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Thursday, April 27, 2006

Condoleezza Rice Discriminates Against HIV Employees

If you have HIV, you will not be hired as a Foreign Service Officer by the U.S. State Department. You are not wanted and you will be discriminated against.

Condoleezza Rice does not want you!

It'’s true. Right now, the U.S. State Department bars people with HIV from jobs in the Foreign Service, no matter how healthy or qualified for the job they are. Lambda Legal thinks this is wrong and medical experts agree. It's also against the law.

Condoleezza Rice can make a change ... if she wants to

Lambda Legal is fighting the government's discriminatory policy in two court cases. We need your help in the court of public opinion.
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice can change this policy. She has the authority to stop the discrimination if she chooses to do so.

Take Action Now

Please add your name to the petition below and tell her that the government must not discriminate against people with HIV. Lambda Legal will hand-deliver the petition with thousands of signatures to the Secretary of State'’s office in May.
To sign the petition or learn more visit Lambda legal here.

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Anonymous said...

The principal lawsuit before the Court of Appeals was brought by State Department job applicant Lorenzo Taylor who sued Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice.

Taylor argued that the State Department's ban on all HIV positive employees for Foreign Service posts violates the U.S. Rehabilitation Act, which bars the government from discriminating against people with disabilities, including HIV.

Current federal law requires that the government provide "reasonable accommodations" for people with disabilities.

The Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia will hand doiwn a decision later this year.


She is such a BITCH!

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