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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Box Monster

Most of us have seen the Bushman. He is an enterprising fellow who sits on a milk crate at Fisherman's Wharf holding bush branches in front of him to hide from sight. As tourists stroll along Jefferson Street the Bushman rattles the branches and growls. The tourists are almost always startled and most drop something into the donations can always by the Bushman's side.

There is a video circulating across the Internet of the Box Monster. This is a great idea for an enterprising street performer. All the performer needs is a few cardboard boxes and a good corner where a lot of tourists pass.

Watch the short video of the Box Monster and you will see the opportunities!

A box monster would be a great addition to the Bushman's performances. A box monster would also be a refreshing change from those I-can-stand-perfectly-still-with-a-panhanlding-cup-in-my-hand street performers who have become so tired and annoying.

And by the way ... if you would like to see the now-famous video of George Bush attempting to massage the German Chancellor's neck (and the Chancellor throws up her arms with an expression on her face that can best be described as yuck), you will find it here.


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