Published since 2005. San Francisco is a city that belongs to the people of the world. Hence this blog has a global focus. The name "Sam Spade's San Francisco" refers to an exciting era in the City's history, the time of Dashiell Hammett's fictional gumshoe and San Francisco character, Sam Spade. My name is Tom Dunn and I edit the blog. I'm not as exciting as Sam Spade, but I am definitely a San Francisco character.Contact or on Twitter -- Search blog below.
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Thursday, January 25, 2007
Gavin Newsom's Passion
TheBay Area Reporterran a story aboutMayor Gavin Newsom's passion for his job and his determination to run for a second term. The article referenced an old story that appeared in theChroniclebyMatier and Rossthat quoted the Mayor as saying that he wasn't sure he wanted a second term.
Sometimes Matier and Ross are a couple of spoons. They like to stir the pot and keep rumors and discontent swirling. I admit that I read them regularly and have for years. Like most people I agree with them sometimes and sometimes not.
Gavin Newsom made things clear during his interview with theBAR. The Mayor said, "I just have a passion beyond ... it is hard for me to describe the intensity of the passion I have for this city. It's a privilege of growing up here and giving a damn," he said. "The hard part of when you grow up here is when you see the graffiti, you see the guy panhandling and the potholes. It is hard."
Those words stuck with me. I recognize the feeling he is describing and I understand exactly the passion he feels. My family first came to San Francisco in 1849. I too have a passion for my City, my Home, that is difficult to describe to people who do not have deep roots. It is truly a passion and it is absolutely intense. And, yes ... it is very hard seeing deterioration in the City and it is even more difficult to see so many people living in San Francisco who obviously don't give a damn about our City and our Home.
If I were mayor, I'd take a baseball bat and run the corner crack sellers, the panhandlers, the wife-beaters, the shoplifters and the street-corner robbers right out of town. I'd be out of office and in jail in no time.
That's why we need Gavin Newsom re-elected. He has the roots and the passion and he has the patience, the goodness and the intelligence to run the City far better than anyone I know ... myself most certainly included.
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