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Saturday, January 27, 2007
Pelosi is Boots Down and Forward Deployed
The last time a Speaker of the U. S. House of Representatives exercised the full power of that office was when Sam Rayburn held the position. The phrase, "a jackass can kick a barn down, but it takes a carpenter to build one," is attributed to Rayburn.
PHOTO: Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi meet in Baghdad, Friday Jan 26, 2007, in this image released by the Iraqi Government. Pelosi has been a sharp critic of the Bush administration's conduct of the war and has led a drive in Congress against sending 21,500 more troops to the effort as part of a new security crackdown in Baghdad. Man in the center is an unidentified translator. (AP Photo/Iraqi Government)
It looks like Nancy Pelosi is very possibly going to surpass Sam Rayburn and become the most powerful Speaker this nation has yet seen. If she can learn to be a good carpenter, those kills will serve her well, because she is going toe-to-toe with a jackass president who has kicked the barn down.
This past week Speaker Pelosi has gone to Baghdad to see for herself exactly what is going on over there. Today she is in Islamabad to meet with Pakistan's president, Pervez Musharraf. The meeting is not a social visit nor is it strictly fact-finding. Nancy is putting those people on notice!
This month the Democrats introduced a billthat would link American aid for Pakistan's military with the degree that nation combats Taliban militants, which on again on the rise. The bill would require President Bush to personally certify that the Pakistani government is doing everything possible to seal its border with Afghanistan to prevent Taliban guerrilla movement, and, actively searching out and eliminating Taliban military cells hiding inside Pakistan. The success of that bill depends on the intelligence, willingness and abilities of George W. Bush to correctly interpret what is going on. That is what has House Democrats (and the rest of the free world) worried.
So, the Speaker of the House has personally gone into forward deployment and she is "boots down" in both Baghdad and Islamabad. Finally, it looks like the United States of America has a responsible, capable, honest and powerful civilian leader on the scene.
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