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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Obama's Motor Mouth Minister is Hillary's Holy Helper

In San Francisco many of us view religion from the perspective of the nonparticipant observer. Such a viewpoint affords us the opportunity for a more clear view, one that is objective and not tainted by denominational preferences.

Loud-mouth ministers and pastors are not something unknown to us. After all, San Francisco was home to Rev. Jim Jones and his infamous People's Temple. San Francisco was also home to the late Anton Szandor LeVey, High Priest of the Church of Satan. No politician in his or her right mind would want to be associated with nuts like those two, so why on Earth is Barack Obama so closely tied to Chicago's resident nut-case minister, Rev. Jeremiah Wright?

Americans want to know that their president is calm, statesman-like, objective, dignified and not given to wild and radical reaction - certainly not given to hate rhetoric. Barack Obama's wild-voiced, screaming, jumping, clown-acting minister, who insults the United States in his sermons, is the last guy on the planet anyone running for president would want in his or her closet.

Suddenly Hillary looks a little taller and a little more presidential when we consider the clown who is Barack Obama's minister.
Rev. Jeremiah "God Damn America" Wright may be the wrong spokesman for Obama, but he sure seems to be one Hell of a Holy Helper to Hillary!



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