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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Google Changes Vets Day Logo to Honor U. S. Coast Guard

Google, the search engine and advertising powerhouse that is just about set to take over the world, is catching some real grief over their original Veterans Day logo (shown above).
In celebration of a special event or holiday, Google often creates special designs (they call it a “doodle”) of the Google logo.  Yesterday, they followed suit with a Veterans Day doodle depicting the Google logo with four military style hats draped over some of the letters.  However due to complaints, Google changed the logo to add a fifth hat.
What did they leave out?  The Coast Guard!  :
Today is Veterans Day in the U.S., a day to honor all veterans of military service. As we often do, we created a special design of the Google logo (which we call a “doodle”) in honor of the event. The design for the doodle featured a few military-style hats. We weren’t trying to represent all of the branches or all of the symbols of military service and, as a result of space and design limitations, we inadvertently left the U.S. Coast Guard out of our depiction.
Understandably, we have heard from many veterans and Coast Guard members, and have now posted an updated version of our Veterans Day doodle, including all five branches of the military.
Our sincere apologies for what may seem like a slight — this was not in any way our intention. Our thanks to those of you who were alert enough to catch our omission and diligent enough to tell us about it. Thank you very much to all current and former Coast Guard members for your outstanding service. And finally, thank you very much to all U.S. veterans, for protecting our nation and the ideals it stands for.
Thank you Google (and all veterans of course) for acknoledging the complaints, writing this apology and creating this new logo!
Thanks to gCaptain, a great blog and much more for those interested in the U. S. Coast Guard and the maritime industry. I highly recommend it to you

For more information please look over these other posts from Sam Spade's San Francisco:
Coast Guard Rescues sailors remotely from 3,500 Miles Away - It's AMVER!
USCG: America's First Line of Defense - Tribute to CG-6505
U. S. Coast Guard: Facts, Links, Photos
Coast Guard D11 Changes Command
U. S. Coast Guard's 218th Birthday - Happy Birthday from San Francisco!
USS Potomac - the San Francisco Presidential Bay Cruise - President Roosevelt's    government yacht and former USCGC Electra (WOC-197)


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