With Senator James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma) calling global warming the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people and former Vice-President Al Gore touring the country promoting his book and documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, the issue of climate change is on everyone's front burner. You can read some of Inhofe's claims here.
Inhofe, who branded himself as a shallow-thinking Bible-pounder with his rambling comments on the Senate floor regarding the failed Federal Marriage Amendment (read them here) is stepping up to the plate a second time to prove once more he is swinging at a ball that's not there.
Tonight at 9 PM on the Discovery Channel Tom Brokaw will be examining the facts with an unprecedented network of scientists from around the globe. Global Warming: What You Need to Know is a 2-hour special that skillfully decodes the buzzwords and provides viewers with an arsenal of clear definitions. Brokaw interviews scientists who set the story straight on greenhouse gases, rising sea levels in America's coastal cities (like San Francisco!), and exactly what we can expect in the future, both far and very, very near!
In the photo above we see two views of Portage Glacier
near Anchorage, Alaska.
The view on the top was taken around 1950.
The bottom photo shows the same glacier in July, 2001.
The glacier has retreated deep around the corner and is almost out of site.
A glacial lake remains where the glacier stood for many thousands of years.
Today, were a photo taken of the same glacier, the ice would be completely gone.
It has all melted.
near Anchorage, Alaska.
The view on the top was taken around 1950.
The bottom photo shows the same glacier in July, 2001.
The glacier has retreated deep around the corner and is almost out of site.
A glacial lake remains where the glacier stood for many thousands of years.
Today, were a photo taken of the same glacier, the ice would be completely gone.
It has all melted.
Perhaps most interesting is Brokaw's interviews with NASA's top climate scientist, Dr. James Hansen and Princeton University scientists and professors Michael Oppenheimer and Stephen Pacala. In clear and unambiguous terms they outline the real and true state of the planet and predict Earth's climactic future.
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