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Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Lennar Corp project for SF's Hunters Point is environmental disaster

An urgent message from the Sierra Club,
San Francisco Bay Chapter
Hunters Point Redevelopment Could Destroy Parkland, Increases Vehicle Traffic

The Lennar Corporation's proposed redevelopment of Hunters Point/Candlestick Park, as it is currently envisioned, would transfer existing city and state parkland to developers to build mostly market-rate housing along the waterfront.

The FEIR does not require the Navy to properly remediate contaminated soil, but rather accepts the Navy’s proposal to cap the landfill. It’s crucial that this land be cleaned up, not covered.

Lennar plans to build an unnecessary bridge over Yosemite Slough to carry buses creating noise levels of 75 decibels. The bridge would be adjacent to a wetland restoration project, and home to threatened bird, the Western Snowy Plover. Sierra Club is greatly in support of the proposed alternate route around Yosemite Slough, which would only add 1 min and 49 seconds to rider commute time.

The project also takes away 23 acres of parkland – narrowing the park to as little as 100-200 feet wide in some areas. The park is a great regional habitat for over 180 documented wildlife species, and a great source of our area’s biodiversity. With up to 25,000 new residents in the area, we need more parkland, not less.

Please take a minute to urge the Board of Supervisors to make this project as green as possible. Click here to go directly to the Sierra Club, San Francisco Bay Chapter. Sign the letter.


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