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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Jet Blue's Sleepy Pilots

Great Balls of Fire, have you read this one?

Until now I have been of the opinion that Jet Blue is a pretty good airline. The people I know who regularly fly Jet Blue seemed pleased ... BUT ... what lurks just below the surface of the image?

Kristin Philiposki, writing in her blog, Bodyhack, and printed in Wired Blogs, writes this: "Jet Blue wanted to squeeze just a few more working hours out of its pilots but it needed the facts to prove that a change in FAA regulations wouldn't lead to a spate of crashes and flight errors. Its solution? Hook up 30 odd pilots to monitoring devices and make them illegally work in excess of FAA protocol in a makeshift clinical trial. Not only does such an experiment violate every ethical law in the book, it also makes hundreds, if not thousands, of passengers unwitting participants in a clinical trial that could possibly end in a fireball on the tarmac."

Read the rest of Kristin's story here.


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