Published since 2005. San Francisco is a city that belongs to the people of the world. Hence this blog has a global focus. The name "Sam Spade's San Francisco" refers to an exciting era in the City's history, the time of Dashiell Hammett's fictional gumshoe and San Francisco character, Sam Spade. My name is Tom Dunn and I edit the blog. I'm not as exciting as Sam Spade, but I am definitely a San Francisco character.Contact or on Twitter -- Search blog below.
George Bush did just the opposite. He started out telling us all that he is a skilled statesman and was deserving to lead our country. He convinced enough people of that lie to be elected president, which shows just how many damn fools we have casting votes in this country.
In real life, however, George Bush turned out to be the barbarian.
The execution of Saddam Hussein was an absolute disgrace.
President Bush chose to bypass theinternational tribunalcreated to handle trials of international leaders. The idea of trying national rulers in a world court grew out of the Nuremberg war crime trials in the late 1940's. It was the United States that argued before the world that even Nazi criminals were entitled to competent andun-intimidatedattorneys who are free to complete their case in a jurisprudence system that is fair, free and unbiased.
Bush destroyed sixty years of international good will and he substantially damaged theintegrityof our own criminal justice system by handing Saddam over to akangaroocourt where testimony was rushed and defense attorneys were murdered in mid-case. While the prosecutionbenefitedfrom U.S. investigators andadvisers, the defense was not only unable to gather much by way of defense, but even some the defense attorneys themselves were intimidated, assaulted and even murdered.
In this country such problems would bring the trial to an instant halt. The Justice Department would launch an intense investigation. The venue would be changed. Attorneys and witnesses would be protected.
George Bush knew what was the right thing to do. Hedeliberatelychose not to do the right thing.The execution of Saddam Hussein was one of the ugliest acts I have ever known. Even Iraq's president,JalalTalabanirefused to sign a decree upholding the death sentence. Under Iraqi law the execution could not proceed without PresidentTalabani'ssignature and he refused.
George Bush arrogantly responded by illegally spiriting Saddam out of prison and handing him over to a rowdy bunch of lawless mob-mentality angry Shiites. From there he was hanged while a crowd of onlookers shouted insults at Hussein and broadcast videos of his hanging ... including images of Saddam's grotesquely twisted neckhangingfrom a rope in mid air. It was execution by a lawless mob, not by any legitimate government and certainly void of any benefit of law.
Imperial America, under George Bush, recognizes no boundaries of nationalsovereigntyandrecognizesno law above itself. Even worse, George Bush does not honor, respect and obey the laws of his own country. George Bush is a close as the nation has ever come to a dictator.
No man is above the law, but George Bush has come closer to setting himself above the law than any other president this nation has ever had. George Bush has no respect for the Constitution, no respect for the Congress, no respect for the American people and no respect for international law. He is a renegade and a criminal.George Bush is an embarrassment to his father, a humiliation to the Republican Party and an enemy of the Constitution. He is a disgrace to the office of the presidency. His legacy is dismal and humiliating to us all.
And the 59,054,087 people who voted for that jackass ought to feel thoroughly ashamed of themselves.
gillesroy said...
Political designs behind Saddam’s execution :
1. Saddam is clearly the scapegoat for an international war syndicate, which includes many in our current political leadership, both in front and behind the scenes. Evacuating due process, controlling evidence and terrorizing the defense team were all par for the course in Saddam’s trial. A key reason for the speedy road to execution, was to eliminate a prominent player and key witness of this international criminal war conspiracy, thereby avoid further indictment of members of our leadership, many of whom have been accessory to Saddam’s actual crimes.
2. To « bookend » media fatigue and public indifference, re : Saddam’s trial. The whole point of the « trial » was to deliver a quick public execution, and thereby feed the hunger for blood so brilliantly cultivated in Western public opinion. An execution gives sense of heightened drama, and inaugurates the next round of intensified bloodshed in the region… and beyond.
3. Lastly, to make Saddam a martyr for (gasp!) sympathisers, thereby deepening chaos in the middle-east over a longer period of time. Certainly, the US-led war in Iraq can be called a success insofar as its central purpose has been to aid the spreading of chaos in the Middle-East.
Political designs behind Saddam’s execution :
1. Saddam is clearly the scapegoat for an international war syndicate, which includes many in our current political leadership, both in front and behind the scenes. Evacuating due process, controlling evidence and terrorizing the defense team were all par for the course in Saddam’s trial. A key reason for the speedy road to execution, was to eliminate a prominent player and key witness of this international criminal war conspiracy, thereby avoid further indictment of members of our leadership, many of whom have been accessory to Saddam’s actual crimes.
2. To « bookend » media fatigue and public indifference, re : Saddam’s trial. The whole point of the « trial » was to deliver a quick public execution, and thereby feed the hunger for blood so brilliantly cultivated in Western public opinion. An execution gives sense of heightened drama, and inaugurates the next round of intensified bloodshed in the region… and beyond.
3. Lastly, to make Saddam a martyr for (gasp!) sympathisers, thereby deepening chaos in the middle-east over a longer period of time. Certainly, the US-led war in Iraq can be called a success insofar as its central purpose has been to aid the spreading of chaos in the Middle-East.§ion=opinion&col=
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