Published since 2005. San Francisco is a city that belongs to the people of the world. Hence this blog has a global focus. The name "Sam Spade's San Francisco" refers to an exciting era in the City's history, the time of Dashiell Hammett's fictional gumshoe and San Francisco character, Sam Spade. My name is Tom Dunn and I edit the blog. I'm not as exciting as Sam Spade, but I am definitely a San Francisco character.Contact or on Twitter -- Search blog below.
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Thursday, July 20, 2006
Voyage to the Bottom of the San Francisco Seafloor
There is a great photo-story on today's CNet News. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)has released a fascinating series of high-tech computer-enhanced images revealing what the bottom of San Francisco Bay and the approach to the Golden Gate looks like. The image shown here reveals a vast rippled field of underwater sand dunes that stretch well out into the Pacific Ocean on the continental shelf.
To see the entire collection go to the CNet slide show here.
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