to San Francisco in 1849.

Lotta's Fountain is on the spot where Kearny and Geary Streets meet Market Street (

We will do what we have done for decades. We will gather in front of Lotta's Fountain at 5:12 AM to commemorate the Great Earthquake and Fire. Church bells will sound throughout the City. More than a dozen centenarian survivors of the Earthquake will be special guests of honor. Mayor Newsom and the Board of Supervisors will be on hand for the ceremony.

At precisely 5:12 AM there will be silence in honor of those who lost their lives in the Great Earthquake and Fire. That will be followed by police and fire department sirens wailing as loud as they can. Giant video screens will be set-up to accommodate overflow crowds. As many as 20,000 true San Franciscans are expected to attend.

A special event at Lotta's Fountain will honor San Francisco Police Officer Max Fenner, who died in the Earthquake trying to save a young woman from a collapsing building on Mason Street near Ellis. SFPD Chief Heather Fong will posthumously award Officer Fenner the Purple Heart.

Mayor Gavin Newsom will place the memorial wreath and lead San Franciscans in the singing of the song, "San Francisco". The United States Army National Guard Band is expected to perform.

Beginning at 10 AM, the San Francisco Fire Department will lead a parade from City Hall to Justin Herman Plaza. The parade will include historic SFFD equipment including horse-drawn steam pumpers and vintage fire-fighting vehicles from throughout Northern California. It will the largest gathering of firefighters and fire equipment in the City's history.

This is an event for true San Franciscans. So often we host events planned for tourists, visitors and newcomers to the City. These events are planned for the remaining "core" of real San Franciscans who trace roots back to and sometimes beyond the 1906 Earthquake and Fire.

For more information please visit the special site created by the San Francisco Chronicle here.


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