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Thursday, May 13, 2010

King Kamehameha Day 2010 in Hawaii and Aloha Festival in San Francisco

King Kamehameha Day in Hawai'i will be Friday, June 11, 2010. It is an official Hawai'i state holiday. King Kamehameha Day was proclaimed in 1871 by King Kamehameha V, to honor his great grandfather, King Kamehameha I.

The 94th Annual Honolulu King Kamehameha Parade will take place Saturday, June 12th starting at 9:30 am, Honolulu.

In San Francisco the 16th annual San Francisco Aloha Festival will be a two-day celebration on Saturday and Sunday, August 7th and 8th at the Presidio near Golden Gate Bridge.
The first King Kamehameha Day was on June 11, 1872, and it was one of the first holidays to be proclaimed when Hawai'i became a state in 1959.
About the photo: Every year on King Kamehameha Day, all of the state, statues of the ruler are draped with strands of fresh flower lei. Click to enlarge in a separate window or tab. Sorry, don't know the photographer, but it's a great shot and it is appreciated. Mahalo.
Floral Parades
On several islands. The Oahu parade goes from the 'Iiolani Palace to Kapiolani Park.
`Iolani Palace was the official residence of the Hawaiian Kingdom's last two monarchs--King David Kalakaua, who built the Palace in 1882, and his sister and successor, Queen Lili`uokalani. During the monarchy period, the Palace was the center of social and political activity in the Kingdom of Hawai`i. By the way - King David Kalakaua died at the Palace Hotel in San Francisco in 1891.
Draping Ceremonies
Evening draping ceremony, in whch the Kamehameha Statue that is between the Ali'iolani Hale and the 'Iolani Palace, and the one in Kohala, are draped with long strands of flower lei.
Cultural Celebrations
In Kapiolani Park in Honolulu and in North Kohala. After the parade there is a Ho‘olaule‘a or block party with food and music. Cultural arts, Hawaiian crafts and Island games are scattered throughout Kapiolani Park and there will be other events planned by the Bishop Museum, the premier Hawaiian cultural institution.
Ho'oluale'a on Kaua'i
This ho'oluale'a is da kine! The party celebrates the birthday of King Kamehameha the Great. Starting off the day with a Floral Parade filled with floats, walking units, decorated vehicles, mounted horse units, and beautiful Pa`u Princess representing each of the Hawaiian Islands. Followed by 3 hours of entertainment, food and crafters. More info from

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