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Sunday, March 16, 2008
McCain is Boots-Down in Iraq while Hillary Whimpers & Barack Explains
Hey Democrats! What's wrong with this picture?
While Hillary and Bill travel the country spreading dirt and gossip about Barack - and while Barack travels the country trying to explain to us why his nut-case Chicago pastor is not somebody he really pays attention to - while both Democratic candidates are taking their song-and-dance vaudeville shows on the circuit, John McCain is boots-down in Iraq.
Among the three of them, which one seems more presidential to you? Is it Hillary, who is rushing about the country with her loose-cannon husband, both of whom attack their Democrat opponent every time their mouths open? Is it the Hillary and Bill Team?Are they behaving in a presidential way?
How about Barack Obama? He seemed very Lincoln-like and presidential until we saw video of his pastor jumping up and down screaming "God Damn America!" The minister looked a lot like he was doing some bizarre impression of Jerry Lewis doing his old slapstick act. To make it worse, the guy officiated at Barack and Michelle's wedding. They both have deep roots to this wacko minister. So, with Barack dragging around an albatross like that, how presidential does he look at the moment?On top of that, the time he spends defending himself against Hillary and the time he spends attacking Hillary, suggests Barack is not above the silliness, but rather that he is a part of the silliness. How presidential is that?
Or is John McCain - the decorated American war hero, former POW and distinguished senator with decades of experience, who is currently in Iraq with our troops and in the middle of a multi-stop international goodwill tour - is he behaving in a presidential way?
You bet he is.
If Hillary and Barack don't shut the hell up and stop the goddam bickering, they're going to lose the general election.America will not vote for either one of those bickering political siblings when American father figure John McCain is on the ballot!
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