Well, maybe not "hundreds of thousands" as expected by organizers, but there was a respectable number of tens of thousands who took to the streets in many of America's largest cities, San Francisco included.
The President has made it clear that he does not intend to listen to anyone outside of his delusional inner circle when it comes to resolving the mess he has created in Iraq. This weekend hundreds of thousands of antiwar demonstrators are taking to to the streets in just about every major city in the country.
The last time we saw this kind of massive up-swelling was during the Vietnam War and the Texan in the White House at the time was Lyndon Johnson.
The big march in Washington today is organized by United for Peace and Justice, a coalition of 1,400 local and national organizations, including the National Organization for Women, United Church of Christ, the American Friends Service Committee, True Majority, Military Families Speak Out, Iraq Veterans Against the War, the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, CodePink, MoveOn.org, and September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows.
If you can't make it downtown today for our own protest, you can join in the Washington Virtual March here. You can also watch You Tube coverage of the Washington March .
For on-going coverage of the peace movement and to read the leading voice of the progressive democratic movement in America, point your browser toward The Nation.
And tonight in San Francisco! ...
Congressman Dennis Kucinich on Ending the War in Iraq
- UU Church, Geary and Franklin
- 7:00pm Tonight
Congressman Dennis Kucinich speaks on Bush's escalation,and what it will take to end funding for the US war in Iraq. Also speaking: Carolyn Ho, mother of Lt. Ehren Watada, the first military officer to be court-martialed for refusing to deploy to Iraq. Recently added: Rep. Barbara Lee! $5-10 sliding scale. First Unitarian Universalist Church (at Franklin and Geary. Take the #38 bus from Montgomery BART or walk from Civic Ctr BART. Street and paid parking at Cathedral Hill Hotel). More info
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